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Posts posted by SRK735

  1. I fly out to New York from Seattle in less the 24 hours,been living with hairloss for about 15 years,been throught multiple meetings with Hasson & wong,propecia,minoxidil,laser therapy(waste of money).


    Not a candidate for a hair transplant,as I am a diffuse thinner,been to some of the best transplant doctors and turned down.


    Been on proscar and propecia on and off for the last 15 years,spent stupid money on laser therapies etc.


    Came across SMP about 6 months ago,been looking at it very seriously,never thought I would do it.


    Recently,have been given an opportunity to have a session with Milena Lardi from Beauty Medical,thanks to Spex.


    This procedure will take place at Dr Fellers office in Great Neck,NY on Friday the 7th.


    Just really stressed about the fact I will be shaving off most of my hair,the hair that i have tried to keep from disappearing all these years.



    I quit smoking back in Feb of this year,for the first time I have the urge to pick up the habit again,I know its the stress,even though this procedure is not permanent and will fade within 2 years,im still stressed that it will be a huge change from my current look,toppik has been my saviour for 10 plus years.


    Wish me luck

  2. trust me,I have visited one of the top HT surgeons twice and got the same answe, I am not a candidate for a transplant....im going with SMP as a last option...im done living a half ass life...time to slam open the doors and dance in the rain

  3. Badbeat,feel confident hope all goes well...yeah i plan to stay #1 buzzed,besides work or outings I always wear my hat,to the mall,with my kid to the park,i dont think i have gone to the mall in 15 years without a hat..hoping this will change things for me..i know its temporary but if it works..it will well worth getting a touch up every couple of years.

  4. Well, with your hairline still showing, you're probably like a NW3 but the problem is you are diffuse thinning all over, even your donor area. I'm not sure you would be a good candidate for a hair transplant. Are you on meds? If not, you need to start Rogaine and Propecia ASAP! They can really help with diffuse thinning like this.



    You are right i am not a candidate for surgery,I have been on an off Propecia for 10 plus years,I am actually going in for a SMP with Milena Lardi from Beauty Medical on Sept 7th...so will see how that goes ..kind of wanted to get everyones opinion.

  5. Just got back from seeing Dr Wong at his clinic.


    My first trip to Dr Wong was back in 1999 when I was 22 years old,he told me then what he told me today 12 years later....no transplant for me.


    i am happy and sad as well,happy because its over now,I can put away false hope of a transplant in the future and move on with my life,sad because i will never be able to live my life the way i once visioned it could have been after a transplant.


    I have diffuse hair,thining all around,Dr Wong stated a hairtransplant surgery is cosmetical and that its to make your appearance better,a hair transplant would make things worse as the scar would be visible from a mile away,plus because i have diffuse hair i would not be happy with the results.


    I would like to commend Dr Wong on his approach with me,he could of tooken the 15k from me and I would have been screwed,but he didnt and I thank him for this.


    My hair has improved drastically in the last 12 years,I did give up about 3 years ago and got off Proscar,he said I was nuts and to get on it asap.


    I have been on 5% minoxidil for the past 6 months however,he prescribed me proscar3x a week,D3 and a Multi vitamin.


    With toppik my hair looks okay,but i guess Im gonna have to live with it now.



    Plan to start


    Proscar today and the D3 and Multivitamin.

    Continue with Minoxidil 5%


    Plan to lose 30 lbs

    Quit smoking and shape up things I have control of,will keep you guys posted

  6. You are not alone. I dream about getting my full head of hair back. My confidence, energy, mood everything went low over the past 5months. I am not working properly and slacking a lot. My advice to you is, shave your head and takeoff your cap. If you are hiding something you always tend to feel low. I heard people feel a lot better when they don't have to hide something.



    Sorry my friend,i do not agree with your advice..shaving my head would make my problems worse

  7. I wonder everyday,I wonder if I had a full head of hair my life would of ended up so different...I would have a different life,different job,different everything.


    I take 1/2 hour everyday and day dream of how my life would have been so different had i not had hair loss issues..


    Hair loss has effected my career advancement,my relationship,most importantly my self worth.


    Besides work I wear a cap at all times,even at home...I try my best not to go to places where I would have to expose my head.


    Its caused a burden on my relationship,I sometimes dream about a full head of hair and how much more positive my life would have been.


    Do any of you think from time to time how much life would differ if hairloss had not been an issue in your life?

  8. Hey everyone,


    I have my appointment set with Dr H&W's office on Aug 31st,i am excited...I last went and saw Dr Wong back in 1999,he said I wasn't ready and to go on Propecia and we will see..well I am financially ready to head back and see him...hope he takes me as a patient...Im done not living...Im almost half way through my life..want to make sure I enjoy the rest of it.


    Hairloss has held be back...hope this will change everything.


    Will keep you guys posted.

  9. Im a moron...i decided to go to a new barber,anyways he said for me to shave my sides #1 blade..sure i did...he left my top heavy..so I used some toppik and made it look even more heavy...so my niece points at my head..she goes whats that?she goes are yoi wearing a wig?


    I almost died...everyone heard....note to self need to keep the sides longer and dont go to a new barber.

  10. Originally posted by mattj:

    Sounds like you've been living with this for a while now. How far would you say your hairloss has progressed since you saw Dr. Wong ten years back? As someone with diffuse hairloss who can still do pretty well with concealers, I think you've held your baldness at bay quite well considering that the loss must have already been evident a full decade in the past for you to have been consulting with transplant doctors.


    There's nothing weird about gyno. It happens. But it might be unusual if it came on after 8 years of Proscar use.



    I would say my hair is about the same it was 10 years ago...not better not much better..but i do pretty well with concealers I think..my wife is the only person that really knows that i use concealers..everyone else who has seen me without concealers has thought that Proscar has brought my hair where it is today.

  11. Originally posted by aaron1234:

    Someone correct me if I am wrong. Diffuse thinning is when your hair loss is not in a typical receding pattern and your hair is thinning all over your scalp. This type of thinning usual contributes to a poorer donor area.


    I think you are right man ..thats what Dr Wong said to me back in the day..so i might be $hit out of luck...o well..I will get back on proscar and stick to my Toppikk.

  12. Originally posted by aaron1234:

    Definitely looks like you are a diffuse thinner. Not particularly sure if there is a NW level for one with your type of loss. Get back on proscar ASAP. Your hair looks good with concealers. They should hold you over for awhile longer. It's hard to say if you are a candidate for a HT. Get some consults with the best docs... and ONLY the best. And have you considered shaving your head and saying to hell with it?


    I will get back on Proscar..I know it sounds weird but i started to get gyno,anyways..Dr Wong was right I met him back in 1999 he said that go on Proscar and you will be fine..he also stated my donor hair is not great.

    He was good..just not one of those that wanted my money.

    I have considered shaving my head...but i am scared to be honest....


    Can you elaborate what you mean by diffuse thinner?


    Thanks in advance.

  13. Originally posted by imissthebarber:

    Non-concealed photos would help, also ones that give a perspective of your face to illustrate how much it has receded. I think you could brush it up just at the hairline and use a product like fiber that doesn't have to detract from density like gel can. (Gel causes more of a wet look which is more see-through.)



    Non Concealed pics have been posted in a new thread.


    Thanatopsis_awry had a great post about styling transplanted hair a couple of months back, you should check it out:

    Styling transplanted hair

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