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Posts posted by MazAB

  1. I agree, definitely get on Finasteride and Minoxidil. If nothing else, it will help maintain what you have for a lifetime.

    Dr Arika and Dr Predeep are very honest with assessments, and Eugenix is quite awesome for those higher Norwoods for sure. Based on some of their clients, you are actually in better shape for a transplant. Maybe if you only had the option of scalp hair, you could be out of luck, but Eugenix thrives at Body hair, and they would assess that potential donor area as well. I've seen them get well over 2000 grafts from beard hair alone.

  2. Hi kirkland, This is all I could find.

    https://www.evisaindia.org/types/medical-visa/#:~:text=How to obtain a medical,to an embassy or consulate.

    I'm from the US and will be scheduling with Eugenix as well. I'm very excited, but highly discouraged with this lockdown. I'm on Expedia.com and can see that many flights are bookable from US to India, but I have no ability to obtain a tourist visa for India. Makes no sense that so many flights are available to India, but there is no way for anyone to obtain a tourist visa. How are any flights getting booked if it's not possible to get a visa from India. Not quite sure what I'm missing here and would love for anybody to weigh-in on this topic.

    This is the current site that I'm checking weekly to see if tourist visa's are available. Once you get to the site, click the Get Started button, and it will tell you that Indian tourist visa's have been discontinued until further notice.


    Maybe the medical visa is the way to go. I'll have to look into this a little further, but I'd be very interested in any of your findings.

    I've been researching hair transplants for quite some time, and have no doubt that you are making the right decision to go with Eugenix. Can't wait to have my procedure done as well! 

  3. Even if nothing else grows, I still think the new hairs will get a lot thinker from their current state. Both top middle and temple points should mature noticeably to month 12/13. I do agree that even with maturity, you need more coverage, and the fact that Eugenix will make good for you on that is a true testament to their professionalism. Most clinics that I've seen will force you into a paid engagement for a second procedure to fix the inadequate density.

    Love the monthly updates, keep them coming!

  4. Same here, there may only be a couple of cases with below average results, however I don't  believe those cases have progressed to the end result, this one included. I've seen some really really bad results on this forum, and in those cases not only did the density suck, but the graft placement was horrible and unnatural, which is even harder to overcome. The one thing about Eugenix from what I can see is that they have a true artistry to graft placement and design to give the most natural look possible. As far as I'm concerned, as long as a clinic is exceptional in that area, the worst case scenario is that you have to get a second procedure done to add more density, but NOT have be concerned with a true repair job and redesign to fix a botched transplant. Based on the photos, I believe that a smaller procedure to add density will probably do the trick here. Or maybe not, if you prove out to ba a late bloomer, hopefully the best is yet to come. My fingers are crossed for you brother, as I too will be scheduling with Eugenix as soon as this pandemic is behind us. Keep posting your progress!

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  5. Hey Melvin, had a question for Dr Predeep. "With the way that you run your transplant procedures, is it easier for your Senior Technicians to perform the actual implantation vs. making the slits? The reason I ask is that in your Comprehensive and Exclusive package, it looks like the Technicians do most of the implanting and the doctor is making all the slits. Just wasn't sure which process took more of a doctors hand and skill level."

    Sorry wish I could join, but don't have Instagram:-)

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  6. I the same. Wanted to book with Eugenix but missed the boat. From what I've read, international flights to India will open back up July 31st. 


    With that said, not sure if India would only open it's borders to certain countries to start, and if US would be a part of that. I'm not personally scared of the travel myself. If you are healthy, take all the necessary precautions, and limit your stay, you should probably be OK, but you can't go where they won't let you.

     I can easily get it done in the states but my research has also put me in a Eugenix or bust situation like you! haha! 

    I've been looking everyday, so if anything changes, I'll message you.

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