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Posts posted by NeedaHT

  1. On 6/14/2019 at 5:53 AM, Shera said:


    I'm not really sure where to start here, I'm not sure where you are from and I'm not sure why you haven't made the effort to at least try to contact myself or one of Dr Bhatti's other representatives. For those who feel I or someone else should have replied sooner, Badresults chose not to go through me or any of my colleagues, he went to Dr Bhatti direct. Even now he has gone gung ho on this website using links and tabs to cause maximum damage to Dr Bhatti and basically all of us who have a connection with the clinic.

    Badresults clearly doesn't value mine or any of my colleagues’ opinions or surely he would have at least made an approach. So I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do at this very late stage once all the fireworks have been let off and no one invited me to the party. Perhaps some of you could enlighten me.

    I look after guys from the UK and some from abroad who contact me. Those that choose to go through me get my support and to date I think they value it highly; you can search for any complaints. I manage 2- 3 guys’ journeys a month and that's it. It's not my full time profession, more like a hobby; I get a buzz out of changing people’s lives for the better. There are many guys who have messaged me privately on this site and they know I've always tried to give my honest opinion and not ram a transplant down their throats. So a little respect would be nice, after all first and foremost I am just another patient.

    Those that choose not to go through me, I'm not even aware of their existence.

    As I've been called out here (thanks Kevin20), I'm going to give my take on this, I won't be making any more posts on this thread, if anyone wishes me to elaborate they can PM me. I'll leave it to Badresults to post the full story and you armchair experts can form your own opinions. All I ask in the interest of fairness is that Badresults presents the full facts of his case, I will speak to Dr Bhatti and I will have a read of all the correspondence to see if any other issues should be raised. If so I will present the facts only through PM to any of you interested guys in discussion.

    So here we go,

    Badresults, firstly can I ask where you had your first surgery?

    What made you choose that particular surgeon?

    What were the reasons given for the failure of your first surgery?

    Why did you not feel the need to name and shame that particular doctor and clinic?

    Also to get a clearer overall picture of your case, can you post clear pictures before and immediately after this first surgery clearly showing the implanted area and your donor area post surgery. This will help determine whether a pattern of bad growth exists with both surgeries and the donor that Dr Bhatti had at his disposal.

    Also, I'm not trying to be clever here; it clearly is another procedure where your implanted grafts have not grown out, that is not questionable.

    It is a good move to see a dermatologist and I'm a little surprised that you did not see one after your first failed surgery where any issues with your scalp could have been identified and addressed.

    Have you even considered that your first surgery could be to blame for your subsequent failure?

    Your implantation area certainly would have been in a worse condition than in your first surgery, this is why it’s important to see clear pictures of that surgery immediately post op so this theory can be discarded.

    You should have allied your expectations with the evidence clearly in front of you. One failure doesn't guarantee success in a second surgery regardless of the doctor, no surgery is guaranteed to work as you clearly now know. 

    Also, it could be that you are just not a good candidate due to your physiological make up. Maybe your scalp just won't take new grafts or is damaged from the first surgery. These are all ifs and buts but the reality is there is no straight forward answer to a transplant failure. Name a surgeon who has a 100% success rate on a virgin scalp never mind one that is in for repair.

    Another reason could be the technique and the surgery itself. I know some of you will be delighted that I've finally come to this point but if that is the case then how do you explain the temple points growing out just fine. That would clearly point to a problem with your scalp.

    The doctors reply in this case is pretty accurate, seriously what more can you do apart from go to another doctor and document your story from the start so we can follow it and if it doesn't work this time I guess you owe Dr Bhatti a massive apology.

    On the other hand if it does work you have a strong case for at least a partial refund from Dr Bhatti. I would be more than happy to take this up for you.

    And again, he's right; if it fails a 3rd time from another doc then there's no point in going on. Words I'm sure you don't want to hear but you should.

    To round off, if the surgery was your first surgery with Dr Bhatti then you would have a strong case, but as it's a total failure and a repair from a previous unknown doctor's surgery then it was always going to be uncertain.  Seeing all the successful repairs Dr Bhatti had previously completed and documented you mitigated the risk by going to him but it didn't work and you should have at least had that thought at the back of your mind.

    Also you say you did your correspondence all through email, the fact is you had direct personal contact with Dr Bhatti throughout and no third party. You were also free to skype him as many patients do. I'm not really sure what else you expected. You have tried to twist this to make Dr Bhatti look bad. It will be interesting what your thoughts will be when your "elite" surgeon talks to you through one of his many secretaries.

    To conclude you should go to that "elite" surgeon but you should be aware there are no guarantees. Prior to any surgery you should visit a few dermatologists and see whether they can find any underlying issue for the failure of nearly 4000 grafts to grow in 2 separate attempts from 2 differing techniques.

    I do understand your upset and I really hope it works out for you the next time.

    All the best.

    Ok, I guess this @Shera is a representative of Darling Buds and Dr.Bhatti? I just joined this blog and I’m shocked to see a case like this from a FUE Surgeon. Also why is @Shera asking this to the unlucky patient? Isn’t this what you’re suppose to ask the Doctor? 

    Anyway feel for you @Badresults. I hope those guys from Darling Buds refund you and compensate you for the failure. It’s not about money but we are talking about hair grafts which is lost. Shameless Doctor.

    by the way me and my cousin is so close to go for Dr. Bhatti, he in fact planning to meet Dr. Bhatti in Chandigarh next week as he’s from Chandigarh. 

    Now for sure we won’t even consider Darling Buds. 

    Good Luck @Badresults

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