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Posts posted by EHZ

  1. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    In my opinion, you both are casting judgement on a procedure that hasn’t even started to grow. I understand there are concerns, but I think its a good idea let the results do the talking. As for going to an elite surgeon in the states. The cost would be double to triple the cost you paid, and there’s no guarantee it would be any better. You guys trusted them enough to book surgery, now trust the process. There’s really nothing else you can do at this point anyway. You’re gonna drive yourself mad second guessing the minutiae. 


    You are  right we just have to wait , but I’m just saying if a surgeon or a team is asked directly how do they work and you get there and it is different it just makes you second guess things especially when everyone here wants the best possible outcomes. Happy growing everyone and hopefully we get the best results . I know everyone on this page is on the same goal !! 

  2. I also feel like the procedure length was very quick and I wonder if that god or bad . Are they being careful and detailed or just rushing through it . It feels they just want to start at 8 and end before 3or 4 so people can go home which worries me now. but we will see part of me wishes I waited and just look for a elite doctor in the states. It is what it is. Happy growing everyone !!! 

  3. 9 hours ago, mrthirsty said:

    Im reading through their FAQ on their website right now, which probably should be updated... but two things:

    1) In the FAQ they say one surgery per day, this should be updated

    2) We were told by our customer service person to have HIV tests done before we arrive, so we rushed orders for like $100 / pop before the flight out.  They ended up testing us on-site so this probably wasn't necessary, and according to the FAQ, seems like it is not necessary.


    Yes they did the same thing to me which  wasn’t a problem but for another patient I was talking to he was told the test was not necessary because they do a rapid test online . 

  4. 9 hours ago, mrthirsty said:

    I wish I were as thorough as you were with both my questions and demands.  When I was there, there were also three surgeries happening while I was in the office, so I think maybe they do slightly discount how many ops they do per day (or the third bed/room is *very* new and marketing materials have not been updated).  And, I agree that the (maybe) most distressing thing is that Dr. Camacho (for my surgery) was not there end-to-end as advertised, I would guess probably 100% of my extractions and maybe 20%-30% of my implanted grafts were done by a doctor other than Dr. Camacho.  I have been however re-assured several times by the doctor that the result will be great, and have generally trusted all the recommendations on this forum of Dr. Camacho and his work.

    I am now second guessing the amount of grafts since I was also quoted by a couple surgeons in the range of 1500, but Dr. Camacho suggested 2500.

    For the record, the clinic did reach out to me based on @Melvin- Moderator message (and my own) , but when I discussed hair placement their answer at least over text was and has been generally-  'It will be ok.' (paraphrasing)


    Yeah . I believe that a huge difference and I also believe if I wasn’t so firm they would probably would have extracted 2000 or more grafts . And for me I wanted a conservative approach and hairline due to the potential risk of the transplant did not work or I need a 2nd transplant in the future . 
    I do wish now I went with Shapiro or konior as I seen great things about them . Also konior associate looks good but at the end it is what it is . I had an appointment with dr mwamba last November but because his associate sole the clinic I was not able to go with mwamba . They did offer me to go to Belgium which they stated the would cover 50 percent of the airline ticket and provide free housing but such a long trip was something I didn’t want to do . It’s sucks because I was researching since November 2021 but wanted a hair transplant since 2020 and part of me didn’t want to wait another 6-12 months depending on the waitlist for elite doctors . 

  5. I always went to bogota hairlines . And almost did not get the hair transplant . 
    They were trying to rush with blood work and forms without Dr. Camacho being there . I was firm and told them I would not be signing anything or doing anything until he got there . They tried to send me a new doctor who’s name is  Dr. Carrenza. I was quoted from pictures sent in 2000-2400 grafts which made no sense because mwamba and diep. Quoted me 1200-1500 grafts. Once Dr Camacho was there I asked him questions, if he was going to perform every part of the surgery and if he and  Pareja would be working together. He was hesitant to answer and Johnny one of the patient representatives stated I was mistaken and that either Camacho or pareja would be the main surgeon along with Dr. Carrenza. I believe a lot of us have went with Camacho because of the recommendation page and what they put on the flyer with the options that are stated. It also saids they do 1-2 surgeries max but it was three of us which is something they should tell you because in videos they say they just do 1 max 2 if the second one is a small surgery .  I asked questions like  what the density per squared centimeter he uses , how he implant grafts , what type of graft goes in the front of the hairline , does he use a tool to look at the donor or he just randomly extracts which he saids yes it’s random to extract to  have a better homogenous in the back. I also asked punch size , who makes premade slits and according to him he does the pre made  slits it based on scalp elasticity. He said because my scalp is soft he was not going to use pre-made slits and just do DHI implantation which I believed pre made slits are better with the combination of inplanter pen  but he showed me through a mirror and convinced me it should be fine. I told him where I wanted my hairline to be and to not touch any place where I have ok density because I strongly believe with finestride   and minoxidil it will be nice and dense  . He measured  the right and left corner of the scalp where I had extreme loss  with a tape measure with the number of 50cm^2 and came out with the number 1200-1300 grafts but said 1500 to have good density. He said he didn’t know if he wanted to perform the surgery on me because I didn’t seem sure but I told him I want a hair transplant but I want to make sure we are on the same page and I trust you can provide good results not just get as much money based on grafts. So I asked him if the can guarantee me he would be the main doctor part of the surgery from extraction , to implantation , and surgical design then I would want to do it. He said he would do it . Going in I could say he kept his word and was there for every step and did everything . Dr . Carrenza was there and I believe she extracted some grafts which was slightly done bad but not enough to be completely upset . You can see where Camacho extracted and where Carrenza did. But overall 7/10 for extractions. I don’t know if camcho wound have stayed  if I wasn’t firm about my goals and what  I expected from him based on what people have been saying lately .  I also told him I read about him from hair restoration Network and seen him with the interview with @Melvin- Moderator. But at the end he took out 1596 which was more than I wanted or expected but at the end just hope for the best . I asked him again mid procedure why he does not  make pre made slits and he said in a nice way if I wanted to have pre made slits and then insert with dhi pen he could do that for me , but I told him I’m trusting  him and if he strongly believes it’s unnecessary step for me than I was ok with it . he did put some grafts like 20-30 grafts in places where there was hair but because it wasn’t a lot  I wasn’t too upset  . I’m 8 days post op and healing fairly well and at this point hoping the results look good in 9-12 months . 

    1. Extraction size .9mm-.95mm depending on hair texture. 

    2. Holding solution - saline 

    3 . premade slits are not a strict protocol for all patients.  the Dr decides if they are going to make premade slits  or not and then DHI pen used . 

    4. Carrenza was only there to help with extractions but the majority of the surgery was performed by Dr Camacho. 

    5. all doctors and technicians use magnifying glasses to see grafts 

    6. Dr Camacho implanted grafts straight for DHI pen and manipulated pen in different directions so that hair grafts can have proper direction which I appreciated he showed me because I’m was not 100 percent confident that one could get good directions of the grafts if pre made slits were  not done. 

    7. also he like to Saram wrap the head and I told him to please don’t do that because I wanted the grafts to breathe and not in any way be dislodged  . 

    8. Now it’s just about waiting for the results and hoping for the best . I do recommend whoever gets there to ask questions and make sure they know what you expect because you are the patient and paying for a specific service. 

    9. I do have a little regret because of anxiety of not leaving extremely confident how many other people have there experience and interaction with the doctor but I do believe it was a job well done even though I do believe it was very fast procedure . Maybe from beginning to end like 4-5 hours compared to what I read about other people . Well hopefully it was not a huge mistake and I will get the results and density desired . 

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  6. Came to bogota hairlines for consultation and hair transplant. Was quoted 2000-2400 grafts but taking to Camacho about my concerns about such a high number and having other consuls to on tell me 1300-1600 grafts. 
    I specifically told him I just wanted the temple entries done . After seeing my donor and measuring the area he believed 1500 was a god number to have density because of my hair texture and hair loss. Just finished today hopefully it grows out well already feeling nervous to see the results . 





  7. Hello everyone I had my hair transplant booked for Nov. 5 in New Jersey with Dr  Mwamba but recently got a email from one of his representatives that they are not  performing hair transplant there anymore because the office he was working in , the associate owner sold the clinic . As I am very disappointed because I had my airline ticket and hotel booked I was told I could go to Brussels for the hair transplant . I live in the United States in California I was wondering has anyone traveled to Brussels and was it difficult considering the discomfort that might come with a hair transplant and a long flight back home .  Also there are no direct flights , and long layovers . I am torn of getting it done , or looking elsewhere  and have not received a email  back since I emailed them  . Any recommendations ? 

  8. 2 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I believe he is involved but is not doing the entire procedure, he’s assisting and being assisted by other surgeons. If you want him solely, you’d have to travel to Belgium. But regardless, he’s gonna be helped by technicians. 

    Oh thanks you for clarifying I am just hesitant to have a procedure done by other surgeons in training as I don’t know who they are and how good the results look after the procedure. I have been also looking into dr Camacho at bogota hairlines and seem they have a very good protocol and are very informative. 

  9. I’m learning little and little more eveytime about Dr.Mwamba but has anyone had a hair transplant performed by him here in the United States either in Atlanta or New Jersey . I want to make sure he is the one in charge of the whole procedure and is involved in doing the extraction , incisions, and graft placement. I have a virtual consultation in January . Thank you . 

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