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the worried man

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Everything posted by the worried man

  1. Can the new E.D. drug cialis be taken while using propecia?
  2. Can the new E.D. drug cialis be taken while using propecia?
  3. Can the new E.D. drug cialis be taken with propecia? Any Danger?
  4. Can the new E.D. drug cialis be taken with propecia? Any Danger?
  5. If thinning started to happen just behind the hair line near the temporal zone, can propecia thicken that area back up some?
  6. If thinning started to happen just behind the hair line near the temporal zone, can propecia thicken that area back up some?
  7. Will be starting propecia soon. What can be taken to prevent side effects(sexual) Does arginine work. Is it safe to take viagra with propecia. Seems like the rate is certainly more than 2 percent.
  8. Will be starting propecia soon. What can be taken to prevent side effects(sexual) Does arginine work. Is it safe to take viagra with propecia. Seems like the rate is certainly more than 2 percent.
  9. I have 450 grafts in the temporal regions that may eventually become exposed as I get older. They are all 1 and some 2 hair micrografts. Is it possible to remove by electrolosis as they become exposed and hair line recedes. I don't mind losing hair or receding as long as it looks natural(not like I've had work done) This was a big mistake for me. Thay seem to look fine now but don't know how they will look down the road. Do not want any more HT's! Any advice?
  10. I have 450 grafts in the temporal regions that may eventually become exposed as I get older. They are all 1 and some 2 hair micrografts. Is it possible to remove by electrolosis as they become exposed and hair line recedes. I don't mind losing hair or receding as long as it looks natural(not like I've had work done) This was a big mistake for me. Thay seem to look fine now but don't know how they will look down the road. Do not want any more HT's! Any advice?
  11. It was bosley. What a mistake! I started to recede a little and totally freaked out. They took full advantage of my vulnerablity. I know now that there are doctors who wouldn't have looked at me. I do think that the doctor did OK work as I can't find the grafts, but too early to tell. And now I can't keep my hair as short because of scar. I do not want to have any more work! Do people make more out of the side effects of propecia on these boards? I am concerned with that. Other than that can I maintain what I have from propecia?
  12. I am 28 with some recession in temples. Strong forelock which runs in family. I made a mistake and had a HT 11 months ago. If you can believe it I had a total of 450 grafts (to the "high corners" temporal area) That was it! They were all micrografts (1&2 hairs) I do not want to have more HT's ever. Am I locked in? Will they look natural as I continue to lose hair? Can I buzz head with a 2 guard if I don't mind the scar to make top look more natural? Basically, caan I call it quits here or is it too late? Any help would be great.
  13. I am 28 with some recession in temples. Strong forelock which runs in family. I made a mistake and had a HT 11 months ago. If you can believe it I had a total of 450 grafts (to the "high corners" temporal area) That was it! They were all micrografts (1&2 hairs) I do not want to have more HT's ever. Am I locked in? Will they look natural as I continue to lose hair? Can I buzz head with a 2 guard if I don't mind the scar to make top look more natural? Basically, caan I call it quits here or is it too late? Any help would be great.
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