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Everything posted by Jerome

  1. Is hair transplantation real or just marketing and gimmicks.
  2. If someone has genetics from each side such as male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness can they still do a transplant or if a woman has male pattern baldness.
  3. I have heard some doctors use the term x factor what does it mean.
  4. Are u nervous about flying thousands of miles away to india i also thought about flying there to do a operation .
  5. And in your video on how to sleep u recommended  a pee pad for dogs and u said something that wont absorb the blood if i heard correctly.

    1. Nick1234


      Any updates from Dr B?

  6. so you have had 4 fues one at eugenix how was it flying to india were u nervous about going over there.

  7. Whyd they take the strip so high up.
  8. that looks uncomfortable how are u supposed to sleep up right and not move your head or turn to the side all night
  9. did dr wong or dr hasson ever talk about retiring.
  10. Has anyone ever listened to the bald truth why does spencer and jt bad mouth the industry and doctors joe tillman had 9 transplants but in his hair transplant class he tells people do not get a hair transplant.
  11. Was anyone ever left with poor growth and a Wide scar.
  12. how do u know if clinics are showing real results.in before and after photos.
  13. what is it like to travel overseas to get a hair transplant is it dangerous .
  14. so if u have a transplant on the top midscalp and crown vertex area you can sleep on your sidel.
  15. Can you crush or kill your grafts if u were to lay on them at night unknowingly how can u not lay on the back of your head how can it not touch the pillow.
  16. Did you ever notice some doctors make it more difficult to get a hair transplant they talk about percentage of minuturization how may hairs per sq centimeter on and on why cant they just do what the patient wants irregardless .
  17. Has anyone had good results with crown work i heard its the hardest area to do and how do you sleep at night if you got it transplanted.
  18. What exactly does it mean to do your due diligence or homework i hear these terms but never understood what it exactly meant.
  19. I always thought asians had a higher skill level at things like bruce lee or manny pacquiao
  20. Are asian doctors more skilled and talented at hair transplants is dr wong the best doctor.
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