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Posts posted by SWdan

  1. 10 hours ago, jimcraig152 said:

    Any patient with MHTA should be given the white glove treatment and not have to be the BFF of a hair loss forum moderator to get that treatment.


    I don't know anybody on this forum personally. Dr. Diep never asked me if I knew anybody on this forum.  I feel he and his staff gave me the same good service they would give anybody. 


  2. Dr. Diep performed my FUT Feb. 2018. I was very impressed with how professional everyone treated me.  As for my results, well I couldn't be happier. Doctors are humans.  And everyone's head of hair is different, so I don't see how people can expect a perfect HT every time. I think Dr. Diep's results are up there with the best of them. I looked at literally hundreds of his YT video's before choosing him, and for me, I feel I made the correct choice. I wouldn't hesitate to go to him again.  I posted my story on this forum, (I'm not sure where to find it-but it's here somewhere). 



    • Like 2
  3. Scar looks real good. Hey, I wonder if Dr. Diep has changed the way he does things. Two years ago, Jenny brought me in a small cup with 7 or 8 pills in it. Within 30 minutes I was out. I barely remember being woke up for lunch then more pills. Awake the last hour or so as they were finishing up.  I had zero pain. (FUT) Since I had to fly from San Jose to NM, I wore a very loose fitting ball cap during the trip.  Not too much discomfort the next few days...maybe I got lucky, but it took six months for the numbness to subside. I wish I had been close enough to go to his office for the suture removal. 

    I think your HT is going to turn out great. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Looks awesome man, hard to believe you're in your 60s. Seriously what's your secre? 

    Thanks again Melvin. I do get comments from people when they find out I'm 66. The HT helps of course, but the only thing I can think of is despite growing up in the sixties, I've never smoked or done any drugs. I really think if you hit that stuff hard it ages you. 

    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, 202 said:

    New to this site not to hair transplant surgery. Was considering FUE. Had 2 FUTs in the past. I’m older and more conservative. If I was younger with more balls than brains (as most men are when young). I would have likely chosen FUE. Thanks Dr Feller for reinforcing my choice to go with another FUT. Less risk. Less damage to donor site. Less money. I’m glad your voice is out there. Internet was not around when I had my first 2 procedures. Just my 2 cents. 

    When Bosley did my first FUT in 1992 (yikes-those plugs), they didn't offer FUE. Not sure if anyone did because I didn't have internet until 1995. Thankfully my FUT with Dr. Diep in Feb. 2018 camouflaged them...they're gone. He gave me a great natural looking hairline, best thing I've ever done for myself. 
    But that FUT looked ghastly for about six months. Can barely see the scar now. 

  6. When I had Dr. Diep do my FUT I had to have my local Dr. remove the stitches because I live in New Mexico. 
    It was 14 days before I had all the blood clotting cleaned out, and he could do it.  My scar is very thin and not easy to see.  98% of my shock loss grew back in. 
    My question is, how many days passed before you had the stitches removed..? I'm no Dr., but if they were removed too soon, could that have caused the scar to widen..?

  7. On 8/24/2019 at 2:06 AM, shookwon33 said:



    Hey guys this was taken at 2 months and 3 weeks. I definitely have a lot of growth happening thin and peach fuzz growing especially on the corners and sides of the hairline. Looks very promising honestly. Middle of the hairline isnt seeing as much peach fuzz but Im sure it will come in within the next month for sure. Exciting times are ahead I hope! :))))

    Coming along great.

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  8. On 8/13/2019 at 12:11 PM, LordBaldwin said:

    See, here's the thing, though.  There's a major difference between coming onto someone's thread in an attempt to provide support (since, as we all know, hair restoration is a stressful journey) and joining in the conversation with inflammatory language to make them feel worse.  Kraistoff was uncertain and needed support and guidance...not for anyone else to use his result as a prop to bash a clinic against which they have a personal vendetta (these people know who they are).  Obviously, we should be honest, but there are constructive ways of telling the truth that show sensitivity to the struggles of the individual/OP.  The old saying "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" seems to apply.  Basic rule of thumb?  Use the same social skills you'd use if you were talking to the person face-to-face.  If someone's result looks good to you, tell them, as I'm sure they'd appreciate it.  If they don't look good to you, stay quiet and only make this opinion known if the OP asks for it (and do it in a way that's helpful, like a suggestion about how to improve the situation); for the purposes of determining whether or not a clinic is outputting good results, let the pictures speak for themselves.  If people on this thread had been more sensitive to Kraistoff's needs and not their own, he wouldn't be asking to leave. 

    I feel the exact same way. Well said.

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