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Everything posted by John

  1. Fill 2 FUT scars. One is very thin but the other is quite thick so if I get the BHT i will defo not be taking the Fin as Im sure over time it will be counterproductive.
  2. Thanks for the feedback! This is what i was thinking but never really seen any doctors speak about this issue.
  3. Could you go into more detail about the beard hair softening up overtime or if you use a special shampoo or conditioner to help with this, any info would be appreciated
  4. All the best for your up coming HT Melvin and getting married! Also would like to ask you if you ever took Fin in the past and if so have you seen a difference with the med regime that you do now? Is it just as effective?
  5. Yeah Ive seen this also and never seen any Docs say don't use Finasteride if you've had a BHT procedure. I wonder if they don't see this as much of an issue and are still pretty positive about the results
  6. I was just wondering if this would be counterproductive, I was looking to get some beard grafts into a FUT I had done a while back and knowing that Finasteride in anti androgen. Maybe there is a work around like taking Topical rosemary oil or rosemary extract tablets because I have heard theyre good at blocking DHT. Has anyone had any issues with this after their procedure or has their grafts grown in as normal even while taking finasteride?
  7. yeah I noticed that also about not so many newish videos, but his results were very impressive
  8. This is a great topic as I'm looking to get some beard hair put into a FUT I had done about a decade ago and been looking at the doctors mentioned above others like Dr Barghouthi, Dr Harati, & Spanish docs Couto, Lorenzo& Freitas. I still haven't came across videos like Dr Umar posts and the results he gets
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