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Everything posted by BlokeFromStoke

  1. @BeHappy thanks! Shifty and few other posts, are reason I thought I'd try in the mean time. As well as Derek of YouTube's MPMD fame. Hopefully crown, midscalp, and front tuft get some extra coverage. But still looks like transplant to avoid Jude law temples 🤣. All that's at front is little vellus hairs.... So yeah might be a bit too far gone to be revived there.
  2. Med update. Granted not same lighting/place etc... But still has me hopeful
  3. So while waiting for consultations, and naively believing I needed less grafts, quotes from 4.5k grafts to upto 7k( so needing more time to save for a procedure, originally thought £8k but maybe more now). I decided to be pro-active: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturdays Conditioner only Retinoid/minoxidil before work. Repeat at night. +1mg fin. Wednesday/Sundays Retinoid/minox after work. Wait ≈4hours shampoo it out with exfoliating brush. Microneedling (vary depth for different regions depending to achieve even pain level) Added serioxyl yesterday too. Will it work.... Who knows but even a few 1% increases compounding will have an effect. Results seem promising, judging by all the small hairs sprouting. But I'm not even sure if the routine could even start to work yet?
  4. @JohnAC71 cheers John saved me some leg work there 👍
  5. @DrTBarghouthi can't see all that much I'm afraid but is it enough to think it's worth booking a consultation with yourself??
  6. @DrTBarghouthi thanks for the quick reply! My age is 28. How long will the donor need to be for you to judge clearly?? Sadly I shaved it off, after taking the pictures Friday. So only have a few days growth currently. Glad to see you seem positive in general though
  7. @JohnAC71 @Gatsby thanks for the replies. I'll definitely have a look into it! My main consideration, was wanting to not get my hopes up too much. Are those 4 clinics within my realm of cost will be the only other issue. Probably is best to start fin to keep what I have until I get the green light
  8. I am currently in the process of contacting a few ht clinics. (The private Clinic UK, hlc turkey, after reading this forum going to contact bicer,demisory, ferriera) unfortunately as many of us do, I've shaved my head, so have got to wait for some growth before I can send images to them. Before finding this forum I did contact the usual culprits of mills ( 1 who said I was nw6 and would have to leave the crown). thankfully I started reading your guys/gals posts before I pulled the trigger. I don't agree I'm a six, more a 4.5maybe. but it did have me questioning what to expect at the end of the ht. Pictures below(longer during lockdown maybe 6-8months ago, shaved image from the other day) As I grew it, I used minoxidil only, but would be happy to use PRP,fin,minoxidil etc.. basically whatever a ht surgeon saw fit to suggest. Would I still be expecting to rock the prince harry style crown/minor receded hairline/ or thining look on top?? I ask as I don't want to be unrealistic with my hopes of the final outcome. Hoping for full head of hair at ≈£8k might be a pipe dream?
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