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Posts posted by Namsak

  1. 🙏 thanks for the advice.

    I am not Turkish. I am french, living in the u.s. for my studies. I focused on Turkey because from what I've seen it seemed to be the place where both affordability and quality can be found together. May I ask you in what country did you have yours? Do you plan on ever cut your hair short in the back?

  2. TrixGlendevon, thanks man. You are right indeed, this is not the best thing to hear but I know it makes sense. It learnt recently that FUT is usually better for severe baldness and weak donor area, but man that scar...especially with short hair. I will think about it though. Also it's definitely something I don't want to do out of precipitation. I was wondering if paying more meant better. But yea thanks, I sure can wait if it means get a better care.

  3. Thanks a lot guys for you responses, quite helpful, I appreciate it.

    Fozzie, I just took the picture below which is a week approximately after the first ones. But even if my donor area looks better, isn't that kinda cheating? Isn't my real potential shown in the first pictures?


  4. lol. I can easily understand, and without judging by any means, it id not something for me, I would rather go bald and shave, it's just personal.

    But ILtrooper, you're bringing up a point I was thinking a lot about, and this is the question of higher price surgeons. Doganay is out of my budget right now, but could be within my budget in a year or two, after I graduate. So I have this dilemma, how worth it is it to go with a surgeon who charge more? Will I see a significant impact or not? I am not comparing with the very low cost clinics, but rather someone like Demirsoy who charges 1.25€ per graft versus 2€ I think for Dogonay. Do you have an opinion on that? 

  5. Thanks man I appreciate it. I actually have been doing that for the last two years, with razor blades every three to four days. I stopped shaving a couple weeks ago in order to send pictures to clinics. Are you saying that because you think I am not a good candidate for a HT?

  6. Thank you Fozzie. I appreciate the honest comment. Yeah I was worried about what you said, but was hoping that baldness can't go too far away from what it is in one's early thirties, is that just wrong? 

    I sure have naive expectations, and am irrationally driven by hope. I don't know, my expectation are a head full of hair with a natural looking I guess?...😅 I can't help it. Also do you have any opinion ont the above surgeons?

  7. Hello fellows.


    Hope you all are well.

    I am 30 years old and plan on flying to Turkey for a hair transplant.

    I have started to lose hair in my early twenties. I took Minoxidil for a while but stopped about 4 years ago. I think my hair loss got more severe during the last two or three years but I am not actually even sure. Anyways, after some research, I narrowed my list of options down to 6 clinics/surgeons, and I would like to kindly ask you guys if based on your direct/indirect experience and knowledge, you could give me your opinion on those clinics. For what it’s worth, they are all ISHRS members. Thanks a lot.


    Dr. Cinik

    Dr. Ali Emre Karadeniz

    Dr. Ilker Apaydin

    Dr. Acar

    Dr. Demirsoy

    Dr. Tayfun









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