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Posts posted by Pephair

  1. 1 hour ago, Newby888 said:

    Finasteride can now re-grow hair on someone who is already 85% bald and make their hair look almost full again?

    This must be a new secret-formulae finasteride, because the one currently on store shelves doesn't do miracles like that on bald people.

    Where can I buy some of this new miracle hair grower?

    Finasteride can re-grow hair on some people, yes. This isn't news.

  2. 13 hours ago, urbanite88 said:
    On a side note, I was a little worried about posting this because I do not want to encourage anyone to travel against their governments advice. My regular travel insurance would not cover this so I had to get special insurance for high risk travel that normally Journalists would get when they report from war zones!
    To add to that, my return flight back to UK got cancelled, as no airline is currently allowed to fly passengers directly from Turkey to UK. So I've had quite abit of run-around and still, even when I eventually do fly home, I won't be able to go to my home but rather a government quarantine hotel for 10 days until they deem me to be in the clear from covid. Unless you thrive in those kind of stressful situations or the thought of being locked up in a hotel room for 10 days and paying an extra 2000 pounds for the privilege, this is really not the a good time to travel.

    I will follow up with my day 2-10 progress very soon

    To be honest, I've never even thought about medical travel insurance. Is this normal to get?

  3. I had an FUE hair transplant 6 years ago, I did not have any redness in my donor or transplanted area. Everything healed perfectly, and the transplanted hairs fell out like they usually do around the 4 week mark.

    Will this more or less be the same experience for me regarding redness in the transplanted area?

    Does my skin just handle transplanted grafts well or is this based off the surgeon's skill?

  4. I was using topical minox for the past 5+ years twice a day, small side effects initially like heart palpitations but those went away in a few days. I didn't have any real shed with topical nor did I notice any improvements, but I kept using because I knew it could be a nice combo with dermarolling.

    Recently I was noticing my hair getting dry and brittle and was thinking it may be the alcohol in the topical minoxidil (I used liquid and foam) so I decided to switch to oral minox 2.5mg daily because I've read it can turn a non responder into a great responder. As of right now I have no side effects. I'll post some updates along the way but I'm getting a hair transplant next month with Kaan Pekiner, so as for pictures, I don't think I'll be able to see if the minoxidil is working.

  5. I've been on liquid/foam minoxidil for about 5 years with no real results, I just assumed it was somehow helping. Recently I've been noticing my middle hairline getting really dry and brittle, and this is transplanted hair. They're still alive, but just getting thinner and whispier with kinks in them too (they weren't always like this). 

    So I've been on the Kirkland Minoxidil Foam for a couple months but even that has some form of alcohol in it. Considering the oral minoxidil has potential side effects that will go away after stopping medication, I think it's a no brainer for me to test it out considering I'm 30 and don't have any heart issues.

    Called my Dr today, she's gonna prescribe a dosage soon. I'll keep an update on this thread.

    You can see from the photo below the lighter color/dryness in the middle compared to the other hair.


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