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Posts posted by BLE123

  1. On 1/18/2021 at 12:14 AM, caricatura said:

    What an odd case. Yes, he looked okay when playing for Juventus. But I'm not sure I like the remaining "frame" today. I imagine he has to constantly shave really close to the scalp, lest it look funny (it's like a hair triangle island). Why didn't he get the rest filled in? And why, if he knew he wouldn't be able to fill in the rest down the road due to donor supply, did he set himself up with such a low, unnatural-looking hairline to start with? I guess he was just going for short-term gains, enjoying the moment.

    That's his natural hair, he never had a transplant. That's what I'm  trying to say, he had a different balding pattern to most but I don't think anyone looked at him and thought he looked weird, he was just a guy losing his hair.

  2. Look at Zinedine Zidane when he was playing for Juventus. He still had a full intact low hairline but his vertex had gone(or almost). If you have a transplant for the hairline/frontal third and then lose the rest behind later that's what you'll look like but I wouldn't class that as "goofy" looking, obviously if you've already gone down the transplant route then the likelihood is that you'd want to sort that as well but I don't think you'd be left with a particularly unnatural looking head - assuming the transplant itself was done to a good level.

    Actually even now you can still see Zidane's hairline and frontal third is still kind of intact although he shaves it bald, it still creates a bit of a frame to the face which is better than nothing.

  3. 2 hours ago, Clark.Ethan said:

    Remove Keser and put Bisanga there. Avoid Keser! 

    This. Because of not having the information that Keser doesnt use microscope I have a lot of doubles in my hairline and it doesnt look natural at all.

    You keep posting about your poor result with Keser but you still haven't posted any pics.

    If what you say is true then that's a shame as all of Keser's other cases look very good, I can't recall seeing a bad one yet.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Anandu123 said:


    Damn ..does it look that bad?

    I'm really hoping it's reversible



    I could lie to you and say no bro it's not too bad but that's only going to hurt you in the long run. Your entire scalp is thinning, not just the typical MPB areas. You could try finasteride and maybe you'll be an amazing responder but even if that's the case you're still delaying the inevitable, plus there's always the risk of adverse side effects from the drug. Whatever you decide to do though, do not let a hair transplant doctor take your money and tell you that they can give you a good result because they would be lying.

    I think you should shave it first, at least just to see how you feel about it. Many guys do it and actually end up liking it. On the plus side guys with darker skin complexions typically look good bald.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Dutcherss said:



    Hello all and thank you for the reply. I am 23. I was just to a well known HT doctor who had canceltion and he said this.

    The temples are going a bit deeper. No other sign of hairloss anywhere (scalp/sides/front hairline) at this point impossible to say if balding or mature hairline. Need to monitor. Currently NW1.5

    He said he didnt need the microscope and checked with naked eyes

    No need to even touch Fin or HT now.


    Following this is there a chance once the current hairline deepens the loss will end? That it is simply maturing of the hair? Is it possible this is the start of MPB if only the temples are going in or most likley mature? Thank you

    This won't be what you're wanting to hear but .. nobody knows.

    You could have the same hairline by the time you're 50 or you could be slick bald. As it stands you're worrying over nothing, just because your hairline moved up a little bit doesn't mean it won't stay there. If you're aggressively thinning/receding in your late teens/early 20s then you can be pretty sure where you're heading but otherwise it's pretty much just a guessing game. If it helps though, I had the same hairline as you at 23, now at 30 the corners have crept slightly inwards/upwards in the past couple of year so now NW2-2.5.

    As for when the "right time" is to get a HT I don't think there is one. Whether you're an NW2 or NW6 you're still going to start with the hairline anyway so why wait until you're bald to start? The only point I see is that a lot of young guys will go for a stupidly low and juvenile hairline(no ethical Dr would perform this) so if they lose a lot of their remaining hair later on they probably won't have the donor to cover the loss.

  6. 1 hour ago, TrixGlendevon said:

    But a lot more of the latter than the former and even the former are controversial. Why go through the stress? This is really one of those things where you really do get what you pay for. Stick to North America and Europe. A quick look at the repair jobs on this site alone shows you that the majority are people are those that have cut corners to save a few euros and gone to Turkey, Lebanon or India and have now ended up having to go to Europe or North America anyway for the repair job. 

    Yes there a lot of back alley hair mills in Turkey, I'm obviously not saying to go to one of them. That said, the worst transplant result I've ever seen was one from the US so even if you do go cheap(which again, I don't advise), it's not necessarily any more of a risk to go to one in Turkey than anywhere else. 

    There are good surgeons in Turkey too though. Pekiner and Keser put out work that rivals the top clinics imo, HLC are a safe bet, Asmed are hit and miss but have some excellent cases on here, Demirsoy does good work for the price range etc. Look at the size of the US or Europe compared to Turkey, yet despite this there's probably still only the same dozen or so surgeons that everyone recommends on here and most of them charge Hollywood prices. I don't have a horse in this race(I'm from the UK for what it's worth) but having lurked on this site and others for a while I don't think that Turkey is especially different to anywhere else, perhaps apart from there being more bad clinics on average than elsewhere - but again I don't suggest that anyone goes to these.

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  7. I don't know what to make of Asmed, some of their results look great but then others pretty shoddy. I know all clinics will have their good and bad results but with them it seems to be a bit of a coin flip. At one point it seemed like every Asmed case posted on here ended up being below par but more recently it appears that they've stepped their game up again. They used to be on the recommended list but got kicked off at some point, not sure if that was down to a run of poor results or something else.

  8. 5 hours ago, Guano said:

    To be honest nothing has changed, still looks the same as month 7-8, I'll try upload a pic when I can.


    And for those asking if they should go to Pekiner or not, my answer is I don't know. I'm not satisfied with my transplant so interpret that how you will.

    Have you had any explanation from the Dr as to what has happened?

    Usually post op pics give a pretty decent indicator of the final result and yours looked like it would be a slam dunk :(

  9. On 12/23/2020 at 9:18 PM, Captain Haddock said:

    Yeah, guess I just gotta wait now and see how they turn out. :(

    Is my case peculiar or do we have other surgeons planting the grafts the way I have recieved them? Could you please show me a few good temple cases here? I looked at other Eugenix cases and they seem to be doing the temples more or less the same way. 

    Perhaps one method doesn't fit everyone, with my hair though it's getting a little apparent as they grow. 

    I had been dreaming of getting back my temples for 2 years now. I'm praying they come off good at the moment. 

    The best I've seen so far is @Kraistoff's


    I don't normally like Asmed cases, well not the more recent ones anyway and I think he had some general density issues but his temple peaks are perfect imo.

    • Like 1
  10. I've never seen a hair transplant in person so can only go by pictures but here are my thoughts.

    To me a natural result doesn't necessarily come down to hairline placement or shape, even if you go for a high and conservative hairline it can still look fake. The transition between skin to hair is the most important part. If you're going from skin(forehead) to a block of hair it's just jarring and unnatural, that's why irregularities in the hairline are a must as it creates a soft transition phase. It doesn't matter whether the hairline is straight, angled, curved or receded, if it's too linear/perfect in its design then that's where it starts to look "off". Sometimes I will see a transplant result and it's almost like I can still see the line that the doctor drew on the patient's head, even a year later, does anyone else know what I mean by that? Another "no no" is when the patient has clearly thinning/receding sides but a strong frontal hairline, it just doesn't match. Also low density in general is obviously the other clear indicator of a transplant.

    I have seen guys who are pretty much entirely bald at the vertex but still with the hairline intact, it's an uncommon balding pattern but still a natural one so if you do get to that point in the future after having a transplanted hairline then I don't think it comes off as entirely unnatural(assuming the hairline itself has been done well).

  11. Asmed(Erdogan) results seem to be 50/50, some excellent, others not so much. I will say though that their donors generally look immaculate even after taking many grafts and their temporal work is some of the most natural I've seen. However, density is often an issue with them and it often takes another round to get the desired result. They also quote very high amount of grafts relative to other clinics and work on multiple patients per day.

    Pekiner imo puts out excellent work, especially in terms of hairline design and density. I have seen the occasional subpar result from him but it seems more like 90/10 in terms of good results, he also only takes on one patient per day. Only issue is if he doesn't like your donor he may refuse to work on you - your donor looks strong judging by your pics though.

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