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Posts posted by lindros88

  1. I'm very excited! Interestingly enough, it used to be something I was embarased/ashamed about, and I think at that stage is not the best to under the knife. I am now very stoked, with what I believe to be a very good doctor, and I am sharing with all my friends/family/colleagues. Everyone is super excited for me!

    I'll keep this thread updated. I noticed a lot of folks stop sharing their results around the 6-month mark so interested to see how nice it gets.

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  2. She seems to be taking a conservative approach with strong consideration on future donor hair/procedures. I recall her being impressed at how many grafts H&W are able to get during the consultation. She had also recommended that I discontinue finasteride and consider oral minoxidil if I am feeling side effects, but I am considering the lower dose topical. 

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  3. Hi all,


    I'd like to start sharing a bit of info about myself. Started noticing I was losing hair around the age of 23, and as we all know, it just kept getting worse. I went about 2 years on Minoxidil at 25 (was not sure if I saw much improvement, but I did not track) and I am age 30 now. Interesting enough, the loss seems to have slowed down without a lot of change in the past year, although I tried topical finasteride for about 3-4 months but starting feeling some sides so I hopped off. I decided to go back on Minoxidil and plan to stay on it. I also realized my topical finasteride was 2.5% which seems high. I am looking at a 0.5% solution which may reduce side effects.


    I finally bit the bullet to get a hair transplant, and will be going next week. The doctor recommended 1800 FUE as a starting point, and also mentioned I may need to come back in the future. I am OK with that. I seem to be Norwood 4 or 5 right now with a strong donor area.

    Attached photos are in harsh and not so harsh lighting. Interested to hear thoughts from this forum.IMG_4921.thumb.jpg.3d89d460777060bc47307e763aa45ad6.jpg

    Hair 3.jpg

    Hair 2.jpg

    Hair 1.jpg

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