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Matt greek

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Everything posted by Matt greek

  1. They all look good under low light conditions. same is true about transplants too. i prefer a more honest even if less flattering presentation.
  2. Try sending pics to eugenix in india, i ve seen some decent efforts from them with nw6-7s, it will probably involve beard grafts.if u dont have dupa or retrogade alopecia,its possible that u can get 6 or 7 thousand grafts plus maybe another 1000 beard grafts.all that can give u a nice coverage, u can hope/expect a semidense front half and gradual less density midscalp towards crown. U can later a year after a hair transplant utilize smp to add density.with realistic expectations and a very good doctor you can still get a good result. all that will cost a lot of money of course, smp alone could be an option for you and its the easiest less bothersome light maintenance thing u can do.
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