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Posts posted by duchaine

  1. 7 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    If you’re on Finasteride then I would not worry about hitting the gym. Resistance training will increase your testosterone levels which will increase DHT levels. However, I don’t believe that it should be a cause to not work out. I’m not anle to tolerate a 5ari at all and I’m going to the gym. I’m taking 5mg of oral minoxidil a day but this has no role in blocking DHT levels. 

    We can’t say that is true.

  2. 4 hours ago, simbal said:

    I had a hair transplant 4 months ago and now I am watching new hair grow. It's a slow process, but it's noticeable and I know I have to wait. My doctor advised me to use minoxidil. I have a friend who has been using minoxidil for a long time and he told me that minoxidil is addictive and if you start using it, you will have to use it for the rest of your life. He said that minoxidil gives good results during use, but if you stop using it after 3 months, your hair will fall out even more than before. He also said that if he had known about addiction, he would not have used minoxidil. Is this true or is it his imagination?


    I don't want to unnecessarily speed up the process and can wait as long as necessary.



    if you workout, you gain muscle. When you stop, your catabolism increases and you lose muscle.

    If you take steroids, you gain muscle. When you stop, your catabolism increases and you lose muscle.

    if you use pain killers, your pain are reduced. When you stop, your pg increase and you suffer again.

    if you use minoxidil, you get hair. When you stop, telogen increases and Anagen is reduced.

  3. I am following the same protocol (higher duta btw and duta injections randomly, prp randomly and dermoroller randomly)  and this is the result is seven years.

    i had 2 minor ht just to lower the hl. Never had anything on my crown and middle scalp.



  4. 2 minutes ago, augustya said:

    Exactly even I thought so. But Dr.Sergio says and thinks otherwise.

    Aestethic medicine is science + marketing.
    Sometimes the docs need to say something new because they need to sell themself.
    Maybe I'm wrong, but his timing sound non-sense.
    If you spend 1 dollar/day, on the long run it doesn't matter if you get 5 dollars on day one and 5 dollars on day two or if get 5 dollars every 3 days.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Alex Grey said:

    I do not understand why would you say that—that you hoped they cheated on me 


    Seems like it’s not better to post results here as people aren’t friendly and supportive here 


    To most it seems it like fun to enjoy to watch other demise 


    so I do not feel posting my results here anymore 

    I supposed you were smart enough to understand that if they really used 5500 FU, your donor is almost depleted and there is nothing you can do.
    If they used less (as I hope), you have still FU in your donor that you can use for a future HT.

  6. As you can see, with such a small doses he recovered about 1/2 cm in the temples (we used a nevo as landmark).

    His temporal peaks were just vellus and now they appear thicker.

    a lot of small hair are coming out, even if they are still not visible in picture.



  7. 9 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    These are great results and a great example why medication should always be the first port of call before surgery. 👌

    I had a minor ht in Ankara 11.1.2024, with dr Bekir (I will open my report at 4 month)

    my brother was with me and wanted to book his op.

    the doctor was very ethical and said to take medications for 6-7 before planning an ht.

    from the pic, I can say that my brother saved 2000 fu for the crown.

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