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Everything posted by JonDoe

  1. He's obviously from the clinic, I mean he literally joined just to reply to this thread. And based on his English writing, he is deff not from New York. 🤣
  2. Recently had a 4,7000 graft FUE HT in Turkey. This is 9 days post op, does the side of my donor look over harvested or am I being too paranoid at this early stage... Thank you.
  3. Have a quick question, I'm 7 day post op HT, I'm experiencing a lot of tightness in my head, is it because of the scabs forming, is that why their is lots of tightness?
  4. Just had a HT 4 days ago in Turkey at Dr. Cinik. Just a quick question, how often should I apply Aloe Vera on the donor? Does it speed up and help with healing? They said neosporin isn't necessary because I am taking the antibacterial medication they gave me. Thank you.
  5. Is it normal for the donor area to be itchy and red only 4 days after FUE HT?
  6. The headband must be used to prevent edema in your forehead and around your eyes as it applies pressure onto your forehead. Applying icepacks on the forehead area help relieve any swelling as well... From google.
  7. Is it necessary to wear a head band for a few days after a HT to reduce swelling, or is using an ice pack on the forehead a better option?
  8. Most of the clinics say wait 4 weeks before you can go back to the gym, run, lift etc... Others say you can resume normal running and lifting after 2 weeks when the grafts are secure? Any input on when it is safe to resume workouts again after a HT? Is the 4 week wait really necessary or just over precaution?
  9. How long should I stop Fin and Minoxidil before an upcoming hair transplant??
  10. Why do I get this feeling this is a post from the clinic just trying to promote... Just from the wording. 🤣
  11. And lets be real here... They are just doing this for more "fluff" to showcase in their promo video, it's like the 10 year guarantee certificate deal, it has no substance, just used as a promo tool for marketing.
  12. Something they just added literally a week ago. That was never mentioned in the package so they should've had your approval to do that. We knew about the blood test and blood pressure test as it was previously stated before hand, but to hook you up with all these wires and do heart tests on someone without their consent or even knowledge before hand is not professional.
  13. There really is no need for the heart check, never heard of that for a HT. Blood check and blood pressure check should be enough.
  14. Did they make you take a EKG or heart check?
  15. When did you have it done? Can you describe the process before and after surgery details please.
  16. Yes, and I have had contact on Facebook with several members that went to that hair clinic when I was doing my research... They told me horror stories from that place, how the Dr. solicits reviews on the spot right after surgery, and how they over harvested over 6,400 grafts at once time and ruined the donor area. I will ask them if they would like to share their experience and pictures here on this forum.
  17. Please please please everyone DO NOT GO TO DIAMOND HAIR CLINIC IN TURKEY. It will kill your donor area, if is a very very very BAD clinic. You don't see many negative reviews because the clinic has taken legal action for everyone posting bad reviews online.
  18. Yea I agree, like I said I am glad Adam can post his questions and concerns on this forum, I am more being hard on the Dr. because I had a feeling Diamond Clinic was a very bad clinic, and when I confirmed with other patients there I just wanted to get the word out.
  19. Also I am no Dr. but just from the looks of the photos, any legit Dr. would have advised you to use min or fin first, instead of grafting your whole head which looks like it was unnecessary...
  20. Surely if the Dr. who claimed he invented the FUE method on his site, wouldn't get a result like that.. 🤣
  21. As far as Diamond Clinic goes, it is probably one of the most DANGEROUS clinics operating in all of Turkey. I have reached out to numerous people who had transplants here and they all ended with a terrible result due to over harvesting. No legit clinic including the hair mills would ever say its ok to do over 6,4000 grafts in one session. This clinic is notorious for doing over 6,000 grafts in a single session. Per the people who got their hair transplants here, they say the Dr. tells the clients to message him everyday for 2 months on whatsapp, obviously there is no real growth during that time. When it comes time for the growth to show by month 5 month 6 for the results to start showing he vanishes and doesn't respond. Also I have been told every time a client goes there he tries to solicit reviews right after the procedure to post them on the review sites, many which are all fake by the way, and no authentic reviews after 12 months growth, all the reviews you see from his clinic are literally right after the surgery. This clinic has been active since 2012 claiming to do thousands of surgeries from people around the world, but you can only find ONE result, a guy from Ireland, who looks like a turkey because they over harvested the area and looks like a plant is growing out of his forehead. Some people have told me the reason why you don't find much about this clinic online is because he had many negative reviews removed from the web. On his website he claims he is the best hair transplant surgeon in Turkey, claims he was the first one to use the FUE method and he claims he performed over 8,000 procedures.
  22. I hope Adam recovers well and hope he can get some advice from this great forum. As far as Diamond Clinic goes, it is probably one of the most DANGEROUS clinics operating in all of Turkey. I have reached out to numerous people who had transplants here and they all ended with a terrible result due to over harvesting. No legit clinic including the hair mills would ever say its ok to do over 6,4000 grafts in one session. This clinic is notorious for doing over 6,000 grafts in a single session. Per the people who got their hair transplants here, they say the Dr. tells the clients to message him everyday for 2 months on whatsapp, obviously there is no real growth during that time. When it comes time for the growth to show by month 5 month 6 for the results to start showing he vanishes and doesn't respond. Also I have been told every time a client goes there he tries to solicit reviews right after the procedure to post them on the review sites, many which are all fake by the way, and no authentic reviews after 12 months growth, all the reviews you see from his clinic are literally right after the surgery. This clinic has been active since 2012 claiming to do thousands of surgeries from people around the world, but you can only find ONE result, a guy from Ireland, who looks like a turkey because they over harvested the area and looks like a plant is growing out of his forehead. Some people have told me the reason why you don't find much about this clinic online is because he had many negative reviews removed from the web. On his website he claims he is the best hair transplant surgeon in Turkey, claims he was the first one to use the FUE method and he claims he performed over 8,000 procedures.
  23. He did 6,4000 grafts in one session... That is NOT SAFE at all.
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