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Posts posted by TorontoMan

  1. On 1/8/2021 at 9:16 PM, deitel130 said:

    Donor looks good. You look like you have no hair loss elsewhere so this 2400 should hopefully make you really glad you did it.

    Had a question about adding Dutasteride 1x a week. Was this prescribed by Dr. Rahal or your family doctor? Out of curiosity what made you add Dutasteride to your Finasteride regimen?

    Hey I’m sorry I missed this. I’m not on Dutasteride, I just wrote that I’m considering adding it once a week to my finasteride protocol, which is 1mg MWFS (4x a week). Currently still looking into adding topical Dutasteride, as I’ve been reading because of its molecule size and weight, it has a more localized effect rather than going completely systemic. Still need to research more about it but there are clinics that offered the topical formulation. 

  2. Strong donor.. minoxidil won’t do anything for you in the long run on its own as it doesn’t address the underlying issue. You’re still very early, I would try topical fin like you said, start slow and see how you do with it. I think a hair transplant now is out of the question like you said. 

    if medication could stabilize your hair, you could look into a hair transplant in 3 years minimum. 

  3. 14 hours ago, Deadpool said:

    @TorontoManthanks for your response.
    So, side effects are minor and it varies from person to person?

    Side effects are reported to be low from all the clinical studies done for both uses of the drug in hair loss and BPH. There is one 10 year asian study on 1mg finasteride use for Alopecia and the side effects over that time were reported to be low and a small percentage of men discontinued the medication. However, some users claim side effects may be under reported as often online you could find anecdotes of people experiencing some effects. Online you will find both examples, guys who say it works great for them and others who don't.

    I could only speak for myself by saying that the effects of hair loss, distress and anxiety, outweigh the minor chance of side effects. Being in my late 20's I'm fairly still connected to my hair and over time as I mature I'm sure my mentality will change. So far one year on I'm feeling fine and I believe its maintaining my hair. However more time is needed to really asses. I believe its worthwhile for every hair loss sufferer to try the medication for themselves, if it doesnt work for you, you always have the ability to come off. Start at a low dose and work your way up. 

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  4. 27 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

    Havn't taken any meds till date.

    But i was told to take finasteride for next few years in order to keep existing hairs and prevent further progression.

    Little bit worried about its side effects.

    Any thoughts on this?

    Finasteride isn’t intended just for “a few years”, it will only help maintain hair as long as you take it. There are members on this forum who have taken it for 10+ years. If I were you, I would try it for at least a year, that way you’ll know how you will tolerate it. Otherwise you will continue to lose hair 

  5. I really can't tell if you're being genuine, but you really should not be claiming that ppl should not be worried about hair loss with some random experimental home remedy backed by absolutely nothing with likely no results. Unfortunately there are people who would read this and think it means anything. 

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  6. Yes it sucks, everyone at some point experiences envy one way or another. But the pity party is useless. I have a friend who's somewhere around 5'2, but has a full head of hair.. He'd trade every last follicle on his head for a few more inches in height. If you have health, then do something with it.. workout, play sports, do creative things in your career and so on. As for your hair, figure out where you are right now, figure out if any prevention works for you, and figure out how far a good hair transplant could get you, and how you're going to get to it. After you've done that, you've done something for yourself in attempt to solve a problem that the majority of men will experience in their lives anyway. We live in interesting times where we could do something about it and that is a privilege if you ask the men who suffered with this shit before us (only some 20 years ago). 

    Stay positive

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  7. Been a lot of talk about Dutasteride recently. I’m wondering if anyone has 6 months + experience with topical duta? 

    or if you have any experience with duta, could you share how it’s been working for you, how you’ve tolerated it etc.. thank you 




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  8. Your family is not a great indicator imo. Family tend to try to give you the easier and more emotional response and tell you not to worry when they themselves don't have a clue with whats going on. It is likely that you have been slowly thinning over the last few years or so and you have only just noticed, this happens quite often with many guys struggling with hair loss. If this is something you've genuinely noticed "overnight" so to say, or over a short period of time, it may be related to something other than male pattern baldness. However as a lot of the members have come to understand on here, hair loss is due to MPB 95% of the time. 

    I would recommend you consult with a good dermatologist, trichologist or a reputable hair transplant surgeon near you. 

  9. Really great discussion. I wish I had participated more in discussions like these earlier, as I def chased short term gain out of the gates, and still there are days I question if my ht was to soon, or if it was too many grafts, or if I should have had It at all. I think that’s a normal contemplation. Someone mentioned it earlier that the transplant might offer the opportunity to go through progression of loss gracefully. & at some point you’ll come to a place where it will give you coverage in some areas and leave others exposed. However, as a man ages, and you begin to get to the 45+ years of your life, i Think it’s absolutely reasonable to accept the lower quality or conservative hair. I’m of the opinion that it’s still a worthy investment, even if for some individuals it only merely buys time. 

    there was a poster recently who showed what his donor looked like after shaving down, he had 5k grafts extracted. Maybe someone could link his name. That would be a good starting point to see what it would be like to exit from all this if you had to. I would also look at some of the large sessions, particularly on H&W website, and ask yourself if those results are better than you being completely bald. 

    these photos as an example are a definite improvement on this gentlemen. And I don’t think he gives a damn his crown is a bit thinner, he’s much more presentable now 


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