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Posts posted by Squidward

  1. So yes I understand that a hair transplant is the illusion of density. My question is, if my hair is calculated at 75 per cm2 and i get a hair transplant at 50 per cm2 then shouldn't my hair appear pretty much the same as native, as from everything I've heard, you need to have less than half your native density for the naked eye to even tell that hair is being lost

  2. So what is the common census on when the shed can start post operation? What is the earliest one could expect shedding to occur, I have read so many different things, from a week, or two weeks, to when crusts are removed (its at this part that I've read a lot of people freaking out, but should only worry if there was blood involved), to a month after, just curious!

  3. Im not continuing to bald no, but I have already balded, it was just very early in life, 14 years ago, I would still call it a receded hairline, not a mature hairline, but to each his own, i prefer the sound of mature hairline lol, but the recession is further back than what I prefer to have, I have pictures on here if you care to take a look, but nonetheless, it is what it is, good luck!

  4. Yeah that I'm not sure about, nobody in either side of my family has experienced crown loss, just a very early in life receding hairline that stops at a point, for me I've had the same hair since about 18 years old, my dad said his was the same way, and I can see both of my uncles were the same way, as well as my pap, who had more similar hair characteristics to mine being thick and curly

  5. I dont know if it's odd or not, but everyone in my family recedes to a norwood 2/3 very early around the age of 16-18 and we all have kept our remaining hair, my grandfather that passed at 74, and my uncle who just passed at 63 never receded past a 3, but the age where recession happened was extremely early. I dont know if that shed's any light or not, but every male in my family is like that. I can't really speak of my mom's side as there is virtually no recession in my mothers side, but I as well have gotten my fathers side, I was 15/16 and I rapidly receded to a 2/3 and I am 30 now and my hair hasn't changed a bit and if family history is to guage the future, I will not have any serious further recession.

  6. So everyone obviously wants their transplant to be nice and dense, but when is dense packed, well too dense? So in my consults I have come to terms that in the US, 50 grafts per cm2 is a dense packed hairline, but in places like turkey, I see they are going for 70+ in cases, while some yield good results, I cant help but to think this may be the reason that people are becoming disappointed in their results. When its about graft survival most of the US doc's I have spoken with say that beyond 50 you are suffocating the grafts from proper blood flow and they are dying. The Dr's are very reluctant to go beyond this mark most of the time as I have asked if they could do even 60, they fear for survival of the grafts. The work always looks very clean, atleast what I say from these turkish dr's but could it be too dense packed and starving the grafts of blood flow? I know that everyone reacts differently and there are some who get these mega packed and have outstanding results, but lately I have been seeing a lot of disappointed people and it just makes me a bit curious. If you go for one session at 50 grafts per cm2 , do you risk losing those grafts if you try to pack in more grafts in another session?

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    These are my pictures, my hair is wet out of the shower straight under the bathroom light and flash, The results I have seen from Dr. Cinik here, and on the international forums have been really good, and though they are few, Nadimi's results that I have seen have been great, plus she is Konior's student, and she does each graft extracted then implanted. I have been to a few Dr's for in person consultations as well after a reviewer thought I might have miniaturization on top but I have been clarified that I do not have any miniaturization, it is just the flash and the lighting of the bathroom with wet hair, no doctor's have yet to recommend me start on propecia as they have said my hair that I have looks very healthy, however, $10 a graft is just not in my price range. I have thought that Dr. Cinik's results have been very good, which why I had him as one of my prospects and the e-mails have been consistent, informative and quick in response. Nadimi' as well has been very helpful and she does seem very knowledable on what she is doing, furthermore every result I have seen from her it looks as though pretty much every graft has grown and that in itself is important, but like always very open to input!

  8. So I have narrowed down my search to these two Dr's. I have seen work I like from both of them. Yes, I would be saving a lot of money with Dr. Cinik, but with Nadimi I would be the only patient and her place and stick method with manual punch seems to be a good option. They both seem to be producing very good results. What I am asking for is if any patients that have had these Dr's that may not have posted or possibly something that I've missed (I've been scanning forums like a madman) Personally reach out to me with your experiences BAD OR GOOD because I am trying to get as most in depth as I can before I make my decision, its been about a year, year and a half in the search and after my skype and possibly in person meeting with Nadimi later this month, I will be booking with one of the two, thanks so much forum has been much help!

  9. It seems like nobodly wants to really speak up about the method of inserting the grafts into the recipient site for the Western Dr's here, I'm going to message them each individually, but I'm pretty sure they mostly use foreceps, though I am surprised with how active some of these members are who have had procedures, and as many views as this post has had that people are reluctanct to comment, however, A few e-mails will clarify. If results are being produced consistently, I dont think the method really matters.

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