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Posts posted by HumbleMan

  1. On 5/19/2022 at 9:14 PM, Raphael84 said:

    A big thank you @HumbleManfor your documentation, consistency and quality of images.

    As can be seen in your thread, your decision to share your case and journey has been very well received and will go a long way to help other individuals who may be in a somewhat similar position to yourself, to understand what options may be available and what can be achieved.

    All of us at BHR are very happy for you and your growth at this stage and you have more improvement and maturation to look forward to.

    I hope you enjoy the video -


    That’s a pretty cool video, thank you! 
    As you mentioned some individual out there will probably get inspired and more knowledge about this topic.

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/25/2022 at 6:18 PM, Curious25 said:

    Subtle intervention, yet a big positive change in appearance - love it. 

    You’re now a forum poster boy for how low end NW’s can be aggressive in approach (when candidacy allows) and greatly benefit from hair restoration. 

    If you were to have started a thread on here with your pre op pictures and asked for advice, there would have been a large amount of 

    dissuasion in relation to going for surgery. Yet look at where you’re at now. 

    Keep on top of preservation for as long as you feel comfortable, and enjoy that killer mop 😉 



    Thank you! You are spot on, a lot of people might have waited it out. In my case my hairloss has stabilized for a few years, therefore I felt confident taking the jump now even tough my hairloss wasn't severe.  

    18 hours ago, Fredrik - BHR Scandinavia said:

    What a great outcome! Thank you for sharing your journey! It frames your face really natural. And hair quality will continue to mature since we only half way. Cheers! 🖐️🙂

    Thank's Frederik! I'm guessing you were my advisor? 🤔

  3. Halfway trough the journey. Not much to see compared to last month, but I think it's time to set up some comparison pictures to 6 months ago before I had my hairtransplant. When I reach 12 months I will do the last comparison pictures. 

    Nothing else to say than that I'm very thankful for Dr. Bisanga and his assistants work! 

    6 month post surgery:


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  4. I've reached the 5 month mark. Overall quite satisfied with the progress, although one side is lacking a bit behind with density. But that's quite normal as far as I know. I've taking a few pictures with hair pulled back so the hairline is more visible and then a car selfie with the way I style my hair daily. 
    When I reach the 12 month mark I will put the pictures side by side to see the real difference. 


    5 month post surgery:








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  5. I've reached the 4 month mark. And to be honest I'm at a point where I don't feel like pulling my hair back an taking pictures from nine different angels. 
    So from now on I will take three pictures with my hair styled. Because that's how I will look in public and it will give a better representation of the current state of my hair. 

    You can clearly see where the hair is a bit thinner at the temples, but when the hairs get thiiic down the line it bit will hopefully be a lot better.  

    4 month post surgery:


    • Like 5
  6. 11 hours ago, Dillpickle123 said:

    Wow my hairloss is almost exactly the same so it’s great to see how it would look during the process when I go through with seems that when it’s just temples it’s easier to disguise it it looks so dense and natural

    Good to hear that I can provide some insight. Have you done the hairtransplant yet? 

  7. 13 minutes ago, SadMan2021 said:

    were you required to do the consultation in-person with Dr. Bisagna? That is required for my repair case at least. I've already been in the initial communication stages with the Bisagna rep, just curious on others experiences for comparison. 

    I did an in-person consultation with Dr. Bisanga the day before surgery. Where we talked about my goals, he then took a look at my hair and we agreed on hairline design. 

    7 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Dr. Bisanga always gets early growth. It’s amazing 

    True, I have seen serval of his patients with early growth. I'm quite happy that I went with him. 

    • Like 1
  8. 28 minutes ago, SadMan2021 said:

    Can you please clarify your wait time for a consult with Dr. Bisagna, and then also the waiting time for the procedure? By the above it seems you only had to wait a few months?!?


    I contacted them late July and we agreed to do the producere October 21st. I had a waiting time for around 3.5 months. 
    I had an opportunity to do it earlier, but I chose that date because it was the most convenient for me. 

    You should contact them yourself if you want a estimation on waiting time. 

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Curious25 said:

    Well this is going to turn out amazing - your hair calibre and pattern of loss is perfect for a great transplant result. 

    Fun starts now ! 

    Yeah I'm excited to see the improvement over next few months!  

    1 hour ago, Harry Bosch said:

    any haircuts since the procedure?  or that what 3 months of native hair growth looks like?

    No haircut on the top yet, I only hade a fade done on the sides and back 3 weeks ago. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Harry Bosch said:

    Best of luck, man.  I am in a similar position to you, and have consulted with Dr. B.  Looking forward to your progress.  Nothing in this game is guaranteed, but your starting point should give you very good odds to walk away with a desirable result.  Keep us updated!

    Thanks dude, best of luck to you as well 

  11. 2 hours ago, capillus incrementum said:

    I'm on day 12 and when I'm massaging the recipient gently after shampooing I also noticed like a couple of these hairs. When did this start with you? I've had some when I removed the scabs and than the last 2 days (day 10 and 11) i barely had any. Today I had like 10 with my 2 washes combined. Did you have a similar kind of shed? And can you tell more about when it started to shed (amount of hairs) and how it progressed? Thanks a lot!

    I did not notice any shedding before the 2 week mark. From there on and around 10 days forward I did notice a lot of shedding when I took a shower. 
    The amount is hard to say, because I did not count it. But whenever I rubbed my hair my hand was filled with hair as you see in the picture I took. 

    But I don't notice shedding anymore.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    You look like you're gonna have @Maa @Babou1410 type hairline. I wouldn't say 27 is that young, yes you're young, but it's not like you're 20 years old. I'll be following your progress closely, Dr. Bisanga is one of the very best.

    Yes exactly, and I'd much rather have a good set of hair in my late twenties instead of late thirties. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Spaceguy said:

    How big was the transplant area and at what density (grafts per cm2)...1700 grafts seems a bit too much for such small area looking at the pics.

    Just curious, i'm in a lot of calculations for my incoming HT. I plan to lower my hairline by 1cm, hairline is 15cm long so if it is 15cm2 filled with 55grafts per cm2 count goes to 825 grafts....and to fill in previous HT of an area of 20cm2 which i add to it another 600-800 grafts max.

    I don have any info on that unfortunately. They did the measurement and desgin of the hairline, it is very individual how many grafts people need when taking into account facial structure, donor area and etc. 


  14. I create this thread to follow my own development, but also in a large extent to inspire and enlighten others who are considering a hair transplant. 
    Since 2019, I have often looked at various forums, reddit and youtube to see results from others, and their experiences with different clinics. With my curiosity and desire to find the clinic that I thought was the best solution for me, I finally found Dr. Bisanga and his clinic a few months ago. 
    This thread will hopefully help someone make the final decision, just like I did when I read and saw countless of other peoples results.

    In my case, my hair loss is not very extensive, in fact one of Dr. Bisanga's female assistants cracked a joke about my hairline, saying that it was better than hers 😂
    I have been on finasteride for the last 3 years, the intention with the hair transplant was and is to rebuild the hairline I had when I was a bit younger (27 years old now). 
    Hopefully I will have the result that I am looking for, which is a hairline with a good density and at the same time natural looking. 

    I had my procedure in Brussels on the 21st of October. I will post pictures regularly.

    Dr. Bisanga and his team are highly recommended. They are top professionals and you really feel that you are in safe hands with them.




    3 days post surgery 



    10 days post surgery





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