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Posts posted by YoungGuy

  1. This forum has been a tremendous help for me over the years it took me to get my research done. If it wasn't for it, I'd have probably gone to Bosley. Pat, thanks for running this community.


    If PerfectFew provides some kind of backup for his accusations, great. Otherwise he's overstepping his boundaries.


    On the other hand, you don't want to remove all the bad seeds from a community, without yeast the bread won't grow. I wouldn't ban him. Don't forget that he's just one person with an agenda, any post he makes will be outweighted by folks who know better.

  2. PerfectFew was the eventuality of an Anomaly, which, despite my sincerest efforts, I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control...This anomaly is systemic, creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations...thus...came about...PerfectFew

    There is no spoon icon_wink.gif


    Seriously, is this guy for real?

  3. I wouldn't call most of the great surgeons being here luck, it's the founding fathers' foresight in creating a country to which the world's brightest would flock to for centuries to come icon_wink.gif


    You are, however, right in saying that folks are lucky to be living here, for that very reason.


    Still, I don't think location is such a big deal. The US is large country and many people fly clear across it to get the best care possible. The way I see it, flying from the west coast to the east coast, or from the east coast to Vancouver isn't that different from flying from India to the US, is it?

  4. Maeve, why don't you just forward the question raised in this thread to the "London office" and post the reply, if any?


    The question is not client-specific and so you have no reason to hide behind client confidentiality.



    How does the laser light therapy reanimate dead hair?



    This is the question you should obtain the answer to. I realize that you're just a PR flunkie and so don't posess any real knowledge of the topics raised here, but you claim to be in contact with people who do. Why won't you ask them and post here? Better yet, why don't you get them to post here themselves so that we can engage in a dialogue that can potentially benefit a lot of folks?

  5. I'm glad that others are getting this too. Not that I'm glad to see others suffer. Well, heck, yeah I am, it makes it tons easier for me! icon_wink.gif


    At least there's change in other places. I've gone from ~162 to 178 lbs over the past 3 months, and none of it fat. Be it the hair or the arms, as long as something is growing...

  6. I'd like to take a minute to officially state that the 3 to 6 month period SUCKS. It's when growth has started but not there yet... ya know? There's no uncertainty as to whether it will grow, that's true, but it's the limbo you're stuck in where you *almost* look good, but you don't. And a week later, you still *almost* look good. Ad nauseum.


    What do you do to take your mind off this until it's grown in? Is there anything? The first 3 months were no problem, but I constantly find myself looking in the mirror now and getting impatient!


    Of course, growing hair sure as hell beats watching it thin. So there's that icon_wink.gif

  7. I'd like to take a minute to officially state that the 3 to 6 month period SUCKS. It's when growth has started but not there yet... ya know? There's no uncertainty as to whether it will grow, that's true, but it's the limbo you're stuck in where you *almost* look good, but you don't. And a week later, you still *almost* look good. Ad nauseum.


    What do you do to take your mind off this until it's grown in? Is there anything? The first 3 months were no problem, but I constantly find myself looking in the mirror now and getting impatient!


    Of course, growing hair sure as hell beats watching it thin. So there's that icon_wink.gif

  8. Surgery itself doesn't hurt a bit. Yeah, the needle stings a little when anesthetic is being injected but it's really nothing. Like a mosquito bite.


    For me, the sucky part were the first few days post-op but you get used to it. A little pain never killed anyone icon_wink.gif

  9. You expecting one doctor and getting another is something that's extremely unethical & frankly, I seriously doubt any self-respecting clinic would pull such a stunt. Certainly not H&W.


    Not to mention that the doctor himself does the anesthetic injections so...

  10. Regrets are stupid; I don't dwell on "what ifs". If you're already on finasteride then you're doing what you should be and rehashing what you should or should not have done 6 years ago serves no purpose whatsoever.


    The only thing it's good for is indulging in self-pity, and there's a lot of more productive things ya could be doing with your time instead. The main one being figuring out what you're not happy with about yourself right now and doing something about it so that you're not tempted to regret it 6 years from now icon_wink.gif

  11. It's difficult to tell whather your hair is thinning via a visual inspection, simply because by the time it's noticeable, you've lost more than 50% of your hair there. This, after all, why HTs work - the fact that you don't need original density to have an appearance of original density.


    If you're picking hair out of the drain after a shower or if you have an unusually large amount of it on your comb/brush, you should probably get on minoxidil and/or finasteride; otherwise, probably not a big deal.

  12. Scarred, people are being more tolerant than normal because of that picture of your scar you keep posting. They feel bad for you.


    But do please stop being an ass; you're not funny, you're offensive. Folks are trying to get help & advice here.

  13. Heh, it reminds me of my stepmom who is a nurse in the ER. In the ER, away from earshot of patients, nurses & doctors refer to people who ride motorcycles without a helmet as "organ donors".


    The good news is, if you ride without a helmet 1-2 weeks after a HT, the pieces of skull they pull out of your brain in the morgue will have hair in them. Before that, they may not icon_wink.gif

  14. I had my hair shaved for a few years. Truth be told, it was convenient as heck and girls actually tended to like it (I got laid more after I did it than before).


    But I hated it. So I got a HT. I'll see how that goes in a few more months.


    I guess bottom line is, a lot of people did it and it's an aesthetics thing really. If you like the look, keep it, if you don't, don't. Others won't mind.

  15. As a disclaimer, scarred4life is a bitter poster who's had a bad transplant and has since made it his mission to discourage everyone he can from having a HT at all. Nevermind the fact that the majority of people who did have a HT love it and swear by it (I've had one just over 3 months ago and am thrilled thus far). These past 2 weeks or so I've seen him post on a lot of threads lately with a consistent message of "I had a bad experience and you will TOO, run!".


    Take him with a grain of salt until he gets over his angst. As you know if you saw "Analyze that", grieving is a process. In the meantime, listen to the advice of everyone else which is, for the most part, objective icon_smile.gif


    Scarred - I don't mean to belittle your experience and if I did, I apologize. But you have to admit that (1) in the hands of a reputable doctor, people who have done their research beforehand are overwhelmingly happy and (2) your posts are definitely tinged with bitterness. Perhaps taking a step back would be a good idea?

  16. DMG, you're most likely too young to get a HT yet. Think about what happens in 10 years when more hair falls out and you have the great, high school hairline with a huge bald spot behind it.


    The best course of action for someone your age, as a rule of thumb, is really to get on finasteride to arrest the hairloss and wait a few years to see how your MPB progresses. Once you have a better idea you can start developing a plan for hair restoration with your physician.

  17. As far as pricing is concerned, I agree that it's perfectly fine to charge for an attempt at the procedure, provided prior notification is given. It's fair and capitalist and God bless it, because we all saw pure communism fail and we're all watching Europe groan under the strain of incorporating too many socialist ideas into their systems.


    Someone once said that socialism is a great system - for ants. Of course, an ant probably wouldn't survive the FUE extraction process so that's neither here nor there.


    Bottom line is, as long as a patient knows that they'll get to pay whether FUE works or not and that they always have the option of strip, it's fair. No sense complaining about it. Whether losing $4,000 hurts the doctor or the patient more is immaterial. What if the patient is Warren Buffett? Do we suddenly reverse the standard? And who decides?


    No, as long as the patient books the appointment knowing what they're getting into, Dr. Feller can and should collect. He does great work and charges less than most anyway.

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