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Posts posted by Bandit90

  1. Two great clinics. I was in the same position, whereby I narrowed it down to Eugenix and BHR. I ended up choosing Eugenix in the end, with my rationale  being they seemed to have more experience with advanced norwood & complex cases (which mine was). However, it was a really tough call at the time.  You really can't go wrong both clinics. Best of luck with you HT journey, 

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  2. 2 hours ago, jjsrader said:

    This just goes to show you that NW6 with regular hair need 10-12K+ grafts for full coverage w/a really good surgical plan.

    Anything less & you will still look like a 'balding' male.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  We all have unique starting points & goals.

    Agreed. It's great to see what can be achieved in just two sessions for NW6/7's. Five years ago results like Karl's were unimaginable via FUE, now with highly skilled donor management and use of body hair, Male Pattern Baldness is becoming optional for the majority (in the hands of an excellent doctor of course).

  3. Wow! Actually speechless! There is a zero inclination of baldness now. Dr Zarev has rebuilt you from the ground up! The donor management by Dr Zarev to get results like this is just a whole other level! 

    Best of luck Hugo, must be such a nice a feeling to wake up without the the cloud of baldness hanging over you! 

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  4. Very Enjoyable Video with some fantastic analysis! If I was a betting man, I would say this is the work of Dr Hasson at H&W. Reason being the wide scar that extends to the temple, which we have seen countless times on this forum successfully done by Dr Hasson, it almost his trademark, along with excellent growth. Plus you wouldn't put it past Elon Musk to do meticulously research and chose the best FUT clinic in the world. However, I suppose we will never know! 


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  5. 1 hour ago, Stewie said:

    I saw your video on YouTube a few weeks back and was hoping to see your progress, this is looking amazing, so happy for you, its completely changed your face. I am hoping to go and visit Euginex later this year or early next year for what I hope is my final HT, and seeing stuff like this makes me realise its the only place to go for people as high a NW as us.

    Can I ask, what package did you go for? sorry if you have answered this already

    Amazing! I was very nervous doing the video on youtube, but glad it helping fellow high norwood’s out there! I chose the package that had Dr Sethi’s involvement (There is only one package for his involvement, if I remember correctly). 

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Looking great John and at only three months post op!!! 😃 Your donor looks excellent. The next couple of months are going to really set this thing on fire! 👌

    Thank you Adrian! Really pleased with the donor. I know Eugenix have come under some scrutiny on here with regards to their extractions. However, I genuinely do believe they are still one of the best out there for donor management. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Rolandas said:

    damn, that's some impressive hair growth speed. It's like hair is feeling like having a second chance and can't wait any longer hehe

    Haha!! I am using Avocado oil (based on a recommendation from our very own zoomster) , so not sure if that has a contributor. However, to be honest I have always been a fast grower, my beard and nails have always seemed to grow very fast. 

  8. 3 Month Update 

    So today marks 12 weeks since I finished my first sitting at Eugenix. In terms of progress, most of the shedding seems to have occurred now with the appearance of new hairs coming through. To be honest given that I was a slick bald Norwood 7, even looking at myself now I feel it is such a vast improvement.  Scalp is still a little pink, however seems to be fading so not too concerned. I have also attached a picture of my Donor area. 

    I have also booked for my second sitting in October to do the crown, so just a small way through the journey at current. 






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  9. 40 minutes ago, Mike10 said:

    There might actually some truth to it that people with PFS tend to have some underlying condition and that the Propecia really pissed some downhill. 

    On the other hand I think little about your theory that people with sides on Fin make that up in their head.

    Was probably a sweeping statement by me there. However, I do still believe that the ED issues may be attributed to the placebo/nocebo effect. I just think that if you take the pill knowing there are potential impotence side effects, then it stays in the back of your mind and transpires into anxiety related ED. That’s my ten cents worth anyway.  

    • Like 1
  10. I’m agnostic when it comes to PFS. I think the dudes that get it have more serious underlying health conditions. I have taken for 3 years now at 1mg daily, had zero sides. Also managed to conceive a child with my wife in that time without any difficulty. My only regret was listening to the alleged horror stories and let myself become slick bald, when in reality I would have tolerated the med just fine.

    Don’t wish to sound blasé but I do think that most men who get the ED issues are generally caused by ‘overthinking  it’ and probably no doubt suffer from performance anxiety issues to start with.  So many middle aged men have been taking this drug since the 80s at 5mg daily for enlarged prostates and they haven’t been claiming permanent sides.   

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  11. On 5/27/2022 at 1:56 PM, OliverAtom said:

    This looks like a case to follow till the end! Such a complicated alopecia. And all looks so clean. Loved that you went for the temples, which will make a huge difference on your final result 🤗

    Thanks a lot for sharing with us 😉

    Thanks Oliver!! I can’t take too much credit for the temples, it was the vision of Dr Sethi! Will do a 3 month update next week! 

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, Berba11 said:

    So I met Dr Pradeep today… I spent fully 4 hours with him! I think I’m now officially a Eugenix consultant, bordering on surgeon!! 🤣

    Dr Pradeep is a super playful and fun character, full of love and joy. He was genuinely made up when seeing my transplant progress. I think he took about 60 or 70 videos! I abandoned my 2.30pm bus back to Bristol and took a train at 5pm…  my appointment was at 12.30 pm 😅. Dr P wouldn’t let me leave! 🤣

    Dr Pradeep had no real concerns over some of the issues I’d mentioned previously. He felt strongly that things were looking great and that some things needed more time to really see (some angulation on the left side may improve with a bit more length & weight to the hair - we’ll see!). What I will say is that I’ve been increasingly less bothered by the things I’d mentioned previously as time has passed, and after meeting Dr P feel even less bothered or concerned!

    One thing Dr P did do was offer me a small 2nd pass in the areas behind the hairline, either side of my old dying forelock to add some more density, and maybe a small amount of closure in the temple corners. He estimated around 500 grafts + a small number for the corners and this would be “on him”. Absolute legend. You can’t help but feel loved & looked after with Dr P! Also, he reckons he could easily take another 4-5K from the donor and 1-2K from the beard for future needs, which is great to hear!

    I got to meet a number of prospective patients as well as some ex patients who, like me, had dropped by. One such former patient was none other than the man himself, @juanjs84

    Juan & his partner were both absolutely lovely, and I can tell everyone first hand that his HT results are insane! Never in a million years would you detect a HT! It’s so natural looking. Incredible!

    I also received overwhelmingly positive feedback from other patients & people thinking of getting a HT regarding my own results, which was really nice. 

    Basically, I had a very different day to what I expected when I turned up - it was a LOT of fun!

    I spent Saturday with Dr P and had the same experience. Dr Pradeep does not do consults in the traditional way, he likes to remove the taboo and barriers around hair loss and have everyone talking with each other and sharing there experiences in open forum. 

    He said to me within the first few seconds of meeting a patient I already know what the plan is, so why not spend the rest of time getting to know them personally!  He is a super cool guy and far from your average doctor. 

    • Like 2
  13. 16 hours ago, MazAB said:

    The wirey, kinky, hairs will grow wild for a while until they start to setting down and look more normal towards 5 months and beyond. Nice to see even growth all around Seeing balanced sparse growth in the early stages is typically is a good sign of a lower transection rate. You got a road ahead of you, but everything is on track!

    Thank you Armen! Always pleasant to hear your reassuring words! 

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  14. No matter what package, a doctor will do the design. Just on the lower package you are going to get a doctor with lesser experience. Extractions and implantation are all done by techs, but techs work under the supervision of doctors. Eugenix use the DHT method, so they extract and implant at the same simultaneously, so therefore would be impossible for the lead surgeon to do both. 

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