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Everything posted by FirstAscent

  1. Jeez guys, almost 100 views later still no responses... is this not a normal type of thread to create? 😂
  2. How is his English? I watched an interview Spencer Stevenson did with him for being a "Top 25" surgeon and Zarev read off of script instead of just speaking in a freeflow matter.
  3. Here is a video of my crown: Just to be clear, I'm not even really thinking about crown work. I'm just hoping that a drug protocol can stop my crown from getting worse.
  4. Hey all, I plan to speak with at least a handful of HT surgeons in the US and Europe, but I really respect the opinions of you guys and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Genetic background: My maternal grandfather was NW6 as is my maternal uncle. I have zero information on my paternal side because my biological father was an anonymous donor. Prevention: I started taking Finasteride 1g for 4 months last year, but then stopped for 4 months (for no particular reason) and restarted in December 2021. Pretty sure that, on the whole, I lost ground over that 8 month window. I plan to take Finasteride for the rest of my life now until given a reason otherwise. I am also considering adding additional substances to my hair loss prevention protocol. I was a NW1 3-4 years ago, so the acceleration of my appearance of balding is pretty disheartening. I have a low stress lifestyle but have been battling some digestive problems over recent years. Basic blood tests (minerals, hormone levels, CRP, etc) have come back normal. -Does this look like typical MPB? -Does my level of diffuse thinning affect how good of a HT candidate I am? Can post more pictures or share video if it would be helpful.
  5. Hey all, I'm pretty new to attacking hair loss. I've been taking 1g Finasteride daily for 3 months (no sides so far). I'm NW2/3 with diffuse thinning. The newbie stack seems to always be finasteride+minoxidil, but I've watched a couple videos of guys who had horrific sheds after stopping minoxidil. I'm aware that if someone is responding positively to minoxidil, they should basically never quit it.... but am I basically signing up for a multi-decade commitment from the very beginning of using it? If I have a bunch of weakened follicles (diffuse thinning), could there still be some kind of long-term efficacy of using minoxidil EVEN IF we assume I'll get tired of applying minoxidil daily in a couple years? (Something related to the mechanism of action of minoxidil preventing those follicles from dying?)
  6. I'm on Finasteride (but only recently started it) and am considering stacking minoxidil and/or anti-androgens. I'm 34.
  7. I was saying that I'm NOT coming at this from the perspective of someone who is NW5. 🙂 I'm probably NW2 / NW3. I wasn't sure if it's less relevant whether I'm the only patient for the day when I'm "only" having a 2k graft (or less) procedure. I'll share my photos in a different thread in the future unless people think my specific hair situation would affect this specific topic.
  8. Hey all - long time lurker, first time poster. I'm in the early stages of choosing a surgeon for my first HT. I know that unpaid client testimonials and photos are the most important, but I've also read that there are a few specific practices that, all things equal, are more desired: 1. One patient per day is better than multiple patients 2. Doctor only surgery is better than techs doing extractions and/or implantation 3. Stick&place or DHI is better than premade slits The problem is that there are very few surgeons that check all 3 of these boxes. Here are some examples from surgeons that are overall well respected here: -H&W, De Freitas, and Lorenzo have a maximum of 4 patients / day -Many elite doctors have techs doing extractions OR implantation (but rarely both) -Feller & Bloxham, Feriduni, Bisanga do premade slits So my question is: what really matters? And if your opinion is simply "none of that matters, just the doctor's results", why do people even mention these bullet points as being relevant? ---- Btw - don't know if this is relevant, but I've been quoted at needing 1,600-2,000 grafts. Not sure if the fact that I'm not a NW5 affects any of this discussion.
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