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follically challenged

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Posts posted by follically challenged

  1. 17 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    I've been on finasteride for many months now and about a month ago I noticed that my libido felt flat. Up until then, even though I shave my head, I have noticed a definite 'thickness in my scalp stubble' and my crown feels that it has risen somewhat. I stayed with the medication for another two weeks after my libido disappeared and things remained the same (I was on 1mg a day). I then ceased taking the drug and my libido returned about two weeks later to normal. I'm thinking of going back on finasteride on a lower dose and if I have no side effects after sometime I will slowly titrate the drug up slowly.

    I don't wish to start an entire witch hunt on finasteride. However I am just asking for people who have had the same experience as I have and if by giving the drug a break found that starting it again (say a month later) at a much lower dose (ie. .5mg three times a week) found that the sexual side effects discontinued? As I am a good Norwood 6, finasteride will be a big part of my hair restoration once I am able to get to Eugenix to have surgery. Without finasteride I am greatly reconsidering going ahead with surgery. Many thanks in advance.

    Sorry to hear about the side-effects man but It's good that you gave an honest write-up. Still worthwhile to let people know what is possible and that it's not always 'just a myth'.

    Hasn't a couple of new drugs just entered the market now..? Might be worth trying...?

    I also heard someone saying the other day that they had tried Fin and it wasn't good for them so then they tried Dutasteride and had NO side effects with it... who knows, worth looking into perhaps. 

    But first of all if you're tempted to try again with fin perhaps worth trying the lower dose and weening yourself onto it 🤷‍♂️

    • Like 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, Parasol said:

    I have an identical twin brother that’s never had any surgeries, or taken any hair loss medication of any kind

    Fascinating. I would have thought he'd be in the same boat with you as to trying to do something about it...

    So I'm really curious as to why he never bothered with the battle... Are you both quite different in personality? I presume he obviously knows about your surgeries and regime right?

    Another reason i thought he'd join you in procedures etc, aside from the near-identical genetics, is the fact that....surely it must annoy him somewhat often hearing 'So...why do you look older than your twin brother?' 😅

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Hair Dr Clinic - Dr Arshad said:

    @follically challenged Many thanks for your feedback. 

    I'm not sure if we have any pics of the donor before it grew out but I definitely have a video with comb through. Once we've uploaded the youtube video i'll post the link here shortly. 



    Thanks. I look forward to seeing the video!

    And is he on finasteride to prevent further loss?

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 4/6/2021 at 10:34 PM, TommyLucchese said:

    Oh my god those before pics gave me horrible flashbacks, my hair was exactly like that.

    This is my result after Dr Feller. Dr Bloxham has taken over now but the OP here might want to consider him if he likes my result.


    I've seen this result before. Fantastic result, you must be so happy. Any difference in density over the years? Any intention to go back at any time for a top-up..?

  5. On 4/6/2021 at 10:13 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    @follically challenged

    Here’s a good starting point our full galley. We have thousands of before and after photos from all of our recommended surgeons. You can select based on baldness scale. Start looking for similar characteristics and then consult with the doctors that impress you directly from there. 



    Heres an example for Dr. Wong this guy has baby soft blonde hair



    Incredible. This is just what I was looking for: being able to deal with such 'baby hair'. 

    I always figured if i went with H&W I'd choose Hasson as i'd seen more of his results, but this patient's work now makes me question my original feeling...

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/6/2021 at 8:17 PM, j1mmy said:

    Fine blonde hair isn't an "issue", and those with finer hair most likely have higher hairs/graft which makes up for the caliber somewhat. If your hair caliber is under average, it is true you need more grafts in the same area to achieve coverage. That said, fine blonde hair is the best fine hair to have - least contrast between hair and scalp. 

    Contact some Doctors you like the results of that have had some patients with similar characteristics, they do exist. 

    Yeah, I feel like the caliber and density are both somewhat lacking in my donor area, but can't be certain til i've met some doctors. 

    Just waiting for the Covid shit to die down a bit and then i intend to start getting some expert opinions from up close

  7. 7 hours ago, mustang said:

    Thank you brother

    Well, it's 13 hair transplants I think and it will be 15 this year, 2 more to go.

    Firstly you have to consider that my first 5 hair transplants and my last 4 have been small procedures and I live in Europe so travelling was also less. Back then it was much more expensive (up to 7 euros per graft) but it was 500 grafts a session or so, so it was quite affordable.

    There were a couple that were quite expensive and I just sold my car, my belongings and did whatever I needed to get my hair back

    These days I run a couple of businesses and could afford without stressing over it.

    Overall I think I have spent about 100.000 USD for everything, all transplants, hotels, plane tickets, treatments in span of 12 years. That is 12 grand a year or 1.000 USD a month

    It's still a lot of money but I would do it all again and wished I had more donor left to do more. It's been the best investment for sure

    Super happy for you then! I sometimes do wonder what will happen to the average cost over the next 10 years so much competition and with turkey cornering the market.

  8. It's rare that i see truly great results of fine, mousey-haired patients. it's actually rare that i see ANY results of these hair characteristics. Perhaps because it is difficult to achieve great results for obvious reasons - more grafts needed for density etc....

    Just wondering what suggestions you guys have and if you could link any threads that spring to mind. Again, i have to repeat: i'm looking for EXTREMELY fine haired patients that are either light brown or blonde. 

    I have seen a couple from Dr. Mwamba but I'm now struggling to find many of his threads on this forum. So, any surgeon recommendations that fit that description are welcome!

    Thank you :)

  9. 1 hour ago, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    My advice is to stay away from clinics that do this.

    I've heard some clinics make you sign NDAs before the operation..

    It's disgusting that some doctors would try to gag patients, period. But it seems especially disturbing to me that they would try to gag patients BEFORE any results have even appeared.

    It just screams 'shady practice'.

  10. On 2/20/2021 at 9:26 PM, OtherSyde said:

    I feel I should mention that I only have moderate density in the mid-scalp with a heavier density placed in the frontal-most rows to give me a solid phalanx of frontal hairline density for people to see; I have, however, augmented it significantly with some good ole' SMP, done in late 2019. This stuff works wonders in darkening your scalp to emulate density, especially if you have a pale-ass scalp like mine that strongly contrasts the color of your brown hair.


    Before - you can see how thin it looks even with somewhat longer hair to try and mask my glowing scalp:




    And after - with density appearing higher even with shorter-shaved hair:



    And after I grew it out a little (3 or 4-guard I think?):


    Wow. The SMP result gives it a fantastic boost i think. How often do you get the SMP? Does it need topping up each year? Does it looks worse as the months go by..?

    All in all, great head of hair now!

  11. 6 hours ago, JohnAC71 said:

    All of those clinics are able to do excellent FUT. Hattingen are renowned for FUT in particular. So many FUT results on the forum from most of them. Hattingen seems to have more results on other forums. 

    I haven't seen any recent videos from Hattingen OR Konior in recent years.. I do wonder, is there a reason for this? Have they just given up on marketing..? Or simply don't need to..?

  12. 8 hours ago, TeacupDanny said:

    Very professional and very attentive to my expectations.

    I felt reassured when I met Dr. Resat on the day of the surgery and his team made me feel I was in good hands. The technicians made me feel I was in good hands throughout the whole procedure.

    Most importantly, communications between Ulash (one of the international patient hosts) and I before the surgery, encouraged me as well.

    He answered all my questions in a good manner and was very responsive to inquiries I had.


    *27 Years Old

    *Straight & Fine Hair Type

    *I started using 1mg fin. 8 months before the transplant.


    Surgery lasted around 6 hours in total.

    I'm very satisfied with the results so far.





    After 4 Months:



    After 7 Months:


    Looks great. Could you upload some pics of the donor area please? Thanks!

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