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Posts posted by ssimpson7511

  1. 2 hours ago, EddieOS said:

    Not really no. But I may have to.

    I’ve always thought they’re easily detected but maybe they’ve improved in recent years.

    The ones I've seen, i always felt the longer fringed full caps always look better the ones kept a little unkempt if you know what i mean, and probably much eaier maintainance wise.  Quite a few websites that show full caps as well as youtube videos.

    I remember reading peoples posts on northwest lace and being really impressed with some of them, this was years ago though.

    Not sure if the site is still being used.


    Customer Gallery - Northwest Lace

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  2. 4 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    @EddieOS this was exactly my experience at the tail end of wearing hair pieces fit over 20 years. They work well when you’re young but as you get older your donor hair thins and changes color. I had a lot of scars from bad transplants from when I was young. The hairpiece helped hide the scars and the baldness. But the last ten years was a drag with the hair piece so I buzzed my head and had SMP





    Doesnt change colour if you've got lots grey like me LOL.

    Blimey if anyone deserves good results its you, look like you've been through the ringer mate.


  3. On 7/18/2023 at 11:57 PM, Heisenberg said:

    That's worrying. I think I've just started heading in that unfortunate direction too, and my cardiovascular system is normally perfectly healthy.

    I am not trying to stop people using it, but make sure you get checked before you do, and continued checks during, just because you feel ok taking the drugs doesnt mean its not causing problems.

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  4. 15 hours ago, SeanToman said:

    I've seen a cool hybrid concept in the past.  A hair transplant for the "hairline", then a hair system for the rest of the head.
    This allows some cool hairstyles with exposed hairline that wouldn't of been achievable with just a hair system (due to the unnatural hairline it usually has).

    Yes thats an option, depends if you want to go through all that surgery and expense and still wear a hair piece.

    I've seen many people wear hair pieces that completely expose the hairline and it looks amazing but others that get it wrong.

    If i was vaibhav27 I would start with med's, minox and fin.  Stabilize his loss.  Then I would use 2 small recession pieces (you could cut these out of a larger piece and get many pieces which would reduce cost).  This is pretty common practice and is easy to achieve.

    This will slow down your loss which would mean if you then decide you want a HT you mave less hairloss to cover - reducing cost, and hopefully maintaining the donor area.  

    The only downside to this is when you have the HT in those recession areas you wont be able to wear your hair piece as the grafts grow.


    • Thanks 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, Vaibhav27 said:

    I have tried pulling off the idea of HT but when the date comes nearby, i feel scared as in what if they over harvest my donor, what if I develop an infection, what if hairline is pluggy....even Eugenix is giving bad results nowadays. So I am not sure what to do. Meds are so slow with growth and might not bring back my hairline. 

    With systems, its easy to take it off if I dont like. However, if I like and keep wearing them, i feel that the glue might mess up with my native hair and hair loss will speed up. 

    Sorry, still in two minds but definitely gotta do something for this norwood 3V hair loss. 

    You need to do a tonne of research if you go down the HT route.  Study the forums, meet with doctors and their patients.  Nothing is guarenteed no decent doctor will tell you it is, its surgery after all.


    The easiest thing to do is wear a hair piece that fills in your recession, no shaving needed and if you dont like it you've lost nothing except a couple hundred dollars.  There are options.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 39 minutes ago, SeanToman said:

    Hair systems cost more than hair transplants over a time period, they require much more maintenance also. 
    I think with where he's at with  hair loss, a transplant could suit his needs better.  Just my opinion though, he doesn't need to follow through with such an idea.

    Depends, mine cost around $250 and lasts a year so whats the average HT cost $7-8000 at least if you go to a top doc.  Plus thats if you only need one transplant most will need more. Plus if you dont like your hair piece then so what no damage done, transplants are surgery.


    I'm not suggesting he should never have a transplant.  But hes on here asking about hair ieices.

  7. 22 hours ago, SeanToman said:

    I agree with above, I think a transplant suits your situation much better.

    Then he needs crap loads of money, no guarentee it will produce the result he wants, wont stop his future loss so will need meds, no guarentee they will work, also could have side effects.


    he would know about transplants, he's asking about hair pieces.

  8. On 1/31/2024 at 6:56 PM, BeHappy said:


    I've worn a hair system and had hair transplants. If I didn't worry what I look like then I wouldn't have done either and just let my hair fall out and be bald. What I'm saying is the people who get something done, whether it's a hair system, transplants, or just using meds are those who care about looking good with hair, so it's not only those guys who wear hair systems. For me (and I think a lot of guys) it was worse with the hair system because I knew it was fake and once others know then what's the point? They know you are actually bald. Why bother with it? It's not fooling them at that point. At least with a hair transplant it's your real hair growing on your head. You don't take it off.


    Thats not I meant but anyway...As far as knowing it was fake well of course loll, so are veneers, fake eyelashes, fake tans etc... The point is what you feel and look like.  It made me look so much better and gave me much more confidence....as for others knowing well maybe I'm a little different as I mix my piece in with my existing hair so its virtually impossible that anyone would find out unless I told them so I dont have that concern.  I wonder why you put so much weight on what others 'might think'.


    But like I said find out what best for you.

  9. On 1/18/2024 at 4:34 PM, singlefollicle said:

    I have been wearing one for over 2 years and I'm kinda sick of it. I actually look okay bald, so think I will just go back to shaving it again until/unless I get a hair transplant. 

    If the number of grafts is your issue (you can't get enough grafts for full coverage), then I have some advice that I think will work really well.

    Get a HT for your hair line, 3000 grafts will do, even people with a poor donor can get 3000, you can even have a youthful hairline. Then use another 3000 grafts for the rest of your head (body hair can be used for this), basically create a diffuse pattern. Next, get smp all over your diffused area. Doing this will give you 2 options.

    Option 1. Grow the front of your hair long and wear a hair system behind, this will look way better than using a standard hair system.

    Option 2. Buzz your head. The smp + transplant combo will look way better than smp on its own. 

    The great thing is you can switch between them. This is what I plan to do if I cant get enough grafts for full coverage.


    3000 in your hairline?  really? 3000 grafts should do more than just the hairline.

    The HT plus hair piece has been discussed before and can work well and eliminates the toughest part of wearing...the hairline, unless you don't expose the hairline of course which makes wearing easier.  And getting the right colour/density for the piece behind your natural hair could prove very tricky.

    Not sure I would really want to spend all that money and have surgery and still wear.  But never say never.

    Hair wearing isn't for everyone, I've been wearing since 2007 and its been an absolute game changer for me, I dread to think what that last 15 years would've been like if I hadn't took the plunge.

    Maybe one day I'll have a HT I haven't ruled it out, but wearing has become a part of my life I barely think about it.  

    The one thing I've noticed is those who get HT's often continually think about it, how will it turn out, will I have to have more?, are my meds working? etc etc...Some that wear do this also, they become obsessed whether it looks good or not.  Each to their own and all that, find out what's best for you.



  10. When I started the big 3 were considered to be - Topical Minoxidil, Finasteride, & Nizoral.  I don't often visit hair loss forums like I used to but as far as I can tell it's the same as it was all those years ago.


    Yes there are still experimental stuff, and people taking variations of the same med's (i.e oral minox instead of topical etc...).  And adding things like micro needling.


    Am I right in this assumption as far as detailed, scientific documented evidence the big 3 from back then are still the big 3?

  11. 4 hours ago, grincher said:

    This section on this forum seems to have died a death. Less people wearing or have they migrated to new pastures to discuss hair systems?

    I reckon less people wear and go down the HT route.  And those who do wear just get on with it i suppose.  Shame though.


    there seems to be more active posts on reddit anyone know of any other forums?

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