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Posts posted by giegnosiganoe

  1. 3 hours ago, TorontoMan said:

    I agree with you that finasteride alone is most of the leg work, and will hold me for a long time. I just think that adding a topical AA is that last piece to the insurance policy, and I would start slow and evaluate what it’s doing for me. Fluridil is the one I’m leaning towards most and it’s approved in Europe, and CB should be fda approved sometime soon. But no I don’t intend on coming off fin, in fact the opposite I’m mildly considering topical dutasteride as well. 
    In your experience, has finasteride been proven to be enough throughout the years?

    Doesn't hurt to be on the safe side I guess, and I'm not sure of your family history, but there's no way I could deal with all of that unless it was absolutely necessary. Gotta say Clascoterone is pretty interesting though, even just as an acne cream (I have excess sebum production).

    I was on fin for 6 months and now dut for 18 months. Seem to have maintained over these past 2 years though it would be difficult to tell by eye even if I did have +/- 10% changes. Ideally I'd have had someone like Dr. Lorenzo analyze my hair microscopically and put it in his calculator. Dr. Rassman also has an interesting tool that measures hair bulk. How do you track your progress to know what's working?

  2. You've conquered hair loss my dude. So why do you still bother throwing the kitchen sink at your hair? If I were you I'd probably just take oral finasteride/dutasteride, and that's it. I definitely wouldn't deal with the hassle of applying topical research chemicals. Are you trying to get off of the oral DHT blockers for some reason?

  3. 7 hours ago, Haimon said:

    This is what I did yesterday, as soon as I use force
    I kind of feel like I'm ripping something out there and it's pretty painful too
    I'm afraid it's going to hurt, I no longer know what's better to leave like that or try by force

    What does your surgeon say?

    • Like 1
  4. You need to soak the scab. Try staying in the shower for longer, say 20-30 mins, and let the water stream continuously over your recipient area while massaging it in circular motions with increasing force.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

    Has the edema subsided despite continuing with the drug? 

    This something the chemist guy claims, he got all the sides eg. Facial swelling, tachycardia, head aches, yet they went away once his body became ‘accustomed’ to the drug? 

    Yes it has subsided, it was only for the first two nights. Nothing since. I'll see if there are any changes once I up the dose.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, qui bono said:

    They need the patient's permission to do so


    But does that explain why some doctors post results much more often than others? I suppose doctors who have a reputation of posting many results may have patients who are more willing to give them permission. But it could also simply be due to laziness, already having a steady stream of patients, having a smaller % of in-person post op appointments than other docs, etc.

    One doc that really stands out for posting results is Dr. Lorenzo: https://www.youtube.com/user/shubbapahte/videos

    • Like 1
  7. Lol, I also find "The Hair Chemist" to be a little unsettling.

    I don't think there's enough evidence for him to promote oral minoxidil so much.. I felt that Kevin Mann raised some great points. I'm also skeptical of his claims that you shouldn't split tablets, and that brand name is superior to generics.

    What did Dr. Nadimi say exactly?

    For the record I am on oral minoxidil for the past 2 months, 1.25mg morning + continuing with topical at night. I'd like to increase up to 2.5mg (perhaps 1.25mg twice a day) after another month and finally get off of the topical. I decided to get on it because I'm a diffuse thinner, never noticed any benefit from topical minoxidil, and it's a pain in the ass. Can't say I'm noticed any improvements yet. I did have side effects for the first couple of days - I felt tingling in my feet (pedal edema) when I went to bed (took it at night for the first month). Haven't experienced any side effects since.

    • Like 1
  8. Really sorry to hear about this. While there is definitely room for improvement, I doubt it'll meet initial expectations. IMO hair transplants can just end up as luck of the draw, so experiences like these are super important for people to be aware of.

    17 hours ago, Ittiaz1 said:

    Had the crown done too, but I am not even bothered to look at that especially as the front looks atrocious.

    Can you expand more on this? How many grafts did you have put into the crown, and how has the growth been there relative to the front?

  9. On 4/7/2021 at 7:39 AM, Style22 said:

    He makes a lot of great points.... I started Oral Minox a month ago. Having some second thoughts about being on this drug long term 🤔 

    Same here, 1.25mg/day to start off, so far so good. I really need the boost though, because I didn't notice any improvement from topical minoxidil. But definitely good to have an opposing viewpoint when everyone seems to be praising oral minoxidil lately.

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