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Posts posted by PutTheFolliclesInTheBag

  1. 4 minutes ago, Calihome1 said:

    Sure you don’t want to start posting before that? 😁

    Yep very sure, sorry 😇 I want to post it all in one go, I don't trust myself with the updates and don't want to let anyone down. If you go through the Ferreira threads on this site (as I'm sure you have) you'll see that many of the posters stop updating well before the final result. I just want to make sure I don't add to that list. Also, the clinic still hasn't sent me the pre-surgery photos they took, and I want to include those in my write up.

    Feel free to nudge me in March if I haven't posted by then ☺️

  2. Nice write up and a very clean job by Dr Ferreira by the looks of it! 

    I had my surgery with Ferreira in early March with a similar recession pattern, was also 29 at the time and had pretty much exactly the same number of grafts (288x, don't remember the exact figure) implanted, nice coincidence 😅 I also happen to be German too (fast schon gruselig haha). My hair grew in very nicely, I have no doubt that yours will as well 😌

    Will post my own thread around the 12 month mark, but feel free to reach out in the meantime if you have doubts regarding your progress etc, I took plenty of pictures especially in the early stages!

    Happy growing!

    • Like 1
  3. 18 hours ago, NikosHair said:

    I'm pleased Dr Bruno is embracing your desire for symmetry. He has produced a fantastic result with the 1st pass and shares your desire for perfection. Defo top tier surgeon.

    While it's true that all our faces are asymmetrical to a greater or lesser extent, there is enough evidence to indicate the closer to symmetrical you are the better. The caveat, perfect symmetry ie. a mirror image can look odd. For example, you have a mole on one side of your face, replicating it on the other side doesn't make you more attractive.

    Ideally, you have the main components of your face symmetrical with micro-irregularities within that structure.

    Below is your right side replicated on the left. I'll let the community to share their thoughts on the image.

    (I'd start a new thread linking back to your 1st surgery - keeps the presentation clean)


    ...that does look slightly better, would not have expected it tbh.

    This is already such an incredible result that I would probably still leave it be if I were you @Sitries1, but I'll keep (jealously) following your progress lol



  4. On 6/5/2022 at 2:27 AM, ReticentRaccoon said:

    Yeah, you guys are right, I was mainly speaking from a place of disappointment, but to call this surgery a disappointment overall would be unfair to Dr. Ferreira. He did a great job. I just had really excessive expectations and a thin donor hair. Maybe the main take away from this thread people should take away is to have realistic expectations. I wish it was denser, but I'm also an obsessive perfectionist, and that's probably the main take away here. I would recommend Dr Ferreira to someone who was looking at a transplant, but I would also advise them to perhaps temper their dreams of super thick hairlines. I guess when you're going bald, this is as best as can be realistically expected in a single surgery. As far as the second one goes, I've decided to hold off for a few years. I have enough to "work with" currently, even if not as much as I would like. In a few years I can have the hairline thickened up, and also the crown and midscalp as well, as hair loss is a progressive condition and I'm sure I will slowly thin in the coming years. 

    Glad to see a sensible take from you at last. What you have is a dream result after one surgery, hoping for more was always going to result in disappointment.


    Not to be overly intrusive or anything but I would seriously advise you to try to learn to accept your hair as it is now rather than fixate on the need for an additional procedure in the future. With this sort of approach to your appearance (and this is of course merely speculation), I can't help but suspect that once you "fix" this nonexistent issue with your hair you'll latch onto the next insecurity, which will only lead to more self esteem issues. Just some friendly advice, your posts scream body dismorphia to me and in my opinion your best course of action is to try and work on that rather than obsessing over imaginary flaws in your appearance.


    Hope this doesn't come off as an attack, reading your posts (with the exception of your last) had me genuinely worried. Perhaps also lay off the hair loss forums for a bit, while this one is a notable exception, I have found the community overall to be quite a toxic environment not at all conducive to sound mental health.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, JoeMan said:

    10 week update:


    So it's been 10 weeks. Not much change but possibly more growth. I think it's becoming more full each week but obviously still has a ways to go. I see plenty of little hairs popping through now and a few pimples that just subsided. All good sign I think. 


    Hopefully by month 4, I can style my hair again. I don't use Topik and never have but lately I've been thinking about it. Let me know if you think it would help at this stage and what color I would require if so. Just been wearing a hat lately.











    Already a clear density improvement over pre-op, congrats! I agree with @Vann, definitely an early grower.

    I also really appreciate the detailed progress updates, I've just had my surgery with Ferreira at the beginning of the month and these threads keep me sane! Will post my own on here too but originally wanted to wait until I see results, might change my mind and post earlier for emotional support though lol

    • Thanks 1
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