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Posts posted by illuminated

  1. ALL,


    An update.


    I took 1/5th Proscar daily for 3 months but noticed quite a few negative effects including some ED such as: much lower libido, loss of erection strength, no 'morning wood', greatly decreased ejaculate volume.


    Coming off 1/5th Proscar for just over a month has so far reduced the negative effects but not eliminated them so far.


    In the past 2 weeks I am experiencing a MASSIVE SHED.


    Today I tried massaging my scalp with some olive hair oil and you can see from the pictures attached how much hair has shed. Previously I tried some coconut oil and a similar amount shed then too!




    Post wash (semi dry) pics:








    Dry pic:



  2. Hi brentipold,


    Thanks for your frank post.. sorry I did not reply sooner, for some reason I was not alerted abou the message.


    I took 1/5th Proscar daily for 3 months but noticed quite a few negative effects including some ED such as: much lower libido, loss of erection strength, no 'morning wood', greatly decreased ejaculate volume.


    Coming off 1/5th Proscarfor just over a month has so far reduced the negative effects but not eliminated them so far :(.


    Online reading on the subject isn't positive for those who are suseptible to the side effects of this drug, however, I think it's only fair I take 3 months 'off' the drug as I had 3 'on' and then take it from there. I think cutting a 1mg pill into 1/4s would be a good idea after that?

  3. Hi


    I took 1/5th Proscar daily for 3 months but noticed quite a few negative effects including some ED such as: much lower libido, loss of erection strength, no 'morning wood', greatly decreased ejaculate volume.


    Coming off 1/5th Proscarfor just over a month has so far reduced the negative effects but not eliminated them so far :(.


    Online reading on the subject isn't positive for those who are suseptible to the side effects of this drug, however, basically, DHT plays a major part in testosterone production, libido and sexual function.. to the best of my knowledge.


    Althought your Endocronologist gave the range of 'normal' values, did (s)he not say what kinda values people tend to have and how you compare to these?


  4. This is a tough call.


    Prior to the HT I had read about ED probs but then I had also read that this was for a small minority of people. Dr H and the gang also assured me to try it and so I have, with open arms and I really want it to work.


    To be extra safe, I have been cutting the pill into 1/5th as best as possible. Obviously, some days the dosage would be higher and some days lower (because the pill is not scored and cutting into fifths isn't easy). I don't know if I can decrease the dosage any further somehow with it being still effective?


    Truth be told, I can probably live with the effect on semen but being only 30 and not even married yet, the effect on my libido and erection strength is quite scary at the moment. I am happy to continue trying Fin but I do not want it to be that after 1 year my body has become so used to it that even if I get off it then, the effects are much longer lasting.

  5. Hi All,


    I had a HT 4 months ago with H&W (Blog to come in due-course) and I commenced the following meds/vitamins:


    1. Finasteride (5mg split into 1/5th as best as possible, 1/5th per day) 1 month post-op; therefore, have been taking it for 3 months to-date.


    2. MSM 3000mg daily since the op - 4 months to-date.


    3. Vitamin B-complex (from Healthspan in the UK) for the past month - 1 month to-date.


    Initially I noticed semen to be more watery and much less in quantity. This was followed by a slight loss of libido of which I took no notice. However, progressively, libido has reduced and erection strength also reduced.


    I have written to Doug @ H&W to ask for advice but in the meantime I thought I'd post here to ask for advice.


    Also, at one-month post-op again, I also commenced Minoxidil 5% applied once per day at night. I was using this prior to the HT but stopped abour 3 months prior to the op itself.


    My immediate thoughts are to discontinue the Finasteride 1/5th I have been taking daily, keep applying with the Minoxidil 5%, continue taking the MSM and vitamin B-complex and see how it goes for the next 2 weeks


    Suggestions and thoughts welcome.

  6. Illuminated,


    Check out Stanley State Park and the Capilano Suspension Bridge. Also be sure to visit Granville Island. For pictures from my visit to Vancouver, click here.


    Enjoy your trip :)






    What's the best way to get to such places from my hotel? Cab?



  7. Hi


    I see where you are coming but I just don't want to create an additonal problem to go with my hair loss.. and it does sound like it could be a serious problem (ED etc) which I or anyone could do with out.. but of course, it's a choice to take such meds or not and at the moment I think I won't.. that might change in the future but not yet... at least not until I have talked to a HT Surgeon anyway.


    I don't pretend for a moment that a HT is a walk in the park or that my hair loss is static, but for now, I want to fill in what I have 'lost' as best as is possible and without horrible side effects like ED. If that can be done via a pill with no 'major' side-effects, then great.. if not, I am considering a HT and I'd like to have some recommendations of Surgeons who can perform such a HT please?



  8. Hi all,


    Thanks for your replies so far.


    Yes, of course, I must seem 'silly' to some on here for considering a HT when I have hair like I do which a lot on here would kill for. However, it's important to bear in mind that it has taken several years for HTs and associated techniques to have advanced to this level and a lot of people may have gone far up the Norwood scales to increasing levels of baldness in this time. It was only a few years ago that HTs were crude and a mess for a lot of people who tried them.


    Given the above, even those experiencing mild pattern baldness now no longer need to live with the stress, strain and heartache that the condition causes - hair loss is still emotionally painful whether it is at an early or advanced stage. Therefore, if I can have a HT now to fill in my thinning areas I'd rather bite the bullet and have that as opposed to extra years of stress messing around with concealers and medication which might affect my life and reduce my confidence (which is already low) in other negative ways. This does not mean I am nonchalant, it means I don't want to try and fix one problem by creating another which may have more serious ramifications for me.


    However, this does not mean that I am not willing to try pills or solutions which may block or reduce DHT and have little or no adverse side effects. For example, I have heard of Provilus - any opinions on this?


    Has anyone with a similar hair loss to mine (or with similar hair to mine) gone through a HT.


    Many thanks.

  9. Hello all,


    My first post here so please be gentle.


    I am nearly 30 and I first noticed hair loss at the crown of my head (or others did) at the age of 26 after my father passed away. At the time, I thought it was stress related and that it might grow back.


    At age 28 I noticed loss of hair from the middle/top of my head and so I visited my GP explaining my stress. He said it was pattern baldness and nothing could be done.


    Now at 29 I have noticed some further loss at the top/front of my head.. however, my hairline itself does not seem to have receeded (yet!).


    I have tried using Nourkrin tablets for 9 months, to no noticable avail and I am also using Regaine Extra Strength for about the same time.


    My family (paternal and maternal) have no record of hair loss at such a young age.


    Please see below some pictures of what I have described.


    I would like to know members thoughts on the current state of my hair and whether I would be a good candidate for a HT.




    Image 1


    Image 2


    Image 3


    Image 4


    Image 5

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