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Posts posted by LonelyGraft

  1. I dunno if Rahal is still the hairline king but I do know his patient coordinator named Aaron Bugayong with the Filipino accent was hands down the most annoying person I have ever dealt with at a ht doctors office. He would call me in the middle of the afternoon during work hours and if I didn’t answer he would dial again and again. He would leave the same voicemail message for me and even called me by the wrong name once. This was all before I had even scheduled an appointment for a consultation. Then he would follow up with a cut and paste email telling me “WE WONT GIVE UP ON YOU WE WANT TO HELP YOU GET YOUR HAIR BACK.” 


    Horrible aggressive marketing strategy



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  2. I’m 2 months post op and sent an update to my clinic. They noted some stubble left on my transplanted area and said they must be rubbed off as they are lingering telogen hairs and may impede future growth. I let them know I have been showering daily and rubbing the area to no avail. I asked if it was ok to use tweezers to pull them out lightly and they said it’s ok.


    Most of them would come out with light pulling with tweezers but I noticed some nearby vellous hairs come out with them. The vellous hairs had very small white ends on them. My question is were these additional vellous hairs newly growing hairs from my transplanted grafts or old miniaturized hairs? Did I just eff up hard?

  3. 1 hour ago, JeanLDD said:

    The guy was spam posting dishonest fearmongering on every Erdogan thread, making misleading and outright false statements trying to convince people and newcomers to avoid the clinic, posting negative comments on every Erdogan thread he could find, convincing people who refused to prove they had surgery with Erdogan or provide pics to complain and saying ludicrous things like that people only saw good results of Erdogan while researching him because of his marketing department somehow magically manipulating the entire internet. If he did this against a US clinic as a US citizen he'd probably get sued.

    The forum is supposed to be a helpful resource to newcomers and people researching for hair transplants. Spam posting false or misleading information in every thread possible on a daily basis is not helpful, nor is lying to people to people about realistic expectations.  His result isn't acceptable but its one of few in over 50 very strong results online in the past 18 months and no surgeon has a perfect track record. I've seen more bad Cooley and Feriduni results lately than those from ASMED and NO ONE has complained about them, despite the fact they have significantly less patient posted results in general. It's unrealistic PERIOD to act as if a clinic is poor because it has a bad mediocre result. ASMED even offered a touchup to a guy here who has trashed them online for over 2 years while 95% of people in the thread where he posted his results said it appeared successful. There aren't many businesses offering $5000+ services to those who trash them with unrealistic complaints online for 2 years.

    You saw the Hasson thread with the poor result and obviously Dutchie springs to mind as another of his dud cases, does that mean it is acceptable for someone to spam post on everything HnW thread that they're only in it for the money and are performing bad work? That would be ridiculous, and it would be misleading against a clinic that does great work and wants the best for its patients. It also paints an unrealistic portrait of surgery that every result can be a home-run.  It wouldn't be helpful for newcomers or help them make informed decisions. Unfortunately convincing people through fearmongering works, even when its dishonest.

    I personally agree with the majority of what you say and think you're a good poster, but you ought to use your head more than your feelings more on issues like this. Do you think a mudslinging free for all with people who CLEARLY don't understand or refuse to accept facts, making misleading, fear invoking claims on on every thread about a surgeon and PMing people to complain and stoke the fires further is helping anyone make informed decisions or make this forum better?  Of course it doesn't.  Yes the mods are more conservative in their assertions and approach than someone like yourself but they're also running business that is designed to support and bring a system of realistic accountability to surgeons, they are overall very lenient and fair in terms of what people can say. No patient, or doctor benefits from a system where a single poster can go off the rails making stupid and misleading comments in every place possible, drowning out any rational, intelligent discourse and cry "so you're saying we can't state our honest opinion?" You can do so even with harsh criticism without misleading people, spamming and being a troll.

    Mind linking us to these bad Cooley and feriduni results? I’ve looked and can’t find any 

  4. From what I’ve read, male pattern baldness is progressive, as in once it starts it continues. At that point it’s your genes that dictates how fast or slow you will lose hair. Your genes also dictate your level of hair loss and what Norwood you will stabilize at. I’ve been on hair loss forums for many years and read a few stories where people talk about their relatives that lost hair relatively early and became a Norwood 2 or 3 and kept that for many years.


    personally, I think the best way to see what your Norwood destiny is would be to take a look at your relatives (father brothers uncles grandfathers etc) and see what kind of patterns there are and which you resemble the most to give you a rough idea of where you’re headed.


    with that said, treatments can slow/delay and in a lucky population stop progression of hair loss so look into that as well.

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  5. Dutasteride is one of those drugs where on paper it outperforms finasteride. However, after browsing hair loss forums for 13 years I’ve seen only a few cases where people benefited more from dut after trying fin. But that’s not saying much since that’s all anecdotal.


    ive tried dut roughly 3 different times in the last 6 years or so and I can’t say it did any better than fin for me. I started losing ground on fin after about 5 years. However dut gave me more sude effects- it threw my Hormonal blood test results off on a few measurements. I haven’t retested since dropping it roughly 7 months ago. Again., sides differ with everybody and just because I experienced them doesn’t mean someone else will.

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