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Posts posted by Hairtroubles

  1. On 9/23/2022 at 10:21 PM, Prof101 said:

    Not sure why some people jumped to the conclusion that you should shave your head. Maybe I am missing something. 

    Is it possible that you have an amazing donor and you don't know about it? 

    I think the best plan to to have a complete mapping/analysis of your hairloss, see what you have in case it progresses, and see what are your plan B/C if progression continues.


    Thoughts on my donor area mate?

  2. On 9/9/2022 at 1:53 AM, BeHappy said:

    If it's really bothering you then go for it. Just be smart about it. Don't go to a hair mill or anyone who tries to give you a low hairline. Opt for a high hairline and do the front half first. Dr Bicer is fine for this as she is cheap, but very good and also usually plans on the front first and then the crown later in cases like yours.


    You think Bicer will be good for a diffuse thinner, I looked in the forum and couldn't find too much in the forums?  Any thoughts on this?  I had to take a little break from the forums, just felt myself getting down about the hair, but I am definitely losing hair I think quicker than usual.  Might have to shave it soon... which terrifies me.  Even if I am diffuse thinning, is a hair transplant possible?

    On 9/9/2022 at 9:28 PM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Only you can decide whether it's a good idea for you. Your case is particularly challenging because no medication, diffuse thinning, and fairly progressed stage of hair loss. I think everyone would agree you could get an aesthetic improvement from multiple HT's. But any HT is a risk. You risk spending tens of thousands of dollars on multiple procedures and may only get a marginal improvement. So if your expectations are reasonable and you understand you will need multiple HT's and your donor can handle it and you have the money and you come to the conclusion that it's worth the risks, then go for it. 

    But at the end of the day, you need to decide for yourself. 

    Yeah, truly I don't want to be on Fin, i don't know, Im speaking to someone else who is a diffuse thinner and didnt take any medication and went to Raymond Konior.  He said its possible, him and the surgeon.

    On 9/10/2022 at 7:27 PM, TheGreatPretender said:

    Always take medication before thinking about undergoing surgery. Any good HT doctor would say that a transplant is your last resort and something to be avoided if possible. 

    That being said I can understand where you are coming from, I myself was terrified of initially commiting myself to medications, howeaver reesearch, time and experience taught me that it was the only way to achieve my goals in getting back my hair even if I went the transplant route. 

    So after 2 years of medications I am going for a surgery next summer. I think you should at least give a shot to topical minoxidil since its not much bound to side effects but Finasteride is a must for maintenance. Without it you will still receed and like myself you already lost a bit of grount, although I must say that you are in a far better position then myself since I have lost almost everything on the front compared to you. The few hairs that I got left, which are considerable are still thin and not enough to cover the area I need.

    My advise without being a doctor is give Finasteride a shot, take it 3 times a week if you feel safer that way or even a lower dosage then see if you are able to at least maintain. You can keep rubbing Minoxidil during this time which will likely boost your gains and possible give back the density you require, also take pictures on the first day of each month just to measure progress.

    After 1/2 years you can start planning a transplant with a reputable surgeon if that is what you still need.

    If I was in your place I would just accept my condition but not the result of it and would start doing that with the most basic part, which is medication.

    Best of luck on it.

    I can't, I don't want to be on Fin, I have read too many stories.  I don't want to add Fin into the mix of things I take. genuinely.  I just dont want to take anything that can cause sides.

    On 9/23/2022 at 10:21 PM, Prof101 said:

    Not sure why some people jumped to the conclusion that you should shave your head. Maybe I am missing something. 

    Is it possible that you have an amazing donor and you don't know about it? 

    I think the best plan to to have a complete mapping/analysis of your hairloss, see what you have in case it progresses, and see what are your plan B/C if progression continues.


    Here, I will attach a pic of my donor I took just right now, its late at night and under lights, so maybe it isn't the best pic to show, but let me know, I think its decent?


  3. 18 hours ago, BeHappy said:

    If it's really bothering you then go for it. Just be smart about it. Don't go to a hair mill or anyone who tries to give you a low hairline. Opt for a high hairline and do the front half first. Dr Bicer is fine for this as she is cheap, but very good and also usually plans on the front first and then the crown later in cases like yours.


    Do you know much about Bicer at all?  So many people telling me not to do it on here, kind of gives me a nervous feeling, not sure why it is like this?  Surely so many people DO NOT take fin and get a HT who are uneducated?

  4. 1 minute ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Yes I have my first HT in almost exactly 2 months. 

    The consensus opinion is that dffuse thinners are far harder to get a good result with. This is because you risk much more shock loss to the native hairs. As you can see, I don't have to worry about shock loss much at all as there isn't anything left to be lost on my crown. Whereas in your case you may end up trading transplanted hairs for native hairs. It's also just a lot harder for a surgeon to work in a diffuse area as opposed to my "open field" that he just needs to plant into. 

    I hate this, I absolutely F***king hate this, so much. So what does a diffuse thinner do, what are their options?

  5. 1 minute ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    No not everyone is a diffuse thinner. Attached is a pic of me taken a few months ago - you can see my loss is quite segregated to a specific area. In fairness I am starting to slowly lose in the region between the crown and hairline too in the last year or so which serves your point, but diffuse really means people who start going bald in a variety of different spots at the same time and rate. Also can refer to people who have DUPA aka diffused unpatterned hair loss. Most people lose hair in a pattern such as I have. 

    Luckily for me I seem to respond great to topical Minoxidil. Too late for my crown but my hairline is basically regrowing and the region between hairline and crown is filling in even more than before. 


    Makes sense, what will you do, transplant for that region?  What's your thoughts on a diffuse thinner and their options?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Z-- said:

    Honestly, I know others will disagree but you can prob go for it, assuming you are cognizant of the fact that you’ll prob need future surgery down the line for when the native hair thins out too. Dont expect a one and done. Diffuse thinning sucks but it is what it is — multiple surgeries and planning is crucial. 

    How do I prepare for diffuse thinning, I dont understand, isnt everyone a diffuse thinner, they go through the process of this, it just doesn't fall out quickly for others. Hair in the middle falls out in blotches.

    Also, what about shock loss, and permanent shock loss, and native hair?

    What would a plan for me look like?

  7. On 9/7/2022 at 2:36 PM, helpthisguypls said:

    steps I would take in your position

    1. Shave and see how you like it

    2. Augment with SMP if you dont

    3. Wait for new meds (Pyri) or use safer current meds (Dutasteride Meso or Xyon Finasteride) if you still want hair

    4. Wait a couple years to see what your final pattern is/stabilisation & if your donor seems alright go to Eugenix

    5. Hair system? Accept your fate





    Is getting SMP before a hair transplant bad?  


    On 9/7/2022 at 10:08 AM, Rasputin said:

    Then go ahead and use Regenix to regrow your hair like Matthew McConaghey, it works or it will give you placebo effect anyway considering it worked for him.


    Wait wait, what is Regenix, ive never heard of it before?


    On 9/7/2022 at 11:55 AM, NickJ said:

    I never looked deep into it but did you consider SMP?

    If you're under 35 with that hair and no medication it's probably a better route than the HT route

    Why, being 30 surely is better than people getting a HT at 20 not on fin (that happens a lot)


    On 9/7/2022 at 4:57 AM, Gatsby said:

    I say this in the spirit of support. But I don't think you are a candidate for a hair transplant. Unrealistic expectations (what are your expectations?) and high anxiety do not bode well with surgery. Also you need to be aware that there is no 'safe' zone as was once thought years ago and the donor hair is subject to miniaturization. Just by reading your thread you sound like you would be too anxious to wear a hair piece (which is a legitimate option). Shaving your head and SMP is a good option. Is this something you could feel relaxed about? All the best!

    Thanks... yeah, hair loss is causing me anxiety because I dont look anything like I use to... if i had my ffull head of hair, I would be a lot happier, and taking meds scares me thats the truth.


    For the quote below this, i feel depressed because of all the comments here, telling me that its not possible for me to fix my hair.  I keep receiving different opinions.

    On 9/7/2022 at 4:40 AM, LookMaxx said:

    Try lower dose of fin. But if you can’t, it’s not the end of life. Nobody takes fin for life anyway neither should they. 

    I don’t understand what’s the issue. Go for a HT, if you’ve beard hair you can use those.

    You seem to be developing into NW5 but it could just stay in this nw3-4 pattern. What’s your age. 

    You are depressed for nothing man, there’s balder nw7 people here who got a new lease on life. If you get an HT now you will enjoy few years then get another when hairloss progresses 

    On 9/7/2022 at 8:56 AM, TommyLucchese said:

    Try topical fin once every few days

    Also too scared to kind of try this.

  8. 2 hours ago, Rasputin said:

    One more case, botched 2 times before. I want to add that I'm not working for any clinic and not promoting anything, I'm on this forum to help people who wants to restore their hair. I assume people wants their hair back because it gives them more happiness. If you don't feel good taking the medication, even if you regrow your hair, what's the point? If you're fine with it, then of course use it.

    But if you have a decent beard and body hair, I will NEVER ever say, I think you should just shave, just go for smp, hair system etc if you're not on medication. 

    Now, I totally understand that point for a norwood 7 with NO beard and body hair. You can only do so much in that case with scalp hair.


    I really appreciate you saying all this, but im confused now, you seem to be saying if on medication its better?  I would rather not be on any medication at all.


    Just now, Z-- said:

    What’s your age? 


  9. 3 hours ago, Rasputin said:

    What do you mean "dangerous"? 

    Just look at this guy, not using any medication, AND BEING BOTCHED 3 TIMES. Yes, 3 times poor results.

    If you plan it properly and the first session is a success, how would you not get better result. There are also many results of people norwood 5, 6, 7 who got decent results with just scalp hair and no medications.

    Wait so are you saying if he used medication it would have been better for this guy in this specific case?

  10. 4 minutes ago, Z-- said:

    She’s your best best in Turkey by far. Personally though, I’ve only been impressed by one result on a hair Norwood here and I personally wouldn’t go if im a higher Norwood. that said, there are better doctors for higher Norwood but 90% are also not as talented as her her. 

    So if you were me, is there hope going now, or are you saying wait, I really am not sure what to do, the opinions seem so divided her.  Can you link the result you were impressed by?

  11. 35 minutes ago, Z-- said:

    Smaller sessions are key for diffuse thinners. Don’t blow your donor in one go. 

    If you plan correctly, decent coverage is possible. If you’re the type who wants to save $$$ by going to a low cost foreign country, don’t bother. You absolutely need a top doctor with proven results. 

    Would Dr. Bicer be a good option with this, have been speaking to her and think her work is good.  I was thinking 2 sessions? Front part and Crown, then filling in?

  12. 47 minutes ago, Rasputin said:

    You need to go for several small procedures. First one would be hairline and gulfs temple. Being conservative with it.

    Second, filling it gently the midscalp and crown.

    Then, when all of your native hairs are gone, go for one more to give more general density.

    The most important is to find a surgeon that will give you a proper planning of the future.

    Finasteride is a gamble to me, at the end of the day, it is how much you care for your hair. I personally do, a lot. But still, no fin for me. I'd definitely do it if non balding guys had no DHT or just less DHT than those with male pattern baldness. But since they have the same amount, and it is just balding men who have genetic hair sensitivity to it, I won't give it a chance. Although I'm sure it's working well for many.

    I don't really believe in the nocebo effect. There have been studies showing that peppermint oil or rosemary oil are just as effective as minoxidil 5%, however reports of people trying are quite negative. Why no placebo effects then? I could give more exemples.

    Also, minoxidil gives sexual side effects as well, and most of people who got them (me included) had absolutely no knowledge of this potential sides from minoxidil. You scroll online, you'd find only heart palpitations, hypertrichosis, headache, rash, anxiety etc. (and I got none of it, funnily enough)

    So, this nocebo effect is mostly people saying that to reassure themselves that nothing will happen to them. One of the other stuff they will say is usually that it is revealing that you have underlying condition etc are you sure you haven't check your hormones, do you have diabete blablabla. They are worried, they don't need other people talking about negative experience cause they care too much for their hair and really need the drug.

    I absolutely agree that fin and minox can give amazing results, and for some, no sides, and that's amazing for them, but the fact that the ones who have sides have either underlying conditions or nocebo effect is just straight up BS.


    Hey man, 

    Thanks for your message, appreciate this.  So you think I would need three transplants?  Surely I could get one big one now for 3,000 grafts filling in the crown and front of hair, that is what I was quoted from a very reputable hair transplant surgeon who the forum highly rate.  Yes, she is aware I am not taking fin.

    I care a lot for my hair, just like you, but I cannot take the risk with Fin, I am terrified of it.  I don't understand when you say this, can you explain "I'd definitely do it if non balding guys had no DHT or just less DHT than those with male pattern baldness. But since they have the same amount, and it is just balding men who have genetic hair sensitivity to it, I won't give it a chance. Although I'm sure it's working well for many."

    When you mention Rosemary Oil, are you saying that people quitting that had side effects, because I was just about to try it tonight.  Do you think Rosemary oil and castor oil works, I read it is the same as minoxidil.

    So I am curious, have you had a hair transplant, whats your story, what are you currently doing now, will you do a HT without fin or min, and what do you think I should do.

  13. 2 hours ago, Vann said:

    Interesting… I don’t know any medications that affect people immediately but I won’t say anything further.

    if I was in your position, I would seek medical therapies once more and tell your doctor what you experienced. Perhaps, try to stick it out or micro dose (fin) would probably be something you could try. 

    there are alternatives like medicated shampoo (which I’m personally not a fan of since you have to let it sit on your scalp for approx 3-6 mins just to reach dermis), PRP (can be costly and would need to be reapplied throughout the year), derma rolling, and a few others. But none of these are as effective as finasteride. Most of these can be adjunct to fin/minox. But since you are experiencing said side effects I would seek your doctors consult and perhaps get a second opinion (whether a surgeon or another derm) 

    I also experienced some form of heart palpitations on minoxidil but not as quick as you… it took me about 8-9 months before I felt anything, but then again everyone is different. 

    It’s strange to me that anxiety would be led to fin usage. But from my pov you’re in your head too much whenever starting medication or trying to tackle an issue you have been dealt with. It’s always nerve wracking to address something you have been dealing with for awhile, especially, one that helps your confidence or self-esteem. 

    nonetheless, try to explore medical options once more before any surgical ones. 

    Thanks for you post. Yeah, It seemed to have an effect on me. 

    I really do not want to take medical therapies, I have read so much about finasteride and I think I just can't take it knowing the stories I know.  I cannot take that risk.

    What is the medical shampoo you are talking about, Nizoral?

    Really, sorry to hear about your sides with Min, did you stay on it and persist?

    I am thinking of trying rosemary oil and castor oil.

    In your opinion, looking at my pictures, do you think I am in the clear for a hair transplant.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Vann said:

    What?! Did you diagnose yourself or did you seek medical help for any of the issues? 

    im not sure how finasteride/minox is correlated to this. Unless, you have some chemical imbalance that either drug would somehow impede. 

    I kid you not, I went on finasteride without even researching it, didn't know the side effects.  Was at work and felt absolutely horrible 8 days in and had to get sent home, wasn't on anything else except fin.  Stopped it and never looked back after researching it after that.  

    Minoxidil Liquid was given to me after seeing a hair doctor and it caused serious heart palpitations.

    I am more interested in knowing if my hair is in a place to receive a transplant (do not want to be on fin or min).  I have seen people do this before on this forum so would like your guys thoughts?

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