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Posts posted by Leeson

  1. Hey all, I know I haven't been on the site in years. Basically, I moved from Alabama to Los Angeles in 2009 and had work done in January 2009 from Dr. Hasson and just thought I should check back in and let you know not one person has ever detected I had a transplant and have a full head of hair. Just thought I should give HW a shout. Feel guilty not checkin in with my bretherens on this site after I went through 8 former TP's with other docs. Thanks Dr. Hasson.




  2. John,


    Your hair is fine, the flash can do weird things. It can make a thinning man appear to have a full head of hair and vice versa. Your at an age where you worry about lose and can have hypervilgilence. The most extreme move I'd take is what the others suggested and take FDA meds, but do not entertain the idea of a HT. Your not losing your hair!



  3. You are a NW3 V (barely). Even though you have no history of balding, hairloss has attacked many here with no history of HL. Meds will usually halt the progression. It could progress over 15 years or over 1 year (it can be quick sometimes). It is a difficult thing to predict. I started losing my hair at 21 y/o and look like I have a full head of hair and w/o avodart, I would look awful (That you can take to the hairbank!). I started propecia at 25 and avodart in nov. 2002 and haven't look back.

    First thing is to HALT your hairloss, then evaluate.

    BTW, I had no sides on propecia, and with avodart, I'm still fine.

    Like I said, you need to stabilize your HL then talk about number of grafts. Once you do, maybe 2,800 - 3000 for hairline and crown, but I can't stress enough about halting the crown. You should start (after meds at least 9 months to 12) with the hairline with around 2000-2500 and see if propecia regrows the crown, as I feel it will!!!

    Still wait until 9 months and see if Propecia help with the front before doing a HT.

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