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Cleverly designed

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Posts posted by Cleverly designed

  1. 2 hours ago, 5BetaReductase said:

    How long was each day? This is gonna be a great result

    I am gonna say it was 4 hours I guess, I didn't care to pay attention to that much. 

    3 hours ago, MachoVato said:

    Yes, it is well known he has a limit of 700 grafts per day. 

    Is he still doing manual extraction and stick & place for implantation? How long was each day?

    Yup, that was my experience plus a micromotor for extraction. 

  2. 48 minutes ago, Aslitarcan sucks said:

    Damn, he is charging quite a high price for Turkey. I do agree that 4 days seems too long for the amount of grafts, but at least he taking care of his patient (unlike hair mills who just want you in and out).

    Oh don't get me wrong, I wish I could virtually travel and live for free in Spain too, but oh well... Real life is quite different. 

    That aside, he deserves that money and so does his team ! 


    I am over the moon that I got the chance to work with him. Nothing but professionalism and kindness. 

  3. 42 minutes ago, MachoVato said:
    43 minutes ago, MachoVato said:

    Mashallah! I lived in Dhahran for 6 years. I had booked with Dr. Keser in March 2020, but covid cancelled everything. 

    Keser's hairlines are so good. It will be a great result!

    Ironically, I'm not from Dahran. Though I did visit the eastern province and I loved it. 

    Covid really did screw my plans too, thankfully things worked out in the end. 

    I have complete faith and trust in his abilities. 


  4. On 7/1/2022 at 2:32 PM, Aslitarcan sucks said:

    Very nice work. Keser is spoken about well on here, nice to see his work.

    What's the name of his clinic?

    I am not sure to be honest, but I believe it is derma plus or something ? If you Google his name or search here I think you might find it. 

  5. Greetings everyone, I have just finished my Hair transplant with Dr. Muttalip Keser in Ankara yesterday. 


    Background: So noticed my hairline receding in 2018 and started reading up my options, which most were not practical or satisfactory to be honest. I then discovered that people do Hair transplants as a solution, as such I researched the whole thing and looked up many user experiences. I decided to go with Dr. Keser due to his exceptional results, great work and aftercare. My surgery kept getting delayed due to my job and covid among other things. 



    Experience :  I flew from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to Istanbul then straight to Ankara. As you could imagine I was very exhausted and so the Translator (Fatih) talked with a nearby cab driver to drive me to the hotel which was recommended to me stay there, because it was within walking distance of the clinic.


    Disclaimer : the clinic is not affiliated with the hotel whatsoever. This disclaimer will make sense in the following part. 


    The agreement was that the clinic would provide a ride from and to the airport. On my way to the hotel on my 1st day, my flight was a bit late so I missed the cab provided. The clinic told me to go with a cab and the people at the hotel will pay them. To my surprise, the hotel staff asked me to go out, withdraw cash, exchange it to dollars then pay the driver... I was very tired, sleep deprived and in need of some rest. Thankfully, I told the translator about this ( who was shocked) who made them pay. Later on, Dr. Keser and Fatih went to pay them, the doctor himself went with him and gave them a piece of his mind. They started acting professionally and properly after then. 


    On to the actual surgery.

    It was decided I needed 2500 grafts which took 4 days to complete. 

    650/600/600/650 ( June 27th - June 30th)

    What made me admire and appreciate the doctor's work is that he harvests and implants alone, no assistants, nothing like that. He only had two nurses (Funda and Senem) and the translator ( Fatih) the whole time. Everyone was very kind and pleasant, I felt right at home and after I was told that he went by himself to the hotel to talk some sense into them. Any fears or doubts were put to rest by that point. The only thing that was hard for me is the anesthesia, it's a personal thing I guess. 


    Aside from that, I have zero complaints or concerns regarding the surgery.  My experience with the clinic, everyone in it and the doctor especially has been an absolute pleasure and I can't wait for the results!! 


    Pre- op: 









  6. 2 hours ago, ConnorCrosby said:

    The clinic claims that a cap should not be worn full days until a year after surgery. There is a significant difference between the clinic's advice and the reflections I find on the internet.

    Don't get me wrong - I'm aware that one should always follow the Dr's instructions. But a full year just can't be right?

    Oof, that seems a bit much 😅

  7. 8 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Two very different doctors, Dr. Keser doesn't use microscopes and does small surgeries. I would probably research a little more. As for the drugs, if you're taking oral dutasteride the side effects are the same side effects from finasteride but with a higher incidence rate. The sides include impotence, low libido, decreased semen, gyno, etc. Minoxidil has very little side effects topically, but some people do get heart palpitations. 

    Indeed they are! I really wanted to go with Dr keser. Him working alone and spending time much more time to do that is what made me try my best to get a HT with him but my work situation doesn't allow me much leeway and when I booked before, covid and government travel ban made it almost impossible to go to him.  


    On the other hand, I researched Dr. Rafeal a little less than keser, he seems like a reputable doctor and his clinic seems trustworthy from what I found here. He works differently but still hes the one doing the important steps in HT in his clinic. 


    Though Dr keser didn't recommend me the drugs, so I'm not sure if that matters much when doing HT.

    Would appreciate if anyone share from where to get the oral min🙏



  8. Hey everyone, I have been considering doing a hair transplant for a year now. However, due to how things are going I couldn't do it with Dr kesser which was my 1st pick and now I'm considering  Dr Rafeal. 


    I emailed them and they told me I need to get on these two drugs until 6 months to stabilize the baldness. 


    Any side effects I should be worried about? And where can I find them online if possible? 

  9. 35 minutes ago, Kaya said:

    Depends on your case. If you don't need more than 2000-2400 grafts and like to have dense packing (especially in the hairline) I would definitely recommend. 

    I have talked with his translator and sadly due to covid, it got on hold. Though from what I have seen of his work (your case and others) I think I'll go with him. 

    I'm mostly dealing with temples and some front hair,he suggested 2500-2000.

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