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Everything posted by RickNE

  1. I have been using Propecia for 2 1/2 years now. While I show no side effects I just found out when getting blood work for life ins. that I had high liver function. So I have to stop using it. I loved propecia, it stopped the loss right away, and after a year and a half of use it brough my hair back to about 85%.. say a 2 inch circle on the top of my head to about a dime. So sad now i have to stop, so I am hoping that rogaine will at least keep it where it is. I am happy with what i have now. Soooo, all i have to say is that everyone that say they "have no side effects" be carefull, you dont feel a high liver function.. and if you dont have any issues with propecia, give it more then a year, i didnt see a great change for a year and a half. and after two and a half i see it getting better and better all the time.. my wife notices.
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