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Posts posted by bdkhalabi

  1. Thanks for all that have replied!

    @J.A.C To be honest, I’d just rather go through with a HT than “keep what I have left”. I feel like my hair is too thin and fine that there’s really no point in maintaining what is already a damaged product, you know? And I totally agree that price shouldn’t be the only factor when considering a HT, but if can get a better deal from a doctor with proven results then why not? My fear is that all these clinics tend to raise their prices every year so now is the cheapest I can get it haha. 

    @Gatsby What does medical therapy entail? Do you mean minoxidil and finasteride? I’ve been on the former for a few years and I’m hopping back on the latter now. 

    @Melvin- Moderator Yeahh I’m currently residing in Houston. Thanks to your videos I learned about the dermmatch concealer! Wish there was a way to save my receding hairline though haha


    @NARMAK I’ll definitely consider those options man. I just have to admit; losing my hair is a blow to my self esteem and it sucks watching it get worse. I feel like there’s a ceiling to how much medication will help and I just want the ultimate cure. 

  2. Hello everyone! 

    Recently discovered this website from Reddit and love all the information I’ve learned and read from other people’s experiences. I wanted to take this opportunity to get advice regarding my situation, ask a couple of questions, and hopefully/potentially post my own HT results and experience on this forum 😊

    I’m planning to do a HT soon (sometime in June/July) in Turkey and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Fuecapillar. I’ve read the previous reviews on this forum but guess I just want to know more since I might be leaning with them.

    Open to other doctors/clinics provided they do great work and it doesn’t break the bank haha. Was thinking to pay around €1.5/graft. 

    My hairline is receding pretty bad and I’ve lost a bit in the crown area. Unfortunately my hair is fine, thin, and there’s low density overall. 

    I might add more questions to this list but here are some for now:

    1. How many grafts do y’all think I need? Does my donor area look suitable? What Norwood would I be classified as? I have attached my photos taken right after drying post-shower  

    2. How long does finasteride take to take effect? I think I’ll have to consider it since I’ve been using minoxidil for the longest time (around 2-3 years) but still experience hair loss and shedding. 

    3. After a hair transplant, when is the right time to have a haircut?

    4. Does anyone know if smoking (specifically vaping) is a major player in hair loss? I have adopted this unhealthy habit but do take care of myself whether it’s working out/eating protein and vegetables/ taking my vitamins. 

    Thanks in advance!


    PS: If I should be posting this somewhere else then feel free to let me know. 







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