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The bald and the beautiful

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Everything posted by The bald and the beautiful

  1. A jacket or sleeves isn't going to hide those Guns! I think you're in really good shape full stop and the fact that you are in your 50s is really impressive. All the best to you and I hope the transplant is the icing on the cake. Ps I could do with a few training tips because I keep on picking up a shoulder injury and its really getting on my nerves.
  2. It's a bit too early to say on the progress of your transplant but it looks nice and clean and the hair line design looked good. I don't think anyone is going to be looking at your hair fella there all going to be looking at the muscle definition on your arms, looking good! Hope everything grows in the way you are hoping for.
  3. I don't know anything about Dr Bauman He could be the best for all I know very unlikely from what little I have read but I have read numerous posts by Sparky who is a genuine fella who got butchered and just wants to help people avoid the pain he has gone through, admirable if you ask me! There is nothing wrong with fitting toilets, some of these butchers who call themselves Doctors should have Sparky come round and fit toilets in there clinics, oh I forgot they don't need them they just shit directly onto their patients!
  4. Try alternating using the liquid in the morning and the Rogaine foam in the evening. I defiantly find the foam less irritating to my sensitive scalp. The fragrance will have worn off by the morning so you won't smell like a tart. If you leave the foam in your hands for a couple of seconds the heat from your hands will turn it into liquid form, this might help with it getting stuck on your hair instead of reaching your scalp. (Every time the foam gets stuck in your hair think thank fuck I still have hair for this stuff to get stuck in.)
  5. Thanks for your comprehensive response, regarding Fin I used to take this religiously for many years but didn't respond! I started another thread asking if anyone was taking a higher dose and getting any benefits because I am not averse to giving it another crack at a higher dose. I have just ordered some foam on your recommendation, so fingers crossed let's hope it works for me. Cheers fella's
  6. I've never heard that but it's kind of scary!! I got my GP to look over the clinical trial data before I started taking Fin and he thought it would be safe from the trial results if that's any comfort?
  7. (I posted this b4 but in the wrong section!) I've used regaine in the past but never consistently enough. When I had a decent amount of hair I used it once a day for a year. I didn't use it twice a day as recommended because it used to get stuck in my hair and was a general pain in the arse. I would say I was now a diffuse norward 6 the days of anything getting stuck in my hair would be nice to have back, what's the best topical to give that diffuse hair a second chance at life?
  8. Does anybody want to throw their hat in the ring and help me out on this subject? Is anyone on a higher dose than 1.5mg a day and are you getting any benefits from the higher dosage or increased side effects?
  9. Thanks for replying. Your right I was cutting up the 5mg pill, religiously I may add! I had no side effects from the tablets; well to be honest I had no effects from the tablet at all. I reverted to the Fin because the dosage could be regulated better because the tablet could be divided. I know the tablet is used at 5mg but that's by older people, my concerns are more related to having children in the future which isn't a concern for the older chap. I see you're an online consultant for Dr Rahal. He is one of the surgeons I am considering his hair lines are fantastic and his scars are very neat. The other is Hanson and Wong because I am going to need a lot of work.
  10. Hi Fella's I have being a regular visitor to this site and others for many years now, this is my first post! I have been thinking about getting a hair transplant for a long, long time and whilst I've been thinking about it I've continued to go bald. A little bit of my history, I started finastaride whilst I was relatively young and still had most of my hair; to put it bluntly it did jack shit!!! I continued to lose my hair; I stayed on it for a couple of years with no real benefit. When Avodart was released in the UK I went over to that unfortunately that also did jack shit. I stayed on avodart for about a year and a half and then went back to fin for another year or so, about two maybe three years ago I thought sod this am not taking this anymore it isn't doing anything. I've read on the forums recently of people being advised to take half a fin tablet if they had not responded to the medication like myself. Has anyone had any positive or negative reactions from increasing the dose? I am considering trying fin again at a higher dose but I am worried if this is safe and if it would actually make a difference anyway. I posted this question on another site but I didn't get much feedback. Thanks in advance.
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