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Posts posted by harry1234

  1. Hello Hair restoration community,

    I had recently undergone FUE HT and now it is my time to give it back and post about the journey

    Short intro on my hair loss, I Norwood 6 to 7 person, baldness runs in my family no surprise there. I had FUT procedure done way back in 2014 after my undergrad leaving with a big scar on the back of my head. I was not impressed with the results  and also had to stop finasteride due to side-effects from finasteride . I stopped using finasteride after using for one year. Fast forward five years, and after losing much of the Hair, I thought of giving a try to hair system which became so popular In recent times. I had hair system for two years from 2019 year end to 2021 jan. Some of the issues i had with hair system were Constant thinking about it, sweating, gluey forehead,  and I also observed the hair system made the native hair miniaturized after one year so finally stopped using the system from then on. I then decided to SMP, for some reason even after trying multiple sessions, my fut scar smp didn't blend properly with my rest of the scalp and people used to easily tell i had a scar.

    After having hair system for a year with all these issues and previous failed fut and smp, I felt like there is no other way and It is a waste of time to even try to explore other HT options So was not following this website for years now. Recently 5 months back i logged in and was browsing And found @Gatsby journey very interesting. I could connect to him in multiple issues and he was on the boat with me and his blog inspired me to try HT one last time and think about another hair transplant surgery. I spoke with Dr Felipe and decided to go with him, today is my 3rd day of Post operation. A total of 10,851 g were placed. I had a thick beard, and because of FUT, I have very less donor area in the back, so about 60% of the grafts were harvested from my beard.

    Dr pittella and team are so helpful in making the survey so smooth. There are numerous Posts in this website showing how great his work is. I had a fut before so the pain and discomfort is almost nothing for me compared to it. I am so happy that I chose Dr Pittella as my attending surgeon. Thanks to @Digs49 for answering all my questions about the travel. you been a great help brother.


    My Before Pictures




    Day1 of the surgery , close to 5500 grafts were implanted from right side of the scalp and right beard



    Final Day 2, close to 5000 grafts are implanted from left side of the scalp and beard. totaling 1000 grafts are placed in both temples +Fut scar.



    I will post updates on this topic from now on.  Thanks to the founders for creating this website to talk about experiences and making every one's life better. I would have never known about all these amazing doctors if this website doesn't exist.


    Post op Day 3 pictures



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  2. Hello everyone, i really need some advice on deciding which solution to opt out for my hairloss , HT or Hair system?

    I have been doing some research on hair systems for a month or so and reading most of the threads on the hair system on this platform. I even went to Custom Hair salon in my area to get to know the pricing details. one of them suggested Hair club and i even had my free consultation scheduled for tomorrow. i came back to this forum to search for reviews on Hair club salon and found some bad ones. I happened to clink on this link to read the review but after reading the comments i am worried whether i am doing the right thing by going through hair system way or not?

     below is the thread am taking about


  3. Hello everyone, i really need some advice on deciding which solution to opt out for my hairloss , HT or Hair system?

    I have been doing some research on hair systems for a month or so and reading most of the threads on the hair system on this platform. I even went to Custom Hair salon in my area to get to know the pricing details. one of them suggested Hair club and i even had my free consultation scheduled for tomorrow. i came back to this forum to search for reviews on Hair club salon and found some bad ones. I happened to clink on this link to read the review but after reading the comments i am worried whether i am doing the right thing by going through hair system way or not?

    below is the thread am taking about


  4. Thanks for your responses in educating a newbie @grincher, @delancey and @spanker

    yep i will be visiting a salon for the first time for sure.


    i am looking for a hair system which is undetectable at hairline and offers good density in the crown are as my natural hair in the back and sides are of good density. Based on my research only skin bases in the crown area offers good density. is this true?


    the blogs that i read were originally written in 2012, not sure any updates were made to the other hair system bases to offer good density? does the lace base also offers good density?

  5. I have been doing some research on different types of bases.https://www.hairbro.com/different-hair-replacement-system-base-type-guides


    Lace front skin base looks interesting as it offers both undetectability and density. Wanted to if anyone have tried or came to know about this particular base. any insight on comfort level/sweat rate with this base, is appreciated

  6. Thanks grincher.

    not sure what you meant by DIY? is it mandatory that i have to shave my existing hair to apply the hair system? will the shaved hair below the hair system grows back once we stop using the hair system or will it be dead and doesnt grow back permanantely due to lack of ventilation. I just want to know all the things before i do some thing thats not reversible.


    Moreover i stay in Tampa, florida, united states do you have any recommendation over here about salons or suppliers

  7. Hi everyone,

    i had hair transplant 2 years back but it didn't go as i expected and am having to much hair loss recently. I am thinking to consider the Hair system option and want to pro's and cons of it along with pricing in detail.

    could someone guide me

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