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Everything posted by Rolo

  1. As far as young when one is young they have more stamina to go thru this. i just have to say he showed my before fotos, with my hair pulled back i had heavy loss on one side temple area and my hairline in front was very uneven. He said he concentrated on those areas. And there is no question there is improvement there. However as i always wear my hair down i didnt realize the extent of the loss there. However i would have preferred more grafts (he put 1800) at the time to include the front area obviously. I want to make certain 200 would be sufficient as i dont want it to be uneven so i will get another opinion just to be sure. Whats holding me back also is Wash DC who has a similiar problem with front density and at his 6 month mark has not improved w his second op although it may be early also for him. anyway i have to think this through so will keep you up to date. oh the dr mentioned taking oral rogaine which i am against, i said i prefer to try my chances with another surgery.
  2. Yes i am considering another consult just to be certain. When i saw in his office the before fotos i see why he concentrated much on the temple area, however i had always expressed concern over the area obvious in the photo. Even immediately after surgery i commented several times it didnt appear enough were placed in front center. I did ask him now about adding more and he said he would put behind the front hairline only to fill in density. I dont know anymore. And i not young to be running around worrying about this either. I also live out of the country but have apt in ny and my husband says i am crazy to run to another city like chicago or whatever.
  3. And today under the harsh overheads:
  4. This is today and you can see it changes with the light.
  5. Further to my last post, I definitely see your concern, again because i am very sensitive to it as i have same problem, but i feel you should wait a few more months especially i see an improvement over your previous post.
  6. The first photo AFTER my last post was taken one month ago, the rest today. Sorry, i am not too good at posting here photos.
  7. So i am at one week short of 11 months. I had posted photos about one month ago and was devastated by the front center of my hair and sent photos to the Dr. I came to NY last week and the Dr agreed to see me. He felt that in the one month that my hair had improved, i dont know if it is the light or what, i dont know how can improve so much in one month, however i attach the images here and appreciate opinions. However that he felt that it was improved, and in many respects it was from the pre-op photos he showed to me, he recognized what bothered me, the density in the center front, saying he had concentrated on the temple areas. He offered to do a 200 graft FUE to just fill in behind the center front hairline in a V pattern, i asked if could be 300-400 and he said no. He said could schedule it possibly in April, which would be my 13 month mark. i was/am concerned after seeing Washington DC results. I appreciate any comments. My photos to follow.
  8. In some lights it looks good and do not see a problem but in a certain light i see what bothers you especially i have the same issue, lack of density. I will post my photos separately. Have you spoken with the Dr and sent photos with your concern? Usually he wont see anyone before the one year mark.
  9. Do you have an update on your status, would appreciate seeing current results
  10. Hi Melvin, my really primary concern has always been the center front where can see my scalp. After the surgery, immediately I had expressed concerns with the Dr and his staff I did not feel enough grafts had been placed in that area, I believe I even mentioned that here. At any rate, I knew I had no choice but to wait out the one year; however increasingly it appeared that this area was not improving. I was in NY at the 7.5 month period and seen briefly by the Dr but he was adamant that he could not make an opinion until 12 month had passed. Well I am in 10.5 month and it obvious it will not change in 6 weeks. I emailed the office because I plan to be in NY in a couple weeks and the Dr has agreed to see me and in fact at the one year date to do a revision. However, I want to speak with him, it is important to find out the reason it didn't take (aside from my feeling not enough grafts were placed in that area, the concentration being the temples). It's discouraging for sure, I am older and had only planned a one time deal, I had postponed doing this for years and finally took up the nerve last March), but it bothers me so much that I would agree to a repeat but I need some assurances I suppose. Thank you!
  11. I am not in europe but regardless prefer to first consult with dr to see the problem. I may get another opinion however. I dont think i could shave my head though.
  12. I had a test done on that area prior to the surgery and frontal fibrosis was ruled out, the report said female pattern hair loss. My eyebrows have thinned but i still have brows. I dont know about shaving to be honest. At any rate i have to discuss first w the dr prior to doing anything. Most distressing.
  13. Yes this is the least of my concerns, my primary always has been the center front.
  14. Ok, I am at 10.5 months and it obviously did not work. The temple areas have filled in but the hair has not grown long and the hair is quite fuzzy, I have coarse hair but it never was like this before so I don't know why it is growing in like this. It is the front area most disturbing; I was in a beach area recently and under certain lights I noticed how empty my scalp was, it seemed worse or at least the same as when I went in pre-surgery. I notice under lighting and how I part hair it changes, but that photo doesn't lie either, so I am very upset. Especially at my age to have to repeat it. I did send photos in and the Dr said he would do a second procedure with around 200 grafts but I am nervous wondering why it did not take the first time. As I live at a distance and outside the US I have to see how I plan this. I don't know if I should get another opinion.
  15. Hi can we get an update if there any changes since yr last report. I am in month 10 first surgery with Dr W and very unhappy with the center front, exact reason i underwent the surgery. I dont expect any significant change in 2 months. I dont know if i wd do second surgery with him, especially if there no improvement in yr results as i seem to have same issue as you did.
  16. Thanks v much. I had thought about those drs in chicago, in that i really dont like my results. I wont want to consider Toppik, i went thru the surgery so as not have to use that. I live out of the usa so its not so easy to travel. But i wonder if those drs give zoom or photo consults. At any rate i will wait another couple months but i am certain it wont improve. In fact in august at 5 month i wrote i was concerned and they said at 6 month it starts showing results, each month improving so obviously now at 9 month it hasnt improved. And i see there is at least one other who had the same situation as i do.
  17. Its interesting but early on i actually felt there was a really good improvement but it then reverted. Like wash dc i think it is better than it was pre surgery because the temples have filled in albeit with strange fuzzy hair. But the center front is still a problem, i dont anticipate much change at this point. I will have to think if i do second op and even with dr Wesley.
  18. Well i appreciate the update and see i have the exact same problem, in addition in the week after the procedure i noticed it and pointed it out to the staff. I dont know, if you dont improve with yr second procedure i might consider going to someone else to fix mine. Because it really bothers me. If i part differently i notice it less but i shouldnt have to do that. Pls keep us updated month by month if possible.
  19. I am now 9 months and not happy with the results. I think if it were to improve it would have by now. The front is what bothered me from the start and why i did this in march. The temples have filled in but the growth very strange, fuzzy almost like carpet hair and it hasnt grown much, its not like the rest of my hair. i live outside the country and was in ny in october and asked to stop in. There was much resistence because he wont see anyone before 12 months but i feel as i live outside the country they should understand that. They finally received me and took images but the dr came out to the reception area for only about 2 minutes saying basically he wont make a determination before one year. I cannot see myself going thru this again, i am in my 70s.
  20. I think the second procedure for you will turn out exactly what you expected initially. Pls keep us posted.......as I have been following this closely.
  21. Hi again, I am female and have posted before; I am almost 5-1/2 months post with Dr W, and with same concerns. I forwarded photos and he said in the 6 month mark would (should?) start filling in with each month thereafter showing more density; I hope so. I hope doesn't require a second procedure.....
  22. Well, I wrote the dr concerned about my center front, and they write that the temple areas many times grow faster than the rest of scalp, so it's early at 4.5 months to be worried about scarcity in front, and that I should start seeing growth mid scalp at around 6 months or so, increasing and getting denser by the week/month. At any rate, I cannot do anything except wait it out and hope ......
  23. Hi I am female and now at 4.5 months and operated by Wesley and believe I have same situated; my concern was always center front hairline and temple areas. The temples have or are seeming to grow it nicely but the front center seems a bit like yours; I actually had expressed concern at the time that they didn't do enough grafts in that area. I had 1800 grafts. My hair is otherwise thick and coarse. I really hope I don't require a second procedure, not sure I would do it at my age, but although it does seem better and I am not so obsessed as before about it, I suppose I had expected more results in that area. Hopefully it is too soon but lets see. When is your next operation?
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