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Posts posted by Guano

  1. Hey guys,

    It's been about 5 weeks since my HT. All my transplanted hairs have shedded alongside my native hairs due to shock loss. The front of my scalp is still pink and bare, it used to way more dense prior to HT. I know that this might be temporary but I'm going back to work in a week and I need a decent excuse. Also, I can't wear a hat or beanie. 

    What did you guys do when you went back to work and What did you tell your colleagues? 

  2. Hey guys, 


    So this is the 1 month mark..


    I've suffered quite a bit of shock loss and am due back at work next week! a bit worried atm cause i've lost quite a bit of density at the front including some areas where I had hair but are now gone. I'm hoping this is temporary and i've also just gotten back on minox a couple of days ago.



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    20200215_090616 (1).jpg

  3. Hi guys,


    So after a while of lurking these forums and constantly debating with myself I decided to pull the plug and get a hair transplant. 



    Age: 26

    Medications: Finasteride 1.25mg daily, Minoxidil twice daily

    Choice of surgeon

    I decided to choose Dr Pekiner after extensive research online. I reviewed his results and approach to the procedure and felt that he was the right match. He performs the surgery himself alongside his team of technicians and only operates on one patient per day. z

    He is also a surgeon who has a reputable curriculum vitae where he has previously worked at the HLC clinic and also alongside Dr Keser who is also regarded as a talented surgeon. With this in mind I felt that choosing Dr Pekiner would be the right choice.

    The Surgery

    The day was broken up. In the morning I was introduced to Dr Pekiner and we discussed the hairline design, I wanted to maintain the current hairline I had as it had no receded much but has lost density. So, we agreed to maintain but to densely pack the hairline.

    We drew the line, took photos and began the operation. It was broken up like this.

    -          Extraction

    -          Implant

    -          Break

    -          Extraction

    -          Implant

    -          Break


    The operation took the whole day and I believe we finished around 6pm. By that time I was exhausted and ready for bed.


    Overall I feel confident with Dr Pekiner. He seemed like a genuine character, he was kind, friendly and answered any questions I had. He seemed like a person who took pride in his work and was rigours with each part of the process.


    The surgery took place on the 16/1. Currently I am in the ‘shedding phase’ with slight redness around my scalp. I will be approaching the 1-month mark in a few days therefore I will try and upload a photo for you guys to see what it looks like.

    WhatsApp Image 2020-02-11 at 4.28.16 PM.jpg

    WhatsApp Image 2020-02-11 at 4.28.17 PM (1).jpg

    WhatsApp Image 2020-02-11 at 4.28.17 PM.jpg

    WhatsApp Image 2020-02-11 at 4.28.21 PM.jpg

    WhatsApp Image 2020-02-11 at 4.28.26 PM.jpg

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

    @Guano they also gave me a discount if I would post my results but you have to really push Saide and Alex by whatsapp to get your pictures or you won’t get them any time soon. They have a patient every day and even work on weekends so sending your pictures is not really a priority for them.

    Ah fair enough. Yeah sure I'll message her and see what she says.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Portugal25 said:

    @Guano congratulations! Nothing like having a whole clinic and it’s staff dedicated solely to your surgery! 

    I had to really push Saide to send me my before and after pictures. She ended up sending them to me by whatsapp. 

    Looking forward to seeing your results thread! 

    hey bud! yeah it's comforting knowing that a skilled surgeon is performing your surgery. It is expensive, but it is well worth the investment. 

    Also yes, it's weird as i agreed to a low price per graft in return for uploading a detailed post on these forums which they haven't really bothered contacting me about. I assume maybe in the coming weeks they will hit me up.

  6. 2 hours ago, pkipling said:

    Congrats! In many ways, pulling the proverbial trigger and going through with the procedure is the hardest part... So now you just get to sit back and (patiently) wait for the results to come in. Looking forward to photos and a report of the day when you get around to it. 😎

    Yes mate, you're right. I'm happy it's finally done and over. I was just tired of constantly wasting all this mental energy worrying about my hair. But now (knock on wood), that is over. 

  7. Hey guys. So yesterday I finally had my FUE hair transplant done with Dr Kaan Pekiner. 

    I will be writing a full report soon. But what can I say, Dr Pekiner is the man. I will be sharing all the small details on the report and what is to come.

    If you have any questions, please fire away. I will attempt to answer them as best as I can. 

  8. 3 hours ago, LonelyGraft said:

    As a fellow minox user I researched this a little. Different clinics have different advice on this. Some ask their patients to quit anywhere Between a few weeks or even until the day before the procedure. Of course you’re going to have to stop it post op for at least a week as your skin heals.


    if you trust your doc enough to do surgery with them then id follow their advice as they have more experience regarding this.

    He would know more than me thats for sure! I'll just stick to what he says.. 


    2 hours ago, Egy said:

    @Guano minoxidil is a dilator vessel, your doctor asked you to stop the abuse of minox just to avoid making yourself bleed so much during the procedure so do what he told you.

    That makes sense why he would ask.. But again would he still be able to see my natives regardless? 

  9. I have a worry. My hair transplant is due very soon & my surgeon has asked me to stop using minoxidil 2 weeks prior to surgery. I'm worried because when I do, the hairs obviously shrink, making it look less dense. 

    This is only a worry cause I want minimal damage to the native hairs around the transplanted ones. I know that the surgeon will be using a microscope when conducting the procedure and would have the ability to see the hairs, but what is the primary logic behind it?.. if the hairs are still there, why should I need to halt my minox regimin?

  10. 1 hour ago, duchaine said:

    I've to be honest. My hair situation is good but my "deep temples" destroy my face...So I decided to fix the problem.
    Considering what I saw here, Pekiner is one of the best for hairline. The best results I saw for hairline were from: Hasson, Couto, De Freitas and Pekiner.

    Mines pre much the same, the hair isn't too far gone but my temples have receded & the front of my scalp has lost a lot of density.. 

    The only critique I have about Pekiner is that sometimes his hairline design seems like he puts a lot of doubles and tripples which im a bit skeptical of

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