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Everything posted by edmribeiro

  1. @Luismendes535Congratulations for making two great decisions: not having a HT at Insparya and choosing Dr. Bruno Ferreira. I can talk from experience about both and there´s not much to compare. Insparya is a money making machine who thrives on celebrities, publicity stunts and on uninformed pacients (as I was). On the other way, Dr. Bruno Ferreira is a world class professional, respected by peers, who seeks the best for his patients. I had my 1st hair transplant on Insparya and although it wasn´t terrible, or "life damaging", it was far from ideal and has impaired my future results/cirurgies. I was a NW5, and just one day after the cirurgy I found out that managing a limited donor area and rebuilding an entire hairline / frontal third definitely is not a work for unexperienced nurses, who make decisions 10 mins before the cirurgy, when they see you for the first time. No point in going into details but you dodged a bullet. Just a quick example: in one in the videos you shared, the person who´s giving the consultation is not even a doctor. And they say there´s no need for finasteride or minoxidil (when clearly the patient still has lot of native hair that can be lost), praysing mesotherapy as the best Hair loss treatment. Maybe because they sell sessions of it in the clinic? Maybe... I can´t talk about my results of my 2nd HT, this time with Dr. Bruno Ferreira, because only 3 months have passed, but everything was different. The planning, the the amount of detail and decision making on pair with the patient, even the recovery process. In HT there are no guarantees, but choosing a great doctor gives you way more chances of success. Good luck with everything, we will wait for good news!
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