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Posts posted by lindros88

  1. 6 hours ago, HairRun said:

    Yeah, it was the side effects. At this point I used 3 different brands and various microdoses and frequencies. At this point I have pretty much given up on using fin. 

    Maybe I'll try xyon again now that I am using oral minox, but maybe not 

    Me too HairRun :( It's too bad. Have you had HT?

    I am remaining on Minoxidil and going to try and get oral somehow in Canada.

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  2. Update for me: Definitely got sides on the time I was on XYON even MWF. I am overly careful so I am going to stop and just stay on Minoxidil, maybe mix in some Nizoral. Sides: Weak erection and sensitivity on left nipple, small lump underneath left nipple which is what made me decide to go off. Not risking gyno. I believe I am someone who is sensitive to Finasteride, had the exact same side effects (not sure about the gyno) with every attempt.

    I tried 1mg ED, topical ED from essential clinic (liposomal gel), and XYON. same sides with everything.

    The good news is I am completely fine with getting 2-3 more HTs in the future.

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  3. 18 hours ago, hockeyman said:

    Could someone who has used this topical please give me a rundown of your routine.  I'm really struggling with the oral/topical decision. 

    - are you applying everday or eod?

    - do you apply in the morning or evening? 

    - do you shower first?

    - I know the idea behind this gel is a slow, timed release - how long after application would a person have to wait before working out and showering?

    Thanks for any insights that you can provide.

    Hey hockeyman,


    I apply MWF but this is due to experiencing side effects on fin previously. I apply in the morning when I wake up, but if I shower I apply after I shower. 

    i say just go for it you’ve got nothing to lose and I would also advise not to read about side effects because the nocebo is real.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, hockeyman said:

    Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. My hairloss and hair texture is pretty similar to yours. I'm a canuck too. I'm of a similar mindset. Considering worst case sceanarios ie. meds don't work/stop working/ sides etc. Did u find you shed much when starting minoxidal? I wonder if the minoxidal would make it easier for the xyon topical to go systemic? 

     Haha I thought you might be from the user name! I can't remember if I had a shed but if I did it wasn't significant. I had not heard of minoxidil making topical finasteride go systemic. Last night and this morning everything seemed to be in working order.

  5. 54 minutes ago, hockeyman said:

    The more I look at your results the more impressed I am.  I've always been amazed by the coverage that Dr. Konior seems to get with a given # of grafts.  Looks like the master has instilled this skill in his protege. That's awesome that you've only used up 2000 grafts. 

    I'm on the fence regarding oral fin vs the xyon topical.  Are you using both minoxidal and the topical fin? How long did it take to get the xyon after you submitted your order?

    That is why I chose Dr Nadimi. In my opinion the cleanest work and making grafts go a long way, in case the topicals etc don’t work out. I’m already planning to go back in a couple of years.

    Yes using Minoxidil 2x a day and XYON MWF. I’m in Canada and it only took a couple of days to get here. I previously purchased finasteride (oral and topical) through essential clinic in Canada.

    i believe you should give oral a shot, seems like the easiest route, I tried but felt side effects pretty quick but again I’m a huge hypochondriac

  6. On 8/16/2022 at 4:04 PM, BurnieBurns said:

    Awesome, let us know how you get on

    I’ve felt side effects after 2 applications, one on Sunday and one on Monday. I think I may have nocebod myself from reading too much online though as I took the topical a couple months last year and it took some time before side effects appeared. I am thinking to just push through it. And maybe the constant checking to see if I can get a boner isn’t helping haha.

    • Sad 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Chetman2112 said:

    Looks very clean, no redness, your healing quickly, thanks for updating! How do you feel overall? 

    I feel good. I am most sketched right now about trying finasteride again as I read way too many horror stories online and think I nocebod myself. Taken the XYON Saturday and Monday and already feel side effects but I truly think they may be in my head. I’ve tried twice before and got back to baseline quickly so we will see how this goes.

  8. 1 hour ago, hockeyman said:

    Looks terrific. You chose a great surgeon. I have a couple of questions. 

    1. Did the doctor mention your total donor capacity? How many grafts did she feel would be needed to address the crown?

    2. Your hair appears to be quite fine in texture. Is that the case?

    3. How high is the middle of your new hairline from your eyebrows?

    1. She didn’t mention total donor capacity but did say I had a good donor area. I’m not too sure about the crown. The thinning wasnt super noticeable before and Toppik covers it up nicely. I’m quite tall but we mentioned going back to this at a later date. hoping that topical finasteride and Minoxidil can help this out too

    2. Yes I have hair that is more on the fine side.

    3. I just measured. Looks to be about 7 cm approximately. I have quite a large forehead and longer face, long and lanky build. I went down quite a bit from where the hairline was previously and if possible would like to go further, but we will see how things hold up. 


  9. 8 hours ago, pkipling said:

    Really happy to see you kept a level head about the lost graft, especially since it won't make a visual difference in the slightest. Although what are the chances you'd hit your head during the very narrow window in your life when you really don't wanna hit your head... 🥴 

    Hahaha I know man. I’m an inherently clumsy person, was so careful on the plane flying home, in the cars, all that. And then absolutely smoked my dome off an open cupboard.

    I did freak out a bit but emailed Dr Nadimi right away and her response allowed me to relax.

  10. Thanks for this thread. I just purchased Xyon, and have attempted finasteride twice. Once oral and once topical. Both times experienced one situation where I couldn't get it up and immediately discontinued. Side effects subsided after that so that tells me I can return to baseline. 

    Going to try Xyon as well MWF

  11. On 8/14/2022 at 5:10 AM, Chetman2112 said:

    How’s everything going, are you healing well? Curious how your second week is going. 

    Snapped a couple pics for you. At 11 days post op. I unfortunately smashed my head against an open cupboard on day 4 post op which is where that blood spot is. Dr. Nadimi believes it was just one graft, there was not a ton of blood and just one stream of blood. I’m able to massage and wash it out at 14 days post op, which I’m looking forward to getting rid of this dried blood.

    It’s almost impossible to tell of any work done on the back. The soreness is mostly gone which is nice but it still gets super itchy at times.


    it’s hella crusty right now which is grossing my girlfriend out but not noticeable on zoom.





  12. 9 hours ago, Z-- said:

    Agree the waitlist is getting longer and longer — it was a year when I signed on, but I hear it’s longer now. Not sure if the day allocations are accurate though. I had my surgery with Konior very recently on a Tuesday. He also operated on a patient on Wednesday (we met Sat in the office). They might alternate days on the week or maybe I got lucky 😅

    I met Nadami. Super friendly (and busy) and her approach is great — if Dr. Konior retires to our collective detriment, Nadimi is a wonderful choice. 

    Yup, awesome clinic. There is also a new doc (Dr Shah) who I met and he seems great too. He did my 2 day post op

    • Like 1
  13. 21 hours ago, Chetman2112 said:

    Thanks, any recommendations on hotel? Also I’m curious how many grafts she quoted you at consultation vs what you actually received? I’m driving from Mi. and wasn’t sure how many days to plan in Chicago, thoughts? 

    I stayed at the Hilton resort but my girlfriend was with me so she hung out by the pool. There’s a comfort inn right across the street, that if I wasn’t with my gf I would have stayed at.


    2 days following the procedure should be fine and they’ll let you know if you should stay longer.


    i was quoted 1800-2000 grafts, paid for 1800 in advance and paid for another 200 the morning of the procedure.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Chetman2112 said:

    Thanks for the write up, the work looks absolutely awesome and I’m sure you will love your results. Please keep us updated, btw I am scheduled with Dr Nadimi in November. 

    I’m pumped for you my man, Dr Nadimi is amazing. I’m in awe on how clean the work is compared to many others I see on this website and that’s why I selected Chicago hair institute. So meticulous.

    If you have any more questions just let me know!

    • Like 1
  15. Good day all,

    It has been awhile since my original post here but I am glad to now be able to post some updates, as I had my surgery yesterday (Aug 4th) with Dr. Nadimi. Today I am just relaxing in the hotel with not much to do, while my partner enjoys the pool at the Hilton Oakbrook. Also, great golf course here, I wish that I could hit the links today, but alas. I will outline the procedure itself as well as add some photos at the end.

    About me: 31 years old, Norwood 4 ish, but I can cover it well using toppik and the right styling. I have a strong donor area and sides comparatively.

    I am coming from Canada, so I chose to bring my partner with me, and we spent a few days enjoying the city of Chicago (awesome city) doing tourist things like the Architectural Boat Tour, Second City, etc. Had a great time.

    The day of the surgery I arrived at the office around 6:45 am, and Karen went through ensuring we had all the forms, covid tests, and instructions read through and completed.

    Following that, Dr. Nadimi came in and we took photos and designed my hairline. The camera really captures just how much hair you have lost haha. We decided on putting a hairline a half cm below where my (barely there) hairline sat. We also chatted for awhile, Dr Nadimi is super nice and easy to talk to.

    (FYI I have seen some comments and concerns about the conservativeness of Nadimi's hairlines. I've never had any issues on what I saw, and I selected her because I thought her and Dr Konior delivered the most natural looking hairlines I could find. She actually gave me the option to go 1 cm lower, but I opted not to. Each cm below your hairline is approx 1000 grafts to fill the space which limits how much you can use to fill in the rest of what you need, which for me, was a fair amount of miniaturized and wispy hairs. I am also not on Propecia due to side effects that I experienced and plan to get another surgery done in the future. I do use Rogaine and I see visible results from using it)

    After designing the hairline, I took a Valium and antibiotic which kicked in quickly and was off to the surgery. The surgery itself was a blur. Dr. Nadimi does all of the punching and grafting herself, and had two very very nice techs supporting. I can't say enough good things about how welcoming the office was and how comfortable they made me feel. I think we went into surgery at about 9AM.

    The surgery itself was a bit of a blur. The needles definitely were uncomfortable but once I was frozen I couldn't feel anything, and they let me know many times to tell them if I felt any pain. I did 1 or 2 times then they just switched to a different area, I think. I fell asleep while they pulled the grafts from my head, then next thing I knew it was lunch time. They gave me a lunch menu to order from in the morning and had a nice tuna sandwich from JJ's alone in a room and chilled for about 15 minutes.

    Back to it for the afternoon. The afternoon honestly flew by, I thought it was 3PM or so but it was actually 6PM and they were finished up. They give you the option for breaks and I didn't take any other than 1 restroom break.

    All tolds the yields were very strong, and from my understanding Dr Nadimi is a master at getting a good hair yields from the grafts. Total hairs I think were just under 6000 from 2037 grafts (or maybe 2060, can't remember).

    I just came back from a morning check up and will come again tomorrow morning before I head home to Canada. Will add some photos below for your viewing pleasure:

    Flight there:



    Flight there:



    Day before surgery:


    Day before surgery:



    Day before surgery:




    Hairline drawing pre shave:




    Hairline drawing post shave:




    Post surgery Day 1:




    Post surgery day 1:




    Post surgery day 2:




    Post surgery day 2:









    One additional edits RE results: She said she invites ALL her patients to come back for the before and after photos, but its difficult to actually wrangle them in. I thought that was an interesting note. I asked a ton of questions around what see RE the forums, rumors, etc. I posted in another thread but I've seen concerns in the past the she doesn't ONLY do HTs and asked here. She does hair transplants Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday every week and sometimes Sat I am pretty sure. On Wednesday she does volunteer work for veterans at the hospital. She is a good person and a master of her craft. She does some plastic surgeries but apparently does 85% HTs and 15% plastics.


    FINAL NOTE: Dr. Nadimi was involved every step of the way, including the next day follow ups, which I greatly appreciated.

    Now we wait!!



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  16. On 7/16/2022 at 10:01 PM, HairRun said:

    This is really fun to read about. With only 1 procedure a day, does Dr Konior not do a high volume of procedures? Like maybe 2 a week or something since Nadimi and Shah need to get their days in too?

    Was just there yesterday with Nadimi. She does transplants Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday I believe. Wednesdays she volunteers with veterans at a hospital. I asked her about the forums concerns about doing plastic surgery and she said she does 85% hair transplants and 15% facial plastic surgeries. By the way, I had a STELLAR experience there and am looking forward to seeing my results.


    I’d also like to add I waited 2 years total for this due to some scheduling challenges and extenuating circumstances. Came from Canada 

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  17. 40 minutes ago, Runitback said:

    Too early to tell for results.   Think I will be good.  Only issue I had was that she did 1700.  We discussed and  I was more than happy and willing to pay for 2000 while I was there. I could have easily used that and more to lower hairline a bit or fill in mid scalp.   I told her this before the surgery started.  But at the end, I got 1700.   

    Gotcha. I am going to see her in August and was quoted something similar, much less than other doctors quoted. Her work looks the most natural to me though and this could be a reason why (conservative approach). I do plan to go back for another visit in 3-5 years.

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