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Posts posted by ScottishGuy21

  1. I’m 37 and do still worry long term. 

    My Dr discussed the potential even on finasteride for further recession so it’s certainly something you need to factor in. Stabilisation of recession now doesn’t mean for eternity . Leave grafts in the tank and air on the side of conservatism if you are relatively young. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Calihome1 said:

    @Mars11 were the temple corners something you requested or suggested by Ferreira?  I think those look fantastic.  Love the design.



    The outline of the new hair drawn on in the pic doesn’t look natural, the end result is about as natural as it can be. A real eye opener for those stressing about hairline designs in the immediate few days post op. Make sure you can 100% trust your Dr and like this demonstrates, if you can you’ll probably get a killer natural looking result.

    True artistry and vision from one of the best. This is a clear example of a hairline design that’s very unique to this patient. 

    • Like 1
  3. I flew the day after surgery from Istanbul  back to the UK. I had no issues at all and managed to arrive home before the swelling on my head surfaced.

    The cons flying on day 1 to day 3 or 4 don’t really alter. You’ve still got to be super careful you don’t bump your head. Obviously the later you leave it the more secure your grafts are. I still had a very good result however flying the next day so don’t that put your off. I much preferred being home asap for my recovery 

    • Like 1
  4. On 9/9/2023 at 3:29 PM, Melvin- Moderator said:

    The UK market is every bit as murky as the Turkish market. Countless clinics , often tech driven popping up largely advertising via social media. Stuff like this is refreshing to see. I’ll always embrace and welcome Dr’s who are willing to be so open.

    I have for a while said he’s one to watch but also agree as he’s relatively new there isn’t a wealth of info out there yet. I’d like to see a few cases on here from start to finish over a 9-12 month period. I think you get a better feel for a Dr then rather than just one big retrospective post 12 months down the line. 

    • Like 2
  5. As above both options for FUT about as good as any in the world. 

    Im more familiar with Hattingens work being European based, both Dr’s Sever and Laura Muresanu are fantastic in what they do and very open about their processes. I’m sure Melvin did an interview not too long ago with them?

  6. 11 hours ago, KSA91 said:

    They are generally good but one negative is that they don't truly explain to those with high Norwoods what they should truly expect. If you're a NW 1-4 then I think HLC would do an outstanding job. Dr. Pekiner is also good but he has a long waiting list of 1/2 years. Correspondence is slow with Pekiner and he is also picky and choosy with his patients! I've never seen him do high Norwoods. He runs his service more like a side hustle and not like an actual clinic. 

    I’ve seen a few say this about Pekiner, I don’t think that’s true. He has a very small operation and does the whole process himself. This means he may only handle 2 or 3 patients a week. 

    I think it’s more a case of the clinic becomes swamped with requests and can’t respond to them all. 

    • Like 1
  7. DHI is an incision, the skin is still being cut/opened. Yes the graft is going directly in, and it’s in one move but the skin is still left with a wound. So I’m guessing they are alluding to this being done by the Dr in a fancy way. DHI is still FUE. I wouldn’t get too bogged down in which technique is best, that’s still up for debate.

    Commit your research resources to sourcing the right Dr instead. It’s the hands rather than tools which separate great from good. Look for ones that consistently delivering good results. Examine their work on similar cases to your own and contrast it to other Dr’s your are interested in. Contact them and get a feel for how they work, what their plan is for you. 


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  8. 18 hours ago, Ccd99 said:

    Thanks I'll check those out! I currently take Biotin with Zinc but heard good things about Saw Palmetto as a mild anti-androgen.

    Was Dr Bicer open to doing more grafts on the day? Or is 4k pretty much the limit? I am hoping she might do a couple of hundred more (subject to donor area of course) as I know I will need more grafts for a fuller coverage.

    I’ve noticed my hair and nails grow quicker so it is having a positive impact in growth time. As for hair quality/strength, I couldn’t say for certain if it’s that or Finasteride which has give me that added bump (As I jumped on both at the same time). 

    I arrived around 9 am and never left the clinic until 8 pm, based on that 4000 is the upper limit of what they can probably offer per day (But no harm in asking). On an ethics side I vaguely remember her saying it’s best for the donor area not to go above this in one sitting. My donor doesn’t look like it’s even been touched now despite 4000 grafts so I guess Dr knows best 🤣



  9. On 9/1/2023 at 10:00 AM, Ccd99 said:

    Excellent progress! This is good reassurance that I chose the right doctor. My surgery is in March next year, also with Dr. Bicer and for 4000 grafts. The first of two interventions.

    My hair loss is a bit more advanced than you though, but I have started meds and hope that my native hair can thicken and regain some density in the mid scalp area.

    Thanks for the updates. I am sure you will see even more positive growth over the next few months as it can take up to 18 months before you see complete results!

    Good Luck. 

    Sounds a similar plan to mine. Going for a second procedure in 2024. You’re in good hands. If you’ve any questions I’d be happy to answer them 👍🏻

    I’ve noticed a big difference to my hair condition since jumping on meds and adding hair supplements. I’m on finasteride and these (see pic below) , unfortunately I have adverse reactions to Minox topically & orally so the H&B tablets are more of a substitute.  (This isn’t a sales pitch btw, H&B are a massive company they don’t need me shilling🤣). 


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  10. 17 hours ago, j1000 said:

    Looks great. I bet you look decades younger.

    It’s certainly made me feel younger!

    15 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    @ScottishGuy21 this is an excellent result. Enjoy! 💯👌

    Thank you

    7 hours ago, streethawk said:

    Great result- congrats!🎉 

    Thanks 🙂

    14 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Dr. Bicer knocked at least 15 years off of you in one shot. I'm happy for you, man. At this point, anything more is just a cherry on top.



    Thanks. The result far exceeds what I expected from 1 procedure! It’s crazy getting ‘on this day’ reminders from last years holiday snaps and comparing them to now 😎

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  11. About to reach month 11. I know I said I wont update until month 12 but here we are anyway ha.

    The hair has again matured significantly. The mild frizzy feel you get in the first few months of growth is now long gone thankfully! I jumped on meds in the run up to my surgery and think this rather than what I previously thought was seasonal changes has strengthened my hair. 

    My 4th photo shows (red circle) , the main issue I’m having now is trying to cover my thinning mid scalp enough so that it blends in with my frontal 3rd transplanted hair 🤣. I’m sure a few people in between 1st and 2nd transplants have the same issue. As you can see from Junes photos I can hide it but on windy days it’s a little more tricky! This will be rectified shortly with a second intervention. The final 2 photos are just out of the shower and under UV light, so about as harsh as can be.

    As you can see my hairline is conservative but when grew out you’d never know. This despite my early scepticism was 100% the right call for someone with my starting point. I may still ask for some mild changes to the hairline curve during my 2nd op, mainly that it’s not as pronounced in the corners . Very subtle though and nothing too extreme, just something to give me added confidence when I do decide to have my hair shorter.









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  12. As I’ve said previously if you plan on taking it then remember it’s a life long commitment and to pay close attention to your body. This medication has more severe sides than finasteride if you are one of the small unlucky few. 

    I jumped on and had some pretty worrying sides which resulted in chest pain and excess water retention in the sack around my heart. My Dr couldn’t be 100% it was Oral Minox however he did say it was a very strong possibility given the timings and when the issues occurred. Thankfully my ECG was fine and it cleared up within a week or two after I stopped taking it.

    This post isn’t designed to scare anyone and im sure 99% if you will be fine. But it was certainly an eye opener for me about going off label.

  13. Yes, without question. 

    Great results on a consistent basis. Presentation second to none with every intricacy of his worked there for all to see.

    I’d also commend the Dr for being vocal on his social media outlet in regards to education. He provides a very useful insight into the process and highlights red flags people should be looking out for when considering surgery. 

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  14. Hair transplants are illusions of density yes but that’s a little bit of a cop out. A decent  transplant means you can have your hair in various styles / lengths and feel comfortable. If you can’t then you are right to question the end results

    Naturally however if you are higher up the Norwood scale it may be more difficult to create such an illusion and you have to be realistic with your aims. It’s about balance.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, mustang said:

    I completely disagree with this.

    Mwamba’s practice has been around for almost 20 years now and nobody, and I really mean nobody would take my case to repair my donor but Mwamba.

    Thanks to his skills as a surgeon I know have a normal looking donor after being botched twice with over harvesting.

    My advice to Mwamba at this point would be to stop taking repair cases and just stick to healthy heads were his work can shine like on capitancalico. Repair patients are way too difficult to predict growth and it then comes back to bite him if it doesn’t grow well when it most likely has nothing to do with his protocols.

    My second advice would be to hire a competent patient coordinator for his customer service they proactively reaches out to patients. 

    The rebates things are always honored but just like their customer service it’s a pain to get someone to respond, they eventually do. They really need to address this urgently.

    Rightly or wrongly reputations built up over decades can be severely impacted by just a handful of cases . Mwamba urgently needs to review his comms team.

    No surgery can be a guaranteed success….but follow up actions when things don’t go to plan go a long way to dictating perception of a clinic.

    I actually wonder how aware Dr Mwamba is? I’m pretty certain an ethical Dr like him with many years of experience wouldn't willing allow radio silence to happen?

    • Like 4
  16. I’ve seen immediate post op pics from Dr’s that look very neat and tidy but the end result is poor. Likewise I’ve seen hideous post op pics with fantastic end results. Whilst immediate post op pics are helpful it’s the end result that’s far more important. His ends results are outstanding. I wouldn’t worry. They certainly don’t look like the sparse ‘rows’ churned out elsewhere. 

    De Freitas is consistently great and has been for many years. Whatever his methods they clearly work. That being said if you are unsure still then look for previous patients with a similar hair style to yours and see how you like them. 

  17. Temple points look good already, I wouldn’t touch them. You don’t want anything too dramatic that looks false. 

    37 minutes ago, Spring15 said:

    I am an advocate of temple points as I think they help frame the face, yours don't look like they've regressed much I think they look fine

    Yeah, I think they make a considerable difference. Can also be tricky given how prominent they are. 

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  18. At 6 months the hair is still developing. Frizzy hair isn’t unusual at that stage so don’t worry too much. It’s still yet to mature

    I’m at 10 months and until very recently mine would frizz after a few hours. Weirdly calmed down almost overnight and now blends perfectly at all times with my native hair.

    I found that harsher products like moulding clay helped stopped the frizz but these are quite harsh so best to check with your Dr before using them

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