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Everything posted by Savemyhairline

  1. Over the last year I have done quite a bit of research. I have seen many impressive results from all 3 of these Doctors. Now that I have been on fin/min for about a year, I am ready to plan the HT. I have looked at and consulted with quite a few clinics and currently I feel these 3 are the best for my situation. I am 26, really looking to solidify the frontal third. I am a diffuse thinner though the meds have really helped with my crown and mid scalp, so at this time I am just focusing on the frontal third for the procedure. i believe FUE in the ballpark of 2.5k-3k grafts is what I am looking for. Some pros/cons I am seeing with each: Hasson: +Extremely reputable, puts out consistently great results +Very competent team +Been in the industry for a long time -I have seen some concerns with him using more grafts than necessary and doing what other doctors can achieve with less grafts -expensive/far travel but this is really the least of my concerns Rahal: +I really like his hairline designs, he really seems to have earned the hairline king nickname. +also very reputable and has been producing excellent results for many years +price seems quite reasonable for the quality you are getting, though again this is a lower consideration for a permanent surgery. Also I can potentially drive/be driven to the clinic (I’m east USA) instead of flying which may be nice on the way home after the surgery. +so far the consulting reps/customer service has been the best to me, the work/result is obviously way more important though I appreciate his process for consultations and his rep has been very helpful and responsive. -some people have had concerns of less people posting results from him lately, though this seems to have been rectified as I have seen them post results on this very forum multiple times within the past 6 months/year. Some people have also had concerns that his FUE isn’t at the level that his, now discontinued FUT was, though I am not seeing this to be the case. His FUE results look fantastic. Bisanga: +Awesome work, seems to have earned an amazing reputation in recent years +A lot of recent patient reviews/postings that backup his reputation -furthest travel/different continent though this isn’t a huge deal for me -I haven’t heard back yet from my virtual consultation that I did on here, it’s only been like a week and a half but still, H&W and Rahal were on that very quickly. Maybe I should send the pics through his site directly? If you think I can’t go wrong with any of the 3 then that is a great answer. Please do share any insights or considerations I am maybe not thinking of. I will be sure to post my progress from start to finish on here once I get the procedure done. Here is what I am looking like currently:
  2. This one. It was more of Dr. Hasson not corresponding with the patient ideally and his goals/expectations not properly being addressed during the procedure. Though again, it’s just a concern and not an elimination. It’s still very early on for him and the result may still look great.
  3. I would like to establish a solid frontal third. I am a diffuse thinner, though fin/min have helped my mid scalp crown significantly. No surgeon I have consulted with so far has recommended Grafts for my mid scalp crown and I can live with it for now, so really that frontal third is what I am looking to solidify. I am more than okay with doing 3k grafts to get a good frontal third, there are just a couple other concerns I have with H&W right now. There is another patient review on here that is making me second guess their follow up procedures as well as them over harvesting. For the amount of money they charge, I am really expecting among the best. There are a handful of others I am considering/waiting to hear back before I make the final decision on which clinic.
  4. “Our FUE fee schedule is $8.00 USD ($6.00 for FUT) per graft for the first 2000 grafts and $6.00 USD ($4.00 for FUT) for each graft above 2,000 plus a 5% tax. For our out of town patients that receive 2,000 grafts or more we will credit the procedure $400.00” im in the US, willing to travel almost anywhere
  5. Thanks for sharing. I just got my email consultation back from them and they recommended I get 3,000 grafts FUE for my case. It was higher than the other doctors so far have recommended (typically in the 1500-2500) but not excessively. 4,800 does seem like an extreme amount for your case. They are one of my top choices I’m considering, if I go through with them that price is gonna be a beast for 3k grafts, if you’re price/graft quote was similar to mine then man you really paid handsomely. My hairline for reference on their 3k recommendation:
  6. I would like a better hairline but I didn’t think a HT would be feasible if behind the new hairline would still be thin. Not a bad idea, not my first choice but if the top surgeons I ask in a few months think a HT isn’t a good call in my case I will explore smp. I don’t think I have the ideal skin and hair color for it though, it seems to work much better on darker skin and hair.
  7. Thanks, there has definitely been improvement and I am thankful for that. I am not using oral minoxidil; I watch Kevin Mann/Haircafe and he has cited multiple sources of oral Minox not being completely safe for your cardiovascular health. I know some reputable people claim it is fine but I personally would never risk my health over it. I use foam minoxidil, typically rogaine, once a day. Full scalp coverage. I was doing twice a day but switched to once for convenience. Maybe it’s in my head, I felt like twice a day was making my hair look slightly better but I don’t think I’ve lost any ground switching to once a day, just not improving at the rate it was at 2x/day if that makes sense.
  8. I have, or at least the existing follicles have definitely thickened up. Here are some old photos. That’s pretty much my main concern, ie I get surgery then some hair is basically displaced by transplanted hair and the end result looks no better. Also I basically lose the option of shaving my head in 20 years or if I ever decide to in the future. I suppose I could just stay on the meds for the foreseeable future and not get surgery, I wouldn’t be 100% satisfied of course but oh well. My plan was to do another round of photo consultations to my top surgeon picks in a few months/around the 1 year mark of meds and see what they say. Just want to gauge my expectations.
  9. So I have been on fin 1mg/day for 9/10 months and Min for 8/9 months, I have noticed quite a positive change. Let’s be conservative and say i won’t see any more change in the next year and this is it. I know hair transplants are really just an illusion of density; the thing is, with my diffuse thinning I can also provide the “illusion” of thicker hair by how it’s styled, the lighting, how recently it has been washed, if there’s no dry minoxidil foam, etc. what I would essentially like is the illusion of no hair loss without the use of fibers, specific styling, etc. is this possible? Here is what I currently look like in basically the worst or close to worst scenarios (bright light, dried minoxidil foam from 8 hours ago, etc). I know my hairline can be lowered via HT, but it’s really the lack of density that bothers me. Some pics my hair is pushed back, some pushed forward.
  10. I’m sure you’ve answered this somewhere before so I apologize, but have you considered SMP to compliment your procedures? I feel like you have the right hair/skin contrast for it to add illusion of density and not be detectable. Obviously not right now after this procedure, just curious on your thoughts in the past/future
  11. Wow that hairline design looks great. You look good with the buzz cut too with that hairline. Not to beat a dead horse but have to say you really have done a crazy job disguising that crown in your videos, I did not know it was that empty. Happy growing and thanks for sharing
  12. 100%. Op, If you are among the few that have issues lower dose as needed or discontinue. I’m OCD so I sought out multiple hair loss forums before deciding to take fin, thankfully I didn’t nocebo myself. Actually after speaking to multiple doctors and looking at studies, I was very confident I would not get side effects when I started so nocebo wasn’t a thing. Maybe talk to your GP or other doctors you deem reputable and decide. Talking to guys in the minority on a hair loss forum probably isn’t your best course.
  13. It’s ally bro only a little over 5 months apart along with a little over 4 months of minoxidil, top looks better in not as harsh downlighting, but I wanted these before and after to be exact same spot. like you, I was very apprehensive to take it for years. Actually unlike you, I never even tried it before my hair loss got real bad because of the shit I read online. My first time trying it was 5.5 months ago, 1 mg/day. After countless hours researching it, speaking to my doctor, I came to the factual conclusion that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of men do not experience sexual side effects from it. You need to make a calculated decision in your head here, do the extremely unlikely incidences of ED outweigh the (from what I am reading by your posts, likely) mental health decline from continuing to lose hair? Only you can decide that. Try 1mg 3x a week or 0.5/day if you like, but as others have said, doing a HT in your case and age with no preventative hair loss measures is just asking to be even less happy in the future than you are now. I went in at 1 mg/day and, like most men who take it, my dick works 100% fine. I can show you people online saying that Tylenol ruined them too, doesn’t mean you should never take it if your head hurts. Best of luck my friend.
  14. Thank you, that really means a lot. I think us guys who deal with MPB have the sharpest/most trained eye for this sort of stuff, so hearing that from someone else with MPB really is nice. My family/friends tell me it looks way better but it just feels more “true” hearing it from someone on this forum. I’m thankful I did my research, I held off on meds for YEARS due to fear mongering on Reddit and other forums. If any guy is reading this and is afraid to try fin, please understand the overwhelming majority of men do not have any side effects and if they do, discontinuing the drug almost certainly remedies them. I consider myself lucky in that I seem to be responding well despite holding off on meds for many years, a lot of guys are not so lucky and have regrets. I know this is often preached on this forum but I want to add it one more time from my own personal experience.
  15. I’m 26 now, been religiously taking 1 mg/day of fin and min foam (rogaine) 2x a day. I don’t think it’s even a debate that it has helped me out, quite dramatically imo. I can actually go outside without a hat for the first time in years and feel somewhat comfortable. That’s pretty huge for me on a personal level. Honestly, I can pretty much live with my crown and mid scalp at this point so long as it holds and hopefully continues to improve over the next 6 + months with the meds. No side effects at all so I will continue indefinitely. To avoid a wall of text, I’ll try to break my case down in points: -no men in family have gone full Norwood 7, highest (dads dad) was NW5/NW6 and the NW6 probably wasn’t until his 70s or 80s. He had a lot of hair loss pretty young (I only have pics of him in late 30s but he looked very similar to me before fin/min) I believe he is who I am taking after as my dad has basically no hair loss and moms dad hair loss wasn’t bad at all until later in life. -I have dirty blonde hair which seems to be a good and bad thing; in brutal down lighting my hair looks more blonde so the contrast between the sides and top kinda sucks. -like my dads dad I have had a lot of loss at a young age, however I am very thankful that fin and min seem to be really helping a lot, quite quickly. -Dr. De Freitas actually told me I don’t have a strong enough donor area for a HT, which is surprising considering Dr. Konior and a handful of other top doctors said I appear to have a good one, all only going by pictures. The De Freitas team doesn’t seem to have the best English and it was several months after submitting my pics so I’ll take his opinion With a grain of salt, he also only saw my pre-medication pics -my goals: I’m not going for Brad Pitt hair here, I just want the illusion of a solid head of hair. Really it’s my frontal third that hurts my confidence the most at this point. let me know what you think I should do at this point and thank you for reading. Some Before and after pics, not in order but I think you can tell which are which:
  16. Thanks, that’s the plan. I’d like to get the transplant rolling early 2022. I think my frontal third is looking marginally better but it is too far gone for meds to do anything significant in all likelihood. I think the lighting is slightly darker as the left photo was taken in the morning vs afternoon. I’m hoping my crown/mid area will continue to improve and I can save my grafts for the frontal third and future.
  17. I tried to replicate the same conditions for a before and after so far, same spot, same lighting, similar hair length etc. one thing I’ve noticed as I’m sure many of you have, is that the crown can look better or worse just depending on how recently you showered, how greasy it is, how it’s parted, etc. I feel like ive made progress but hard to say without being biased, maybe you guys who have a better eye for this stuff can give me an unbiased opinion. I’ll stay on min for at least 4-6 months and be 100% sure if it’s making an improvement or not and fin indefinitely as I’ve had no negative side effects.
  18. Thanks. Yes if I go through will all this (likely the case as of right now) fin will be 100%. I’ve seen what happens when guys don’t use it but get a HT young. I am about to start, I’m getting my second covid vaccine in about 10 days, so I’m going to wait a little bit after that to begin. I’m not worried about them both being in my system, I just don’t want to confuse side effects. I want to give finasteride a fair shake. I’m also open to multiple hair transplants down the road. I’ve learned a lot these last couple weeks.
  19. Hahah I saw before you edited, I mean you are right, just sucks that my attractiveness will without any doubt be less universal to women without hair. Knowing that doesn’t help my confidence/self esteem...maybe if I were at least 10 years older but at this age it’s tough.
  20. I did last year, I kind of liked it lol. My girlfriend absolutely hated it. My mom also didn’t like it. There’s no win win option here unfortunately, just a hard choice
  21. Damn, bottom 5% makes me wonder if I’m just setting myself up for future disappointment with the HT route and I really should just shave
  22. Yeah, I think with white hair it looks totally fine. My moms dad essentially lost the entire crown but kept most of the front third/middle in old age. I always thought of him as having hair. The question I suppose is “when” will I lose the crown, if I get lucky and also stay on meds, perhaps it can be delayed until I’m in my 60’s or older, like what happened with my moms dad. The hair piece would probably be a last resort as I’d be too paranoid about that being detected.
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