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Balding Bad

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Everything posted by Balding Bad

  1. Thanks for sharing! Very interested to see how your journey pans out! Best of luck!
  2. Yeah, obviously side effects aren't worth it, but Fin is the most effective medical intervention treatment when it comes to combating hair loss, so if I can tolerate it somehow then that would be ideal. Anyways, yeah, I'm going to monitor my situation closely and see how I take to just 2x a week. If I still experience sides then I'll drop to 1x a week and reassess from there, but I do appreciate your feedback!
  3. Howdy gang -- it's been a little over a month since my last update, but felt it was appropriate to provide an update today since it's the first day I'm back on Fin since I hit the pause button on May 16. If you've been following along then you're aware the reason I decided to take a break from my 3x a week Fin routine was due to a sudden development of watery semen (on May 15) and anxiety/depression that developed (around April). Anyways, those side effects have since cleared up and according to my records this seems to have happened around June 26 (in regards to semen returning to normal consistency). So a little over a month off the Fin and I was back to normal, but out of an abundance of precaution I decided to continue to stay off of it just in case. My game plan now for Fin is to only take it 2x a week (Tuesday and Thursday) and see how it goes. I was able to go 6 months on 3x a week before the sides showed up, so I'm hoping at 2x a week the sides will be kept at bay. Anyways, I'm not sure if there's been any impact to my hair or not. As far as I can tell it more or less looks the same, but you people might be a better judge of that. So without further ado, here are the photos that I just took moments ago. Any feedback or comments would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Alrighty guys, a day late, but I did take my photos on June 1! So if you've been keeping up with my thread then you know I unfortunately developed a couple sides at around the 6 month mark: 1.) watery semen 2.) anxiety/depression. The watery semen was ultimately the side that made me decide to take a pause on Fin, so the last pill I took was on 5/16. So it's been just a little over 2 weeks. That being said, I haven't actually had the time to check my semen consistency lately as I've been pretty busy with stuff. I hope to follow up on that sooner than later and hopefully report back that the wateriness has subsided. My depression/anxiety has definitely improved too/if not gone entirely, so I'm happy to report that. On the hair front, can't say I've noticed any progression or degression. It's kinda remained the same in my opinion, but then again I've only been off a couple of weeks. Maybe I can't tell, but you guys can spot a difference? For now, I think I will continue to remain off the Fin maybe for another week and then reassess once I have a better understanding of where the semen situation stands. That being said, if I am to get back on Fin again I think I will now only be taking it twice a week instead of three times a week. I'll likely do just Tuesdays and Thursdays. Anyways, pics below. Feel free to share your thoughts!
  5. So another update I wanted to provide was that during these past couple of months, I didn't really notice it at the time, but I became depressed/anxious and looking back at it now I feel like this was another side effect of Fin. I'm normally a relatively cheerful/optimistic guy, but there were a couple challenging life events going on at the time so I just chalked it up to that. However now that I'm thinking about it, I do recall the only other time I ever felt depressed/anxious was back when I was prescribed steroids for a month to recover from an injury. That being said, depression and anxiety is one of the side effects of Fin, so this isn't surprising. The last time I took Fin was a week ago and ever since then I've felt much better (but who knows, could be a placebo effect). I realize I shouldn't quit Fin as a result of these sides, however it seems I will need to cycle through it in intervals. I'm still gonna wait for another week and reassess after because my semen still seems watery for now, but at some point I may need to either consider taking 1-2 times a week or doing something where I go 1 or 2 months off and then back on. As usual, I will keep you all posted.
  6. What are you doing now to combat your hair loss?
  7. Appreciate your concern. I think for now I'm going to go on a pause my Fin regimen for 1-2 weeks. I'll need to reassess the quality of my semen later this week and then go from there. If by the 2nd week everything returns to normal then I will likely drop from 3 days per week to 2 days per week with the Fin and see how I respond then. So I won't be taking Fin for the rest of the month and the earliest I'll get back on again would be in June and would likely take it only on Tuesdays and Thursdays then, instead of my usual Monday/WednesdayFriday. But it's a wait and see approach for me now. I don't want to be completely deterred from Fin just cause of one instance of watery semen.
  8. If you don't mind me asking, at what point did the sides show up for you and what specific sides were you experiencing?
  9. I just took my Monday Fin pill before and I know in my last post I stated that I would continue on my Fin regime as usual and see a week later if I still had the watery semen issue, but I decided maybe it might be smart to take a break for the next week or two to see if my semen returns to its normal, viscous consistency. Thinking about it again, I've never experienced watery semen before and doing some quick research it seems that others usually develop watery semen around the 6 month mark, which is where I currently am in my own time line. There's no such thing as coincidences, so therefore I must assume this is a side effect of Fin that is sadly rearing its ugly head. That being said, to err on the side of caution I won't be taking Fin again until 5/23 or 5/30 at the latest. If anyone has any thoughts or comments, please feel free to chime in.
  10. A bit of an update. Not sure if this is cause for concern yet since this is the first time I noticed and will need to see maybe a week from now, but today was the first time I noticed my semen was actually watery in consistency. Moreover, I noticed my orgasm didn't feel entirely complete. It felt as if it was being held back and it wasn't fully achieved... I was kind of taken aback by it, but I'm not freaking out yet. I'm aware watery semen is a side effect, however before I make any rash decisions I'll wait to see if this happens again. If so, I may consider dropping Fin usage to just twice a week... Lastly, I'm not sure if my libido has been impacted or not, but to my knowledge it hasn't...
  11. Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. How many months were you on it before you started noticing the sexual side effects?
  12. May 1 update photos will be inbound either later tonight or tomorrow. So I have been on Fin for 5 months now and as May begins I am now entering month 6! Anyways, quick recap...so far, so good it seems in terms of regrowth. As I had mentioned prior, the hairs that are regrowing again in the frontal region are definitely thinner and weaker, but that's not surprising. Hopefully as they continue to grow, they can provide some better coverage and give the illusion of more density. Something encouraging did happen though. So I don't let many people see what the real damage/thinning of my front looks like in-person. The only person who really does from time to time is my mother. When she saw my hairline a few weeks ago she commented that it looked more dense! She has no idea I'm taking Fin...in fact no one in my family does, so to me that was a very positive thing to hear! My skin has seemed to reel itself in and is no longer going bonkers with any cystic acne, but once again I'm not sure this was ever related to the Fin, however it was still worth noting in my opinion. As of now, still no sexual side effects. As far as I can tell, my libido is still normal and my ejac is still the same consistency it's always been...none of this watery stuff I've heard some people suffer from. All in all, we are on a pretty good track I'd say. While I likely won't fill out my frontal hair line ever again with only the use of Fin, I am happy with the fact that I can maintain/salvage the remaining 75% of my hair. Ultimately, I know a HT will be in my future later on this year perhaps. Anyways, that's it for now! EDIT: Photos now added.
  13. Oh? I'm curious where precisely on the frontal region it has improved? To me, I don't see a difference...but thanks for the kind words!
  14. Upon closer inspection, based on the most recent photos (April), it seems my crown has actually filled out. No scalp seen! So I do guess the Fin is really working...just a shame it's got no effect on my frontal region.
  15. I do apply Min to the frontal area...for many years now. I honestly don't think it's helping...but it's not hurting either. I'm also just too lazy to apply twice daily just cause it makes my scalp kinda itchy, so I only do it in the evening before I go to sleep, but I appreciate the suggestion.
  16. Yeah, I really didn't anticipate major regrowth for my frontal region, but I stayed hopeful just in case I was one of those rare growers... My mid scalp and crown are fine...maybe the crown is starting to thin a little, but I guess it's a good thing I'm on Fin now. Sadly, it seems the HT for my frontal region is inevitable.
  17. Yeah, ultimately I plan on sticking with Fin even if I see no visible progress as I am aware it will help prevent further loss and as you can all see my primary hair loss is only the frontal region. So if I can manage to keep my mid region and crown then all I need is to get an HT for the front and I'll be good.
  18. Just bumping this so y'all know that March and April 2022 have finally been added! Also, as I compare December 2021 phots to the April 2022 photos, I can't say I see any real substantial difference...I dunno. What do y'all think?
  19. Oh boy, I've definitely fallen behind. Never even got around to updating last month's post! Apologies for that. Hopefully I'll have time to get around to it soon! EDIT: Wozer, first off...major apologies for the lack of update last month. I knew I said in my March post I would come back and update it, but I was actually incredibly busy that month with a lot of life changes going on. Anyways, enough for the excuses... So I guess this post will contain BOTH March and April updates. Firstly, in regards to MARCH: I haven't really noticed any major visible or noticeable changes regarding my hairline. I was hoping by the 3rd month on Fin there would be something I could actually see improving, but it seems to be more or less the same. I did notice that some of the balding/thinning areas in the frontal region that really had no hair started to have some filling in...however it sadly seems to be the already miniaturized ones and not new, thicker ones. I kinda expected it to be the miniaturized ones to pop back up, but was hoping that maybe I'd be pleasantly surprised with thicker follicles. Oh, well. On a separate note, but I feel worth mentioning (since there could be a connection or correlation), but I noticed some more acne flareup...more so than usual, which is quite odd. I pretty much had very clear skin, but while I've been on Fin I've been noticing more cystic flareups mainly near by temples. Once again, this could unrelated, but feel like it's worth mentioning. MARCH 2, 2022 And finally for April 2022, I can't I detected much change/improvement honestly. Those newer, finer hairs that I mentioned from March continue to grow, however they are still very fine and clearly miniaturized. I guess it's cool there's some hair growing there, but ultimately it won't make a difference in my opinion. My skin seems to have improved somewhat this month, but I still continue to get the occasional breakout here and there...once again, odd for me since I had clear skin a year ago... APRIL 1, 2022
  20. Fellas I haven't forgotten to update this thread...just been a little busy. I will post photos and elaborate more in the morning!
  21. Well, it's the first of a new month, so you know what that means! Photo update! So I've officially been on the Fin for 2 months now and honestly, as far as I can tell, there hasn't been anything noticeable going on. Yes, I'm aware I'm still very early in the process, but was at least hoping to see a little something, something. None of those dreaded sides (if anything I feel like my libido has been actually more active recently), although I have noticed my skin has been breaking out more. I'm not sure if this is Fin-related or not, but feel like it's worth mentioning at least. Anyways, photos below. This was me as soon as I woke up, so "bed head." No wash or anything.
  22. Just a quick entry for myself. So unfortunately I became ill with food poisoning over the weekend and I haven't been able to keep down any food for these past 4 days. Monday's is when I usually pop a Fin, however this was the first time (01/17) I (intentionally) missed a dose. I decided it was ultimately better to be safe than sorry and not pop a Fin pill on an empty stomach. I've been suffering some of the worst stomach cramps ever, so to me I just want to recover first. Anyways, that's it. EDIT: I ended up not taking my Fin pill on Wednesday (01/19). So 2 intentionally missed days.
  23. Happy new year everyone! Since it's the beginning of a new month, that means an update on my Finasteride journey thus far. So I've just completed my first month. Just a quick recap, I'm not taking the 1mg tablet everyday. Instead I'm taking it 3 days a week, M/W/F. For the month of December 2021 I've taken 14 tablets or 14g total. So I had mentioned 2 weeks ago I noticed some shed. Wasn't entirely sure if I was indeed shedding or not, however these 1 month photos seem to suggest I was in fact shedding. The front third seems less "dense" compared to photos from December 1, 2021 (see photo #4 below). This doesn't really concern me because it shows the Fin is working! I've also previously experienced shedding with Min, so it's nothing new. In terms of sides...nothing at all. I'm pleased to report my libido and man parts are working just fine. 😎 Feel free to share your thoughts.
  24. Why do you say that? Do you consider my levels high or something? According to my doctor all my levels are normal and no cause for concern...
  25. Haha thanks man. I don't have any anxiety about the shedding. I know it's part of the process and have experienced it already with Min, just making a post to have an entry of it since I want to be very detailed with my Fin journey, but appreciate the words of support. 😎
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