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Posts posted by Faru

  1. Hi Guys,

    I happened to stumble upon this forum a few months back and I must say this network is nothing less than everything that a guy needs who’s planning to get a hair transplant done.

    I live in Kashmir, India and those of you who are from my city would know how Kashmir is like a red ocean market when it comes to cheap hair transplant clinics. I checked out a few but was never convinced by the so-called doctors at these clinics, mostly because they could not show me any good results of their ex-patients. For a patient like me, who has been suffering from MPB since the age of 21, it just becomes so hard to place your trust in clinics like that.

    So, like I mentioned, my hair loss started when I had just completed my graduation, it progressed even faster and reached my temporal area by the time I was 26. I consulted a few doctors down south in Chennai who prescribed minoxidil but let’s just say it wasn’t helping my case and my patience was running thin. I researched about some of the top reputed clinics as well but sadly most of them were too commercialized, minting money from unwary patients and the credentials of their surgeons were often confusing.

    Now the reason why I was so careful is the fact that I have doctors in my own extended family, who advised me against these commercially-driven clinics and also helped in shortlisting a few good clinics in India itself. Still not satisfied, the next thing I started doing was looking for negative reviews of these shortlisted clinics. Eugenix in Delhi NCR was the one with the least number of discouraging reviews and that somehow made me consult and subsequently book my procedure with them.

    At 30, I was on Grade III when I consulted them and was given an evaluation of 2500 grafts. I was so excited that I arrived in Delhi a week prior to my procedure, got the pre-ops and necessary bloodwork done. The surgery went on for eight to nine hours, loved the planning and designing session with one of their trained doctors. There was no pain at all, some discomfort was there because of the long procedure but it was nothing to fear about. Infact, they used a vibrating device as well which lessened the prick sensations during needling even further.

    A total of 2505 grafts were done; hairline was created at around 7 cms from my glabella. Temples were also recreated using 130 & 137 grafts on the RHS & LHS respectively. So far so good, no complaints at all. Thoroughly impressed by their post-surgery follow up care, which I feel is rare when it comes to clinics worldwide. I stayed back in Delhi and got my dressings done on the subsequent days as well. Now eagerly waiting for some great results. You can check my pre and post-surgery photos down below:



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