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Posts posted by A_4_Archan

  1. Actually what i believe is there is nothing like a good doctor for high NW case...any doctor who is good will handle all types of cases but yeah if we see who are the ones who are able to do it successfully in single session consistently than we can name dr zarev and dr pittela..even hdc is pulling up in this game of giga sessions and showing cases where they are doing high amount of grafts in single session.

    So if you are looking for doctors who can do it in single session thn you have got 3-4 options to consider and if you are planning to do it in phased out approach with multiple sessions than you have got many more doctors to consider.

  2. The ongoing discussion between FUT and FUE is perpetual, and I hold the view that it's not imperative for one method to triumph over the other. Instead, the victory should be for the patient, who can opt for either or both techniques based on their individual conditions, needs, expectations, and resources. I advocate selecting a method that aligns with your specific candidacy rather than following current trends or past beliefs. In essence, the suitability of the technique to your unique condition should be the determining factor.

    It is my contention that declaring one technique superior to the other oversimplifies a complex decision. Rather, the focus should be on identifying which technique best suits the patient's unique candidacy. This entails a careful evaluation of factors such as hair loss pattern, donor site availability, recovery time, and personal preferences.

    I emphasize the importance of avoiding the temptation to choose a technique solely based on current trends or popular past beliefs. Instead, the decision should be rooted in a thoughtful analysis of one's unique condition, ensuring that the selected method aligns seamlessly with individual circumstances. Hence, the choice between FUT and FUE should be a personalized decision tailored to the specific needs and conditions of the patient.

    I hope this helps you. Best of luck.

  3. On 1/26/2024 at 10:17 PM, Idan said:

    That's an amazing result. Congratulations.


    On 1/21/2024 at 9:54 AM, gillenator said:

    Looking great…very happy for you!

    Thanks gill.Β 


    On 1/26/2024 at 9:44 PM, TakeAction said:

    Looks amazing, are you planning on going for a second session for the crown?

    Thanks brother..yeah will ofcourse do crown work soon...trying to figure out when can i manage to get some days off from work...actually very keen on doing crown so i can have full head of hairs and can ditch the toppik 😊

  4. Hello, brother, I'm truly impressed by the thoroughness of your update and the details with which you are presenting your case. Your journey, considering the initial pre-op situation, has been nothing short of amazing. The soft appearance of your current hairline is quite promising, and once the newly implanted hair starts growing, it's expected to enhance the overall density.

    The observation of the transplanted area darkening, especially under soft light, is a positive indicator of progress. Additionally, your plan to address the stretched scar with a small FUE in the future is a proactive step.

    As you enter the phase where the real transformation occurs, with hair growth expected in the coming months, it's an exciting time. I eagerly anticipate closely following your journey and witnessing the continued success. Wishing you a fantastic journey ahead with abundant hair growth. Happy growing, brother!

    • Thanks 1
  5. That is looking excellent man and you are ...i can sense this is going to be some kick ass outcome...de freitas - the master of hairlines at his best.

    On 2/2/2024 at 1:00 AM, Thagppps said:

    But there are a lot of big gabs when looking closely

    Let me explain you this in detail as i did to one more guy here who was quite eager to see full blown growthΒ 

    When undergoing a hair transplant, it's important to be aware of the different stages involved. Initially, there's a phase where most of the transplanted hairs will naturally shed, typically occurring within the first 3 months after the procedure. Following this shedding phase, the growth phase begins, during which you'll gradually notice new hairs sprouting.

    Throughout the growth phase, it's important to understand that there will be fluctuations in the rate of hair growth. It's possible that one side of your head may exhibit more rapid growth while the other lags behind. At certain points, you might even observe that the hair has grown, but the density remains lower than desired.There will be certain months where you will get more growth and you will not see any noticeable growth the following month.There will be some spots where there will be no growth which may create a patchy appearance.

    However, it's crucial to maintain patience and trust the process. After approximately 12 months, everything should come together harmoniously, resulting in a well-blended and natural-looking head of hair so this is a long journey my friend and patience is the key.

    I hope this helps you to calm your nerves now and then...Best of luck..Happy growing and keep updating brother...

    • Like 2
  6. It is coming in slowly and steadily..actually the growth rate depends on lots of factors and it will vary from person to person..some are early growers and some are regular ones while there are some who are very slow growers...that's the nature of a surgery but after 12-14 months everything will fall in place and you will be happy ..

    Keep the following thing in mind.

    When undergoing a hair transplant, it's important to be aware of the different stages involved. Initially, there's a phase where most of the transplanted hairs will naturally shed, typically occurring within the first 3 months after the procedure. Following this shedding phase, the growth phase begins, during which you'll gradually notice new hairs sprouting.

    Throughout the growth phase, it's important to understand that there will be fluctuations in the rate of hair growth. It's possible that one side of your head may exhibit more rapid growth while the other lags behind. At certain points, you might even observe that the hair has grown, but the density remains lower than desired.There will be certain months where you will get more growth and you will not see any noticeable growth the following month.There will be some spots where there will be no growth which may create a patchy appearance.

    However, it's crucial to maintain patience and trust the process. After approximately 12 months, everything should come together harmoniously, resulting in a well-blended and natural-looking head of hair so this is a long journey my friend and patience is the key.

    I hope this helps you to calm your nerves now and then...Best of luck..Happy growing and keep updating brother...

  7. 5 hours ago, patronovski said:

    Hello, this is the second time i post this question. The first post was deleted by this corrupt admin guy Melvyn for no reason.

    I've had a repair surgery before (BHR clinic) and i did not like the outcome. I want to fix some areas of my donor on the sides. Do you guys have experience implanting beard or chest hairs on the sides (not the back donor)? What about chest scarring? Is it very noticeable? Anyone has some photo's so i can get a better idea?

    The quality of my chest is not bad i guess, there are some double grafts. My beard quality is also good. However, i do think the structure of my chest hair is closer to my scalp hair.

    The goal is to fill in some patchy areas on the sides.Β 


    Please don't use such language and attack someone personally here...yiu have a right to ask questions and there will be so many people over here who would help you out but if you are just 2-3 months post op than you just need to relax and wait for everything to settle down..suppose after 12 months if there is any issue with your donor or anything than it can be worked upon ...infact dr bisanga is an ethical surgeon and he would help you out if anything as such takes place.

    So i would just request you to wait as of now and don't panic. πŸ™

    • Like 2
  8. I understand your concern and i feel sorry for you...This is the reason why it is advised not to go for a surgery in early twenties but what is done is done and can't be undone but i would like to ask you to remain calm and don't take your decision in haste. Extracting grafts from the hairline carries the risk of scarring, necessitating careful consideration.

    Could you share insights from the doctors you consulted and their recommendations? If medications prove ineffective, there's a risk of continued hair loss, placing you in a similar situation again. Given your previous hasty surgical decision, it's advisable to remain calm, seek guidance from ethical, experienced doctors, and then make an informed decision.

    I hope this helps you. Best of luck.

  9. Refrain from using an excessive amount of minoxidil..its a potent drug brother. It's crucial to consult with a hair transplant surgeon to develop a proper medication regimen, taking into account potential side effects. Overdosing offers no additional benefits and may result in adverse effects. Imho you should halt usage until you've consulted with a good doctor.

    I hope this helps.

  10. On 12/30/2023 at 12:05 AM, Melvin- Admin said:

    Wow super impressive πŸ™Œ

    Thanks brother .

    On 12/30/2023 at 4:18 AM, Big Rome said:

    really happy for you man, this is really good work πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» how you feel about it

    Its like i can't even express my feelings through words...everything came together perfectly....I never had such a density even during my college days...

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