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Everything posted by Ab93

  1. @aaron1234I have been in contact with some doctors and they’re willing to put in a new conservative hairline. I’ve been quoted between 1400 - 2000 grafts for a new hairline and some offered to put some in the crown. I’m just struggling on what to do next. 😞
  2. @aaron1234 I tried it for a few months, tried different dosages but my body just wouldn’t handle it unfortunately.
  3. Thanks all for the input. All very useful information. In terms of hairline I’d be getting a conservative one as I’ve always had a forehead on the larger side. Everything mentioned is basically what I’m echoing in my head. The whole ‘chasing my hair part’. I guess I feel like I’m just wasting time waiting for my hair loss to happen. I don’t really want to commit to a lifetime of taking a drug whether that be finasteride or breezula as I don’t think I’ve got it in me to do it for so long. The thought of putting a hairline in place has crossed my mind but again I’m struggling on what to do next as I don’t want to make a rash decision.
  4. Hi @1978matt. Thanks for the response. I’ve tried 0.25mg EOD too and unfortunately couldn’t tolerate it and at the same time I don’t really want to be taking a ‘drug’ for the rest of my life which may lose its effectiveness in x amount of years. Also regarding waiting till 30 I feel like I’m Just wasting my ‘best’ years just waiting for my hair to fall out.
  5. Hi all. First time poster on the forum, been keeping tabs on the forum for a few months and thought it’s time to get feedback from others on what to do about my hair loss. Im currently 27 years old and have been dealing with hair loss since around 23/24. It first started with my hairline receding but over the past year I’ve noticed thinning in the crown and thinning all through out the scalp. Thinning throughout the scalp and crown isn’t obvious to the ‘standard’ person and you’d only really be able to tell if you knew what to look out for. Initially I tried using minoxidil but didn’t do anything for me and I also tried using finasteride but got side effects from it. I tried a low dosage of finasteride every other day but still got sides. I want to get a hair transplant done but appreciate the fact my hair loss won’t stop. I really don’t know what to do about it and what I’ve read is to wait for hair loss to stabilise and then get a transplant but I feel like I’m wasting my best years and the hair loss is really taking it’s toll on me. I’m struggling to work out what the best way to proceed would be and would welcome any kind of feedback. Attached are photos of my hair loss and donor area. Sorry for the long post. Big thanks in advanced.
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