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Posts posted by MrClean58

  1. 14 minutes ago, Alphafit said:

    Wow only for one surgery? That beats my expectations for the first one to be honest. After that one more for the crown throw whatever I have left at it and i be quite happy to be honest.

    sides and back shaved, number 2 on top  is what i want anyway.

    Hey bro, I was the OP and am glad you liked my progress. I’m going back for my 2nd surgery with Dr. Bicer this September for the crown so you have the same plan as me. I’ve been very happy with my results so far and would recommend her. Just be patient with their response time and expect to have to book a few months out since they’ve become much more popular since the last time I went with them. Good luck!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 56 minutes ago, Mike24 said:

    Dude that's amazing, a really amazing transformation. I think we have a pretty similar pattern of hair loss and your result is exactly the type of thing I hope to achieve. Dr. Bicer is really on the top of my list right now but I still have more research to do. Also, she has no openings for about another year so I would definitely be open to using another surgeon if it made sense.  As you said, I think the hairline is really the main factor for me as it really does make a huge difference. 

    Thanks man! And Wow! She really blew up in popularity since I last saw her. Yeah bro, do your research. That’s the most important step. So many people were telling me to just go down to Mexico or a hair mill in Turkey ASAP but I stuck to my guns and looked up doctors for months. There’s so many people I know in the states that went to an unaccredited doctor that left them with scars or infections. My advice, go with someone reputable by 3rd party organizations, who only operates once a day, and arrive a couple days early in Turkey to do in person consultations. Dr. Bicer wasn’t even my first pick when I went to her office, but her genuine (somewhat motherly) care for how my hair turned out really won me over. 

  3. Hey bro, I was the OP you linked. I would definitely recommend going through it. It changed my life and I’m still pretty bald in the back of my head. It is sometimes annoying that half my head is still bald, but:

    1. You can use Toppik or hair fibers to cover it completely if it bothers you that much until you get a 2nd transplant.

    2. The hairline is the most important part to get covered because it seriously makes you look a lot younger and I don’t feel that self conscious about my crown being so bald.

    It was a big boost to my self confidence for the 1st year, but now if I shaved it all off and lost a little more weight I think I’d be just as confident bald. 

    p.s. I was rejected by multiple top rated Turkey clinics for poor donor area and Dr. Bicer made the most of what I had. I’ll probably go back for round 2 in a year.

    • Like 2
  4. Hello everyone, it has now been 13 months since the transplant. Below are the results from the 1 year anniversary and 13 month mark. I am very happy with the results from Dr. Bicer. Let me know if you have any questions!

    1 year anniversary ( sorry for blurry photos)



    After 12 months:


    After 13 months:




    After 12 months:




    After 13 months:



  5. Hi Everybody!! Thank you so much for all your kind words! Sadly, I haven't been taking photos of my month to month change. However, here is a photo of me taken earlier today almost 11 months after the transplant. I am loving the results. It has seriously boosted my self confidence to levels I haven't felt since before my hair loss started when I was a teenager. The great results I have gotten have been a key part in motivating me to lose weight and improve other areas of my life. You will see the photos for yourself, but my barber says it is one of the most natural looking hair transplants he has seen and now whenever anybody asks for a good hair transplant surgeon he has them reach out to me so I can tell them about Dr. Bicer. Please let me now if you have any questions.

    P.S. Please note that Dr. Bicer and I agreed to only transplant hair densely on the front half of my head because I am tall so unless I am sitting down people will not get a good look of my crown. I am using Fin and Min once a day to bolster up my crown and maintain the hair there.

    Now without further ado, here are the photos:

    Before Transplant:


    11 Months After:


    Before Transplant:


    11 Months After:


    Before Transplant:


    11 Months After:


    • Like 4
  6. UPDATE: It is a little over 7 months now since my surgery date and going with Dr. Bicer was one of the best decisions I have made in my life and that is no exaggeration. I am constantly receiving compliments on how my hair looks so full and natural. Even my barber, who constantly deals with questions about HT and balding in our community, has said that my transplant was the best that he's ever seen and that he'd like to refer people interested in HTs to me to see where I went. I have struggled with thinning hair and balding since I was 17 which led to body image issues and low self confidence in a lot of aspects of my life. After this surgery,  I finally feel like my age again, with confidence I haven't felt in years.

    As a side point for anyone interested, I was turned down by many clinics for not having a strong donor area (heartbreaking at the time). When I went with Dr. Bicer, she strategized that I load up the front and middle of my scalp with grafts as I'm a tall guy so I would have natural looking hair from the front and nobody could see my balding crown in the back. Evening out the graft from my hairline to crown would lead to thin, unnatural looking hair because of the previously mentioned weak donor area. So while the front view of my hair would look great the crown was left untouched and balding due to my weak donor area. To fix this, a month after the surgery I started taking 1 mg of finasteride and minoxidil foam. They have definitely made a significant improvement in the density of hair in my crown. Now, my crown looks much more natural and there is not a huge disparity between my newly hair transplanted hair and the crown hairs.

    If you are on the fence about getting a hair transplant and nervous if you can trust the doctor and their work, please consider going with Dr. Bicer as she has transformed my life positively through her work. If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Below, I will post the pictures I have taken each month after my Hair Transplant. Unfortunately, I missed taking photos during a couple significant growth months in April and May.




    April: N/A :(

    May: N/A :(










    August (Present day):747454734_August1.thumb.jpg.6f1779de8acef8b8da40ab3cc016f0d3.jpg




    June 3.JPG

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks Tbcruz! Yes, I was against FUT. I have experimented with a bald look before and really liked it. My comfort with a bald look is what gave me the confidence to have a HT with the thought that if I didn’t like it I could go bald again. So, if I did FUT it would leave a scar in my donor area in the chance I go bald

    • Like 1
  8. Hi everyone, I am a man in my mid-20's from the USA who completed my first FUE hair transplant with Dr. Ozlem Bicer in Istanbul, Turkey a couple weeks ago. After several months of nerve wracking research to find a IAHRS surgeon operated procedure, a clinic with only 1 operation per day, and at an affordable price I only found a few clinics that met my prerequisites. I limited myself to 3 in-person consultations when I arrived in Istanbul.

    All 3 doctors I consulted with noted I had a weak donor area on top of a very large recipient area (NW 7). Not very good odds for me lol, but since I have already tried the bald look before and liked it I decided to roll the dice and perform an operation if I was comfortable with the surgeons plan. 2 of the 3 doctors, while very respectable and I'm sure they would do a good job, recommended large amounts of graft implants despite my weak donor area in just one session. One of the doctors also told me that this was the only surgery I would ever be able to do because my donor area was so weak. Not helping my anxiety haha.

    I committed to an operation with Dr. Bicer because she far and away stood out from her peers. I have never met a doctor who seemed to so genuinely want what was in the best interests of the patient by asking what my concerns were, considering how I would like my hair to look, and most of all putting forth a reasonable long term plan for success. Dr Bicer was the only doctor who took my age into consideration and noted that my non transplanted hair will most likely fall out in the future as I am still young. She was also the only doctor to recommend a long term plan by not using all of my donor area in one session so that some of it may be preserved for when more of my non-transplanted hair goes away. I can then perform another session when my hair has stopped falling out in a few years. She is very methodical and forward thinking.

    Now comes the fun part - SURGERY DAY. All of the medical staff were very friendly, careful not to hurt me, and always asked if I was okay. The clinic's general coordinator and English Translator, Ozen, was very helpful whenever I needed a question asked to the staff and is still very quick to respond whenever I have a question over Whats App. Dr Bicer performed the incisions, supervised the extractions, and checked in every 20-30 minutes during the implantation phase. Over the course of the 9 hour surgery, 3400 grafts were transplanted with a very small mm tool so there was very minimal scarring. I was so comfortable during the procedure I fell asleep in the operating chair three times lol.

    I was originally quoted 3000 grafts for $4500 USD, but Dr Bicer noted during the surgery that my donor area was stronger than first analyzed so she did not charge me for the extra 400 grafts. I was very pleased with the results at the end of the day and it definitely exceeded my expectations for what I thought possible when first going to Turkey.

    It’s now been almost 2 weeks since the surgery and all the scabbing  is thankfully gone. Now, I’m just waiting for the dreaded shedding and long time for regrowth.

    Finally,  thank you to all of you for making this forum great! I have been a lurker on this website and a couple others and used it extensively to find the right surgeon for me and for post-care help :) if you have any questions about my experience please let me know!









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