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Everything posted by Far123

  1. Hi guys, this is a 21 day update. I do have some concerns. Could you please give your suggestions 1. I haven’t started working out yet. I do a 40 minute hiit workout. Would it be safe to start now based on your individual experiences. 2. I have been using topical minoxidil on my non transplanted area since day 7 after ht, when I can start microneeding on my non transplanted area( I left microneeding since my ht, before that I did it once in 10 days)
  2. Hi @Gatsby and @SLA, my lead surgeon was Alika for planning and designing but the assisting doctor I was most in touch with during the procedure was Dr Somesh, Not Dr shishir.
  3. I am not sure how expensive these tests are in the country you currently live but these are quite cheap in India. You can probably get these done in India also if you can make an arrangement with the clinic.
  4. Yup. Eugenix insists a lot on these tests so you receive ample follow up from the clinic to do these in time.
  5. They encourage you to do all these tests 7 days before the procedure so they can ensure you quality for a procedure even before you arrive. But they do conduct these tests if there is no other option
  6. @Ryan Daniel I am basically an Indian settled in usa so this trip was a vacation at my home town( Hyderabad) and a ht in Delhi. So I flew to India some 15 days before the surgery. I had my surgery booked by paying an advance back in December but I kept the surgery date tentative as I had more flexibility as I was already in India. I did have to fill in at max two papers before I flew to Delhi with regards to my medical history and so on. Apart from that, once I reached the clinic, I signed on some Covid paperwork and hairline design confirmation paperwork. I think the clinic did a very good job along with Hilton hotel. As soon as i reached the Airport, I received a WhatsApp message from the Hilton hotel representative that he is waiting for me on at gate no so and so. It was a breeze and the clinic called me as soon as I reached the hotel. I reached Delhi one day before but all my tests were already done so all I was doing is taking rest. I then got a call at 8pm from the clinic that I will have to report at 10.30 am the next day for my surgery.
  7. Hi @Ryan Daniel thanks for that. I will be looking forward to hear about your results post op.
  8. Thanks. Yours looks great too. Yes @Gatsby.It was Dr shishir at the Delhi clinic. Yup I know, I saw your post op video with Dr sethi. I was between your date and Melvin’s date. looking forward to staying connected.
  9. Hello guys. Today is my 15 day update. two days ago I started jogging and also using oral minoxidil on my non transplanted area. Since yesterday( day 14) I am seeing a dandruff on the transplanted area. I wonder if this is normal or is it because of minoxidil or my running. I am using nizorol 1 percent for a day now.
  10. Thanks! I took the exclusive package. He is a senior doctor at Delhi, I am sorry I don’t remember his name.
  11. Hi members, I finally had my hair transplant done at Eugenix less than 2 weeks ago. background I am 34 old male suffering from diffused pattern hair loss since I was 17 years old. I only started taking treatment for my hair loss in 2019( started with Topical finasteride and minoxidil) for about 1 year, saw great improvement in that year but it was only a temporary solution as I started to loose ground again with a slightest of the change in my surroundings such as change in weather and so on. I was a reader of this forum since 2019 and that is when I decided I would get a hair transplant. deciding on my hair transplant I consulted with quite a few clinics around the globe. They all only wanted to work on my hair line and treat the rest with medication. I had a video conversation with Dr Arika Bansal where she took a look at my scalp and suggested I get 2000 grafts for my hairline( front zone). So I decided to go with Eugenix as it is safe choice for a hair transplant. Hair Transplant day I had my Ht scheduled for the 14 th of January 2022 at 10.30am. I choose the Exclusive package. Dr Arika designed my hair line, along with the doctor who was going to be working on my procedure. I showed some old pictures of mine to give the doctor an idea of what I looked like before my hair loss. She adjusted the hairline a bit and I went into the procedure. A senior doctor( Dr Somesh) started making slits and while doing it he mentioned that he is expecting that we might cross 2000 grafts by a couple of hundred, to which I happily agreed. We ended up with a little over 2700 grafts. the rest of the procedure was a breeze and was let go by 9.30pm.
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