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Mike V

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Posts posted by Mike V

  1. 1 hour ago, Mycroft said:

    You seem like you've managed to cut your hair pretty damn short at only month four despite going the FUT route. Looks like you're going to have an amazing scar, and with such great early growth on top of that...you have to be getting a lot of comments.

    Ive always done a lower fade and can continue to do it because the scar is healing incredibly well. Thankful I found the right doctor. Early growth is great! I’m super excited to start using the new hair for styling it in the next couple months 

  2. Hello All!

    I spent winter of 2018/19 searching for the perfect hair transplant doctor. I am 25 years old and wanted to take care of my hair before it got too bad where it would be even more noticeable. During my shopping around, I came across Dr. Bloxhams practice. I knew very little about the procedures such as FUT and FUE. After leaving his office, I felt so comfortable. The honesty and knowledge he had was incredible. Dr. Bloxham makes sure that his hair transplants look good, not only a year after, but 20 years after surgery. I absolutely recommend Fellar and Bloxham Medical in Great Neck, NY. I have a link attached with photos from before surgery all the way to month 4. I am ONLY 4 months in and the growth so far is beyond incredible. I keep my sides short and you cannot see my scar at all. I will update this thread at month 5 and 6 for anyone interested. 

    Dr. Bloxham- Thank you and your staff again for doing a wonderful job and being so honest. This process was seamless. 


    Any questions- feel free to comment. 





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