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Posts posted by HappyMan2021

  1. Just now, rambunctious said:

    You don't care about my opinion yet you keep responding to me 😆.


    bc you were responding to me and accusing me I have it out for Dr. Diep when I have been saying this whole time I truly don't care what anyone thinks about Dr. Diep. 

    even OP of this thread just did some basic research and "He definitely has some outstanding results but I’ve also seen some pretty unnatural looking results as well" 

    by your argument though all the unnatural results OP found, the patients have body dysmorphia

  2. 5 minutes ago, rambunctious said:

    Nope not just from diep, i have seen great results on this website from various doctors and the patient isnt happy. Its very subjective what some people call success. 

    Man you went to Dr. James Harris in Colorado, he barely has any reviews, yet you trusted them and went to him. Diep has over 100 reviews man, videos, testimonials, why so much hate on him? 

    I never said I had any hate for Diep tho? Look at my post "Dr. Diep could be considered downright controversial and reckless depending on who your asking (particularly with how he does the donor area). 

    Some people consider Diep controversial, which is 100% true. Where is my own hate for Dr. Diep?

    As I said before I don't care what your opinion is about Dr. Diep, or what your opinion is on anything really. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, rambunctious said:

    If you don't care you wouldn't have commented in the first place, but you obviously do lol. 

    If you don't think there are people, yes even on this platform, that have body dysmorphic syndrome and will never be happy with any self improvement, then that is "narrow minded and elementary" of you. 

    labeling anyone who has a poor result from Dr. Diep as having body dysmorphic syndrome...wow

  4. 2 minutes ago, rambunctious said:

    Please reference the bad results as most of the ones ive seen are really good. I have read almost every Diep post on this forum and honestly the critical ones are people that should not really be complaining since their expectations are ridiculous. Like you said no surgeon is perfect, but to say Diep is "reckless and controversia"l is an unwarranted opinion as he has transformed so many lives for the better. 

    Look up the poor result threads yourself. I don't have a need to convince you any which way about Dr. Diep, I have no investment in this. I really don't care what you think about Dr. Diep. 

    Labeling anyone with a poor result from Dr. Diep as having over-realistic, ridiculous expectations is really er how do I say this.....narrow minded and elementary. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Hex13 said:

    the problem: I’ve read horror reviews about this drug and I don’t risk my hormones for my hair. Not good risk reward ratio.

    Only like 1% of men suffer true side effects from Fin. Also consider that many men start taking Fin in their late 20s and early 30s. Naturally, during late 20s and early 30s, sex drive naturally starts going down for men and its not uncommon for ED issues to arise. Many men falsely attribute this to Fin. 

    It's like being in your 60s, starting a new blood pressure medication, then blaming that medication for a new wrinkle or gray hair. Totally unrelated events. 

    It would be a real tragedy if you allow all your hair to fall off based on hearsay and rumors. 

    • Like 1
  6. Itchiness (even strong itchiness) is completely normal and not indicative of surgery success or failure IMO. For FUE I would have imagined the donor locations would have been more spread out, it looks a bit condensed. 

    Also part of the donor area looks to be slightly north of the true donor safe zone, but perhaps nothing too be concerned about unless you are destined to be a NW 6 or NW 7. 

    I know based on your other posts you are quite anxious about the outcome, which again is completely normal. But unless your surgery was extemely egregious and downright negligent, one can't really assess a hair transplant till month 5 at minimum. 

    The waiting game sucks, but no one said getting a hair transplant is supposed to be an enjoyable or relaxing activity. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, hotrod999 said:

    I don’t think I could really go wrong with either

    well to be fair I have seen bad results from Dr. Diep on this forum, and even from Dr. Konior who is undoubtedly the #1 HT doc in the world. Dr. Diep could be considered downright controversial and reckless depending on who your asking (particularly with how he does the donor area). 

    There is always a chance something can go wrong, its just the better the doc is the less of a chance there is. 

    Regarding your naturally high hairline, I would perhaps move it down ever so slightly, but wouldn't make it significantly lower than you've ever naturally had it. You know your naturally high hairline frames your face as nature intended, with a much lower hairline, perhaps the HT could technically go off great, but your face might be framed wrong. 

    That's the only reason I think 2500-3000 is overkill. Its overkill for keeping your hairline in place and just filling in the temples. But if you are lowering the hairline perhaps its a good #. Its a large amount either way idk. 

    • Like 1
  8. Maye your pics are misleading, but I consider you to be a NW 2 based on images alone. 2500-3000 seems like overkill. But then again, better to slightly overestimate the # of grafts needed than underestimate. 

    Both Dr. Diep and Dr. Cooley are pretty well vetted. Keep in mind you wont have the final end result till about 10 - 15 months post hair transplant. Up to you if you want to have the process started in January or August 2022.  

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, HairGuy11 said:

    If I'm ever going to get a transplant I want to do it soon and it would have to be done in a way that I could lose the rest of my hair and it would still look natural, I'm only willing to ever have 1 transplant

    IMO its extremely rare to only require 1 hair transplant and have it be a  good result for the rest of your life. Even guys who go to the top elite doctors more often than not get an additional surgery (or 2 or 3) down the road. 

    I do think perhaps a doctor could position you for only having 1 hair transplant in life if you truly desire, but in that case it would be a NW 3 hairline, and little to no grafts in the crown. 

    Being 28, I don't think you will like going through the major stress, risk, and cost of a HT just to end up with a NW 3 hairline. A guy in their 50s+ might be over the moon going from a NW 7 to a NW 3, but being pretty young I don't think you will find the same satisfaction. 

  10. pics? IMO if you truly only need 100-200 grafts, to me that infers you have a pretty strong hairline that has a teeny tiny bit of natural recession. IMO a strong hairline with the teeniest bit of natural loss is the best look, rather than risk complications or artificialness of a tiny improved hairline. 

    But yes no one on here can provide accurate commentary to your situation without pics. 

    And yes only getting 100-200 grafts alone likely does not justify the operating costs for the surgeon and staff. But if you were to pay a premium fee + the graft count cost I don't see how any surgeon would have an issue - of course if they agree only adding 100-200 grafts makes sense.

  11. 3 hours ago, Whufcdanny95 said:

    Ahh okay thankyou. I guess just using matte finish stylers is important aswell then! Not bothersome, just feel happy with it then see it in the mirror after a shower and freak out a bit haha! 

    Using dut and oral min to maintain so hopefully does the trick

    what matte finish products do you use?

  12. Looks like an overall good result, but I could potentially see how you are unsatisfied with some of the density of the areas. Hmmmm maybe an additional 700 or so grafts in the hairline?

    I wager 90% or more of HT patients ultimately get a 2nd surgery, for a multitude of reasons. So your situation is par for the course really. 

    Also, be thankful your crown is totally good. That's one less thing you need to worry about. 

  13. @isildur001 please provide before and after pics. Also please provide the name of the doctor. if as you say the doctor is highly regarded on these forums, he has already been mentioned a bunch and no reason to not mention him again. 

    Honestly I would be really concerned if I had no noticeable growth 5 months in. People on this forum are going to give you the boilerplate response "You need to wait 10 months to a year" but I think that is baloney. I have had 3 hair transplants and just like clockwork I saw growth starting at month 4. 

    You can wait in agony and anxiety for the next 7 months waiting for growth, which may or may not occur. And if growth doesn't occur then you've wasted 7 months doing nothing for your hair. Or you can be prudent and realistic, accept the situation, and start making plans now for a repair surgery at the 1 year mark. And you can still hope for the best and if the hair actually does grow by the 1 yr mark then cancel the repair surgery. 

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