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Everything posted by helpwithhair

  1. Hi, I am at the 6 month mark now and have seen very little growth at this point. I have had 3 successful surgeries before, one of those with the same DR,and the hair grew in great the first time. It seems the hair just isn't coming in like before. Any insight? This is my first crown surgery. Does the crown grow more slowly?
  2. Hi, I am at the 6 month mark now and have seen very little growth at this point. I have had 3 successful surgeries before, one of those with the same DR,and the hair grew in great the first time. It seems the hair just isn't coming in like before. Any insight? This is my first crown surgery. Does the crown grow more slowly?
  3. Did the Dr. give you a free session or did you go to another one?
  4. I have had 4 strip surgeries. 1st was 6 years ago. 700 2nd was 5 years ago 800 3rd was 1.5 years ago 1300 4th was in Aug 2003 1500 the last 2 were ear to ear. According to my Dr. I have another strip left and that's it!! Now granted, I would have never taken this course if I could go back! I would have had 2 sessions of 2500 grafts!
  5. I visited my Dr. yesterday at the 6th month mark and he was very surprised with the lack of growth at this point. This is my 4th HT. The first 3 grew in great by month 6 and the same dr. did my last one with great results. Any insight???
  6. I visited my Dr. yesterday at the 6th month mark and he was very surprised with the lack of growth at this point. This is my 4th HT. The first 3 grew in great by month 6 and the same dr. did my last one with great results. Any insight???
  7. Hi gang, Just had HT and have moderate growth in crown. Which concealer would be the best to cover the crown? Everyone it seems has favorite.
  8. Hi gang, Just had HT and have moderate growth in crown. Which concealer would be the best to cover the crown? Everyone it seems has favorite.
  9. Anyone use it? How is it against toppik?
  10. Anyone use it? How is it against toppik?
  11. Thank you for the post. I just had 1500 grafts and they are sprouting in now and I do have some coverage but not thick. Which concealer would work best for hair that is sparse?
  12. Does this stuff come off on pillows and such? Does it come off if someone were to touch my head? I keep thinking it will stain everything including my shower. How much hair do you need for it to work? I need crown cover only.
  13. I was just about to ask this. I am 6 months post-op just crown is thin. I wear a piece in the back but would like to transition out into the concealer until desired growth is achieved. So dermmatch is best?
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